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N U M B E R 8

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C e l e b r at i n g S h av u o t at K iTuesday, June 3, 8:00 p.m. - Consecration Service

Wednesday, June 4, 10:30 a.m. – Shavuot & Confirmation Service

(To learn more about Shavuot, see page 5.)

It is not too late to send in your RSVPs for the May 10th Cantor’s Cabaret Gala! Don’t miss being a part of this wonderful celebration!

May 8-10Join us for a weekend of song and celebration.

Please confirm your reservation, seating preferences and if you require a vegetarian meal with Naomi (215-887-8700 or [emailprotected]) before May 5, 2014.

KI Info

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As we honor Cantor Amy Levy at our annual Gala, my thoughts turn to why what she does is so powerful and crucial to our experience at KI. Having been a member of KI since the 1950’s, for many years the concept of incorporating song and motion to the classical Reform service just seemed out of the question. Services were very formal, with an organ as the primary source of sound other than the spoken word.

My awakening to the power of music and prayer came during my first trip to Israel more than 20 years ago. As those of you know who have visited the Western Wall, out of context it is simply a pile of enormous stones. As I stood there, I was impressed by the history and knew what this structure has meant to the generations of Jews who had lived in the Galut (see last month’s article!). But the emotional power was not there initially. I walked around and snapped photos, the men praying to the left side and the women to the right. I wandered down to the left and then entered an enclosed area. Suddenly I found myself in a group of men praying and moving in unison. I stood there a few minutes, withdrawing into my analytical Western intellectual self.

After several minutes, I moved closer to the group of men, and started to recognize the words of Kaddish. I began to pray with this group, and prayed and sung with them to the best of my ability. Then I understood

the power of song, prayer, and the Western Wall, realizing that for thousands of years, my ancestors sang the same words as I was singing that day.

Since Cantor Levy has come to our synagogue, there is a constant renewal of that spirit of song and prayer, a spirit that for many of us brings us closer to our faith and our tradition. I suspect that humans are simply “wired” that way, as music has been a vital element of all cultures for thousands of years. I doubt that I could recite the prayers that I know without the melody, and I suspect most of you feel the same way.

Music has an important place in Judaism; the Levites sang at the Temple, and King David was a musician, and the author of the Psalms. The words of the Psalms could only have been written by someone with a musical background and sensibility, as the language is so beautiful, even in the English translation. Rabbi Nachman of Brelav, a great rabbi of the Middle Ages, wrote: “Music has a tremendous power to draw you to God. Get into the habit of always singing a tune. It will give you a new life and send joy into your soul. Then you will be able to bind yourself to God. It is especially good to sing on Shabbat and the festivals, and at a wedding celebration.” Congratulations again to Cantor Amy Levy for her holy work and for bringing so much joy to our congregation.

The Power of Prayer and MusicPresident’s Message

Arnold MeshkovPresident

President’s Message

Cantor Amy E. Levy

Cantor’sMessage Thank you for honoring me for my 10 years at

KI. I am so looking forward to the weekend of May 8-10! The musical service on Friday, May 9 will be a retrospective of my years at KI and will involve all of our musical groups! The music will range from camp tunes, like Shalom Rav of Jeff Klepper, to jazzy tunes such as “L’ cha Dodi” of Craig Taubman, to “Oseh Shalom” of Ross M. Levy. The service will be an opportunity for you to hear the sounds of our combined choirs in three glorious pieces reflecting my love for Judaism and for KI. I can’t wait to share this Shabbat service and celebration weekend with you. As I have said in the past, sacred music is one way we connect with one another. Yet there are many other opportunities for connection at KI. When reflecting upon how much I love being a part of this community, I thought of a recent experience that I would like to share with you.

As part of our Caring Community and JQuest, Kindergarteners were asked to pack and deliver Passover care packages to members of our community who have

(Continued on page 3)

Small Gestures Create Strong Connections

Delivering Smiles & Care Packages

KI kindergartener Aria Levy shares a hug with congregant Marsha Shuter while delivering her Passover care package.

to develop their Jewish identity -- even if they have “graduated” from KI’s Jewish educational program.

Part of our Consecration Service also entails promoting the current ninth grade class to their position as the incoming Confirmation Class. We will symbolically pass the Torah to them. It is also an evening in which we “promote” this year’s sixth grade class into Quest Noar and prepare them for the exciting year of their B’nai Mitzvah. Please feel free to join us for these very special services.

KI’s Confirmands have the option of continuing their own learning and Jewish leadership development by attending Gratz’s Isaac Mayer Wise Program. This two-year program trains the students to become Jewish educators. They gain classroom experience working here as teaching assistants in JQuest, in addition to attending weekly classes at Gratz. This year, two KI High School Seniors have completed the program. We would like to congratulate Carly Cherwony and Erica Strauss on earning theirIsaac Mayer Wise Teaching Certificate.

Additionally, we here in the clergy office would like to congratulate all of our graduating High School seniors. We wish you the best of luck in the next phase of your life’s journey. You are always welcome back here at KI during breaks for Shabbat services or just to drop by our office and say hello.

From the Bimah

S H A L O M K I 3

It’s that time of year again when we get to honor those students who have completed another year of study at KI. In particular, we say a hearty Mazal Tov to our Confirmation Class of 2014. The students’ pictures and bios are highlighted on pages 9-11. Each and every one of them has brought their unique perspective on how they live a meaningful and devoted Jewish life, in preparation for their Consecration and Confirmation Services on Shavuot – Tuesday, June 3rd at 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday, June 4th at 10:30 a.m. As our 10th grade class is drawn to the arts, we will have talented musicians and dancers who will share their gifts with our congregation during the Confirmation services.

Each year the students pick a theme for Confirmation that is directly connected to KI’s Core Values. This year, the students could not narrow down to just one of the Core Values that was most meaningful to them. Instead, they have affirmed that KI’s Core Values are in alignment with their personal values and have each chosen to write an essay on the theme that resonates most strongly in their life. I have the pleasure of reading and editing their essays and turning them into one “sermon” that several students will read from the Bimah. In doing so, the service becomes a personal affirmation of our students’ Jewish beliefs and practices and demonstrates their commitment to continue

Congratulations Confirmands and Graduates

Rabbi Kevin M. Kleinman

Rabbi’s Message

(Continued from page 2)

recently experienced an illness or loss. Aria, my oldest daughter is in Kindergarten, and we had the honor of visiting Marsha Shuter, one of our lovely members. Aria and Marsha hit it off; Aria sang for her, and Marsha told her stories of her grandchildren. Later that week, Aria saw Marsha in a restaurant parking lot, getting out of her car. Before I could even see her, Aria yelled, “there’s Marsha!” They gave each other a hug, and Aria asks every day “when can I visit Marsha again?” This is the essence of our KI community; there are many natural opportunities to reach out, to get to know each other, to offer help and to receive support. With Tracy Werner’s guidance as the chair of our Caring Community, we can connect you with other members of our community, either by helping or receiving help. In my next 10 years, I would love to see more of this kind of community building. Please reach out to me and/or Tracy Werner to get involved. Thank you!

Small Gestures

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Torah Time - Shabbat Readings

May 2014/Iyar 5774Judaism is a religion of “the Book.” Every Shabbat and holiday is enhanced with a selection from the Torah and related portions from other sections of Tanach (the Hebrew Bible). The following includes citations for the reading of Scripture in the synagogue for the month ahead as well as a brief summary of the parashot and haftarot. For more extensive investigation of the weekly Torah portion, please consider attending KI’s lively Torah Study Havurah, which meets every Saturday morning in the Meyers library at 9:00 a.m. and is led by our Rabbinic staff.Rabbi Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D.

Torah for EmorMay 3 3 Iyar Lev. 21:1 Ezekiel 44:1Plaut, p. 912 Plaut, p. 1001

This portion continues to catalogue the “levitical” content of the middle book of the Torah. Particularly interesting to modern Jews is Leviticus 23, which summarizes the annual cycle of Israelite holidays. This chapter begins with a short statement on Shabbat and continues with a review of the rules of Passover. In Judaism’s original calendar, the “year” began in the spring. The Haftarah, from the Book of Ezekiel, is linked to the Torah portion in its discussion of the “levitical” responsibilities of the priests in the prophet’s vision of a rebuilt second Temple.

Torah for BeharMay 10 10 IyarLeviticus 25:1 Jeremiah 32:6Plaut, p.946 Plaut, p. 1003

Behar begins with a discussion of the sabbatical year, followed by the rules of the “Jubilee.” The key words in the Torah on the subject of the Jubilee, that “you shall proclaim liberty throughout the land,” (Lev. 25:9) were inscribed on the Liberty Bell and provided inspiration and ideological guidance both to patriots during the American Revolution and abolitionists in the years prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. Additional legislation concerning the Hebrew system of slavery is found at the end of Leviticus 25. In contrast, the prophet Jeremiah (6th c. BCE) redeemed a piece of family property to demonstrate his hope in a future for the people of Israel despite Jerusalem’s imminent destruction by the Babylonians.

KI On The Radio

WWDB 860 AMShabbat Morning Service at 10 a.m.includes a broadcast of Friday Night’s Sermon.Radio broadcasts are sponsored by the Tyson Radio Fund.

KI at Your Fingertips

Remember to check e-KI for the latest KI weekly news and events.

Torah for BehukotaiMay 17 17 IyarLeviticus 26:3 Jeremiah 16:19Plaut, p. 946 Plaut, p. 1003

Behukotai concludes the Book of Leviticus. It begins with the assurance that if one follows the Torah, one will enjoy many blessings. But, if one does not follow the ordinances of the Torah, one risks suffering many “curses.” Leviticus 26:40-45 extols the value of true repentance.

Torah for B’midbarMay 24 24 IyarNumbers 1:1 Hosiah 2:1Plaut, p. 1028 Plaut, p. 1252

The opening section of the fourth book of the Torah begins with the command to “count” the members of the Exodus eligible for military conscription. It then goes on to discuss the physical arrangement of the tribes as they began their march through the desert. The Haftarah, from the Book of Hosea (8th c. BCE), begins with an allusion to the number of the people of Israel which “shall be like the sands of the sea.” The Haftarah ends with a covenantal formulation, “I will espouse you forever,” used when wrapping the tefillin on the arm during daily morning prayers and, in contemporary Judaism, as a substitute vow of marriage.

Torah for NasoMay 31 2 Sivan Numbers 4:21 Judges 13:2Plaut, p. 1043 Plaut, p. 1256

Naso contains the “Laws of the Nazirite” and the “Priestly Benediction” (Num. 6). The Haftarah tells of the birth of the most famous Nazir, the great strong man and folk hero, Samson.

Our Main Sanctuary is looped for those who have T Coil-Enabled Hearing aids or cochlear implant processors. Additionally, the FM system is also available.

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T’fillot CORE VALUEWorship

May 2014 Worship Schedule

Friday, May 2Shabbat Emor – Leviticus 21:16:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service – Teachers Appreciation8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service - Yom HaShoahMay Birthday Blessings

Saturday, May 39:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning ServiceBar Mitzvah of Jacob Daniel Saltzburg

Friday, May 9Shabbat Behar – Leviticus 25:17:00 p.m. Gala Shabbat Honoring Cantor Levy

Saturday, May 109:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning ServiceB’nai Mitzvah of Abigail Michaela Thomas & Sarah Mattson Thomas

Friday, May 16Shabbat Behukotai – Leviticus 26:37:00 p.m. Sabbath for the Soul

Saturday, May 179:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning ServiceBat Mitzvah of Rebecca Grace Gable2:00 p.m. Rydal Park Shabbat

Friday, May 23Shabbat Bemidbar – Numbers 1:16:00 p.m. Blue Bell Shabbat Service8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service

Saturday, May 249:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service

Friday, May 30Shabbat Naso – Numbers 4:218:00 p.m. Women of KI Shabbat Service

Saturday, May 319:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning ServiceBat Mitzvah of Bonnie Helene Freiman5:30 p.m. Havdalah ServiceBat Mitzvah of Mia Jane Monheit

Shavuot: Celebrating the Torah

Shavuot is a Hebrew word meaning “weeks.” The Torah tells us it took forty-nine days for our ancestors to travel from Egypt to the foot of Mount Sinai where they were to receive the Torah. Leviticus 23:21 commands: “And you shall proclaim that day (the fiftieth day) to be a holy convocation!” The name Shavuot symbolizes the completion of the seven-week journey. The holiday is also known as the Festival of the Giving of the Torah. Special customs on Shavuot are the reading of the Book of Ruth. Another tradition includes staying up all night to study Torah, called Tikkun Leil Shavuot, which symbolizes our commitment to the Torah, and that we are always ready and awake to receive the Torah. Dairy dishes are served on the holiday to symbolize the sweetness of the Torah, as well as the “land of milk and honey.”

For more information consult www.urj.org or visit the Meyers Library.

Join Rabbi Lance Sussman in Center City for the series, “Jews, Judaism & Law in America.” No charge to attend - please bring your own lunch. To join the e-mail notification list for monthly reminders, and/or to RSVP (by the Monday before at noon) please contact [emailprotected]. All are welcome. No prior knowledge of Hebrew necessary. Thank you to the Gershman Y for being our host this year!

SCHEDULE*May 15 – The Supreme Court Steps In: 1940-2000June 19 – A Never Ending Story: Current Cases & Issues

Center City Lunch ‘n Learn with Rabbi Sussman

Camp Shabbat Is Back!

Friday, May 16th6:45 p.m. “Kabbalat Shabbat” Outside the Main Entrance7:00 p.m. Informal/Camp-Style Service

Many younger members of our KI community will soon trade in their school bags for camp bags. On May 16th, we will help them get in the summer camp spirit with a Shabbat service incorporating elements of the Jewish summer camp experience. It is traditional in many Jewish camps to dress in white to welcome the Sabbath, so we invite you to do the same, or wear your own camp t-shirt! Our KI campers (past and present) will share personal reflections on the impact that Jewish summer camp has had on their Jewish identity. We will offer a special blessing, as we send our campers and high school students traveling abroad this summer on their way. We will sing the night away, camp-style. Our Visual Tefillah will illustrate the power of Jewish camping. Join us for a fun-filled evening.

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Lifelong LearningFrom the Meyers Library

Spring is finally here. As Gilbert and Sullivan wrote, “The flowers that bloom in the spring… breathe promise of merry sunshine.” As you clean your homes in anticipation of summer, please return any overdue books that you may find to the Meyers Library. Sometimes books borrowed over the winter are put onto a shelf and overlooked until it is time for spring cleaning.

New ArrivalsMany people have been entranced by the PBS

Documentary series “The Story of the Jews.” The companion book written by historian Simon Schama, The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words 1000 BC – 1492 AD is available in the Meyers Library. We also have the DVD of the PBS series.

Books on IsraelIsrael Independence Day, Yom Haatzmaut is

celebrated on Tuesday, May 6. The library has a very large selection of titles on Israel for both children and adults. This year two titles on Israel received a National Jewish Book Award. Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation by Yossi Klein Halevi received the 2013 Jewish Book of the Year award.

My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel by Ari Shavit received the award in History.

Sifriyat Pijama (Hebrew Story Hours)The Meyers Library is holding an additional

Sifriyat Pijama Hebrew Story Hour on Sunday morning, May 4 at 10:00 a.m. to celebrate Yom Haatzmaut. Sifriyat Pijama mails FREE high quality Hebrew Children’s literature and music to families with children ages 2 – 8 throughout the year. SPBA is now accepting enrollment for the coming year. Last year they had to close enrollment. Sign up at www.sp_ba.org to receive free Hebrew children’s books in your home mailbox. Be sure to mention that you heard about the program from the Meyers Library when you register.

Adult Book Discussion GroupOur Adult Book Discussion Group is having

another great year. The only requirement to join this group is that you have read the book. Participants are expected to share their insights, reactions, and comments with others who have also read the book. The final session for this program year takes place on Tuesday, June 10 at 1:30 p.m. Contact Ellen at 215-887-8700 x122 or library@kenesethisrael to learn the title for this session.

Reading on a KindleThe Meyers Library has two Kindles, preloaded

with our most popular titles ready for you to borrow.

Library Programs At a Glance

Sunday, May 4 Hebrew Story Hour

Tuesday, June 10 Adult Book Discussion Group

(If you ask nicely, we might even add a new title just for you!) You can adjust the type size on a Kindle to meet your vision needs. Kindles may only be borrowed and returned by KI members during regular library hours. We will provide individual instruction on how to use the Kindle.

Computers for NovicesAre you computer phobic? Do you want to send

and receive email from your grandchildren or someone else? Do you want to learn how to do an Internet search? How to download books from the public library? Please call the library to leave your name and telephone number if you are interested in attending an introductory computer class at KI. The library will sponsor this class in late spring if we get sufficient enrollment. Check e-KI and the KI website for details about these and other library programs and activities.

Become a Book Reviewer or Library VolunteerHave you noticed the book recommendations

appearing in the KI Bulletin? Have you read a Jewish book that you recommend others read? Would you like to see your name in print? Contact Ellen about becoming a Book Reviewer for our “Good Reads” Column.

We need YOU! The Meyers Library is a wonderful resource, with a huge selection of books for your reading and research, a comfortable environment, and good coffee! Join the friendly volunteers who keep our library up to date! We have jobs you can do either in the library or from home. If you would like to volunteer, e-mail [emailprotected] or call: 215-887-8700, x 122.

LIBRARY EMAIL LIST. The Meyers library maintains a Library email list. If you would like to receive information on new acquisitions, library events and updates please send your email address to [emailprotected].

The Meyers Library is a wireless computer zone. Bring your laptop, enjoy a cup of gourmet coffee and explore the latest book arrivals in your KI home. The Library is open on Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. We are also open on Sunday morning from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and on Tuesday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., whenever JQuest is in session.

Ellen Tilman, Director of Library Services

Good ReadsMy Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel by Ari Shavit“I appreciate the opportunity to read this important, if difficult, book. I suspect I’ll be wrestling with some of these facts for a long time.”Marlene Bookbinder

Note: This book is a National Jewish Book Award Winner for History in 2013. The Jewish Book Council gives the award.

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From the Museum

Lifelong Learning

The museum’s current exhibition, “You Can’t Download This: Record Album Covers and the Musical Stories They Pictured” is filled with treasured

examples of albums and sheet music from the heyday of Jewish music in the 20th century. The album covers and the picturesque sheet music fuel the imagination of each and every visitor as we all try to “hear” the “mishigas” of Mickey Katz; the sheer beauty of the voice of Shaindele di Hazzante; the seemingly endless versions of Fiddler on the Roof; and the amazing variety we call Jewish music.

Museum volunteer, Norm Olson has created a two-hour soundtrack that now runs in the gallery. Visitors hear excerpts from the albums on display, interwoven with the wonderful singing of KI’s Cantor Amy Levy.

On Sunday, June 8th visitors can enjoy a complimentary mini-brunch and a wonderful program, as Hazzan David Tilman leads us through his own version of a sound and light show - an illustrated talk with recordings: RECORD COVERS - HOW THEY TALK TO US!! An Illustrated Musical Tour through the CollectionThe morning will start as follows: 10:00 - 10:30am Complimentary coffee and mini-brunch. (RSVP: 215-887-2027, TJMuseum@

kenesethisrael.org)10:30 - 11:10am Hazzan David Tilman11:10 - 11:45am Open Mike: Questions/Share your musical memories

We are delighted to have Hazzan Tilman join us. He brings his musical knowledge, enthusiasm and vast experience to us as conductor of the Adult Choir, Shir KI; Hazzan Emeritus, of Beth SholomCongregation and Associate Professor of the H.L.Miller CantorialSchool of JTS.

I want to share some research I found about two of the museum’s treasures, an advertising poster and recording about Jean Gornish, known professionally as Shaindele di Hazzante. Both were gifts from Norman and Doris Brody, stellar friends of the museum. Shaindele made only one recording, and the poster, which advertises a performance and radio show, is also quite rare. I hope you will enjoy this excerpt (lower right) and marvel, as I did, at the accomplishments of this groundbreaking performer.

Guilt and Pleasure - Reboot • Fall 2007 - The Sound Issue


Jean Gornish knew she was cut out to be a cantor. Jewish law kept her out of the pulpit, but that didn’t stop her from singing. She became a leading “lady cantor,” as they were called at the time. .... adopting the title chazante, a feminized version of chazan, the Yiddish word for cantor. Gornish appeared on stage, radio, and records, singing sacred music under the name “Sheindele di Chazante.”

A concert review in the Chicago Daily News noted, “She offered no apology in either word or manner, for what she was doing. She gave the impression that she had as much right as a man to appeal to the God of her fathers.”

By the early 1940s, Sheindele’s popularity had reached such a height that she secured an exclusive contract with the Planters Peanut Company, which helped her set up a rigorous touring schedule and land radio programs in Philadelphia, New York, and Chicago. In each city, fan clubs threw lavish parties and helped fill theaters such as the 3,000-seat Orchestra Hall in Chicago.

When performing, Sheindele always appeared in a satin robe and skullcap, either in basic black or High Holiday white. She had an air of divinity; she approached the stage as if it were a pulpit and her audience as if it were a congregation. Her versions of classic liturgical pieces moved one reviewer for the Chicago American to observe with operatic devotion, “La Chazente elicited tears from those familiar with the literature heard in synagogues and even reached the hearts of those who never stepped into a Jewish temple.”

Neither the mother of the modern female cantorate nor a trailblazer for gender equality, Sheindele left a legacy of something more subtle. She saw herself as less than a leader and more than an entertainer and found opportunities to exceed the limitations of both labels in ways that would have escaped other performers.

Sheindele enjoyed a long-running career, strains of which can be heard on the only recording she ever cut, the late 1950s LP Sheindele Sings the Songs of Her People. (Displayed in the exhibition)

In March the Sifriyat Pijama Program heard the book An Old Pair of Shoes by Ronit Chacham. Each participant removed a shoe, traced it on a piece of paper and created a unique work of art.

Cats in the Hat visited the Meyers Library. They learned that our library has Dr. Seuss books translated into Hebrew and Yiddish.

Listening & Learning

F R O M T H E M U S E U M (continued)

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2014 KI Confirmands and Graduates

Friends, relatives, and congregants are invited to send a very special Confirmation Congratulatory Card to each Confirmation Student for a $5.00 donation per card. It has become our tradition at Keneseth Israel to present these cards at the Confirmation Dinner, which will be held on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 (for confirmands and their families only).Please mail your check, made out to Women of KI in the amount of $5.00 per card to:Women of KI, 8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027Attn: Lynn NeigutQuestions call Lynn at 215-884-0890Orders must be in by May 29, 2014

I would like to honor ____________________________________________________

(List as many students as you like.) ______________________________________


I would like the card signed from:_________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________


I have enclosed my check in the amount of $ ______________________________

for _______cards. Your Phone # _________________________________________

We Honor KI’s 2014 Confirmation Academy

Confirmation Dinner, for confirmands and their families only, is June 3, 2014. Services are June 4, 2014, open to everyone.

Would you like to honor someone in our 2014 Confirmation Class, and celebrate his or her accomplishments?

Congratulations to the 2014


Class of

The Jewish

Community High

School of Gratz


A special Mazal Tov to KI’s GraduatesCarly Cherwony

Erica Strauss

Alexander Henry Azuelos ................................... Son of Barbara and Gad AzuelosAllison Victoria Baranov ...................................... Daughter of Irina and Alexander BaranovMolly Rebecca Belitsky ........................................ Daughter of Stefanie and Lawrence BelitskySara Lindsay Blackman ........................................ Daughter of Bari and Gary BlackmanDarian Bailey Greenfield ...................................... Son of Felicia Greenfield-Blau and Marc GreenfieldSophie Alex Buckingham ..................................... Daughter of Sharon and Stephen BuckinghamNoah Perry Dworetsky ........................................ Son of Bryna and Brian DworetskyShira Rebecca Freiman ......................................... Daughter of Jill and Michael FreimanSamantha Grace Robertson ................................ Daughter of Irisa Gold and Stephen TowMatthew Ross Grabel........................................... Son of Sharon and Michael GrabelCarly E. Klein ........................................................ Daughter of Dottie and Jeffrey KleinKatie Lauren Levin ............................................... Daughter of Mindy and Warren LevinGabrielle Anna Marlowe ...................................... Daughter of Lise and Keith MarloweNoah Charles Samuel Mayer ............................. Son of Charlene and Nathaniel MayerMaxwell Reid Mikels ............................................ Son of Heidi and Steven MikelsHenry Benjamin Reinach .................................... Son of Dana Perlman and Alan ReinachMadeline Sara Rosenthal ..................................... Daughter of Diane and James RosenthalZoe Victoria Schiller ............................................ Daughter of Suzann and David SchillerDavid Maxwell Tuchman ..................................... Son of Margaret Knowles-Tuchman and Michael TuchmanLucy R. Kates ........................................................ Daughter of Mo and Donald Kates GaneyCorey Samuel Goulden Naitove ......................... Son of Paula Goulden Naitove and Benjamin Naitove z”lDavid Michael Goulden Naitove ........................ Son of Paula Goulden Naitove and Benjamin Naitove z”lMarielle Elizabeth Silberman .............................. Daughter of Heather and Eric SilbermanBrianna Leigh Yarnoff .......................................... Daughter of Michelle and Michael Yarnoff


S H A L O M K I 9

2014 KI ConfirmandsMy name is Alexander H. Azuelos, son of Gad and Barbara Azuelos. I live in Elkins Park and attend Abington Senior High School, where I am a member of the baseball team and the H2O for Life

club. In 9th grade I won a science award. My community service activities include the Walk for Water and Key Club. Ultimate Frisbee is a favorite hobby of mine. I have been a member of KI for 6 years, and helping to build the Sukkah is among my favorite memories here. My favorite thing about Confirmation Academy is learning about Israel, and I look forward to visiting there. In the future, I hope to graduate from a good college and eventually get married.

My name is Allie Baranov, daughter of Irina and Alex Baranov. I live in Huntingdon Valley and attend Lower Moreland High School, where I participate in the Spanish Club and Jewish Student

Union. Sports I participate in include soccer, basketball, tennis and skiing. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to music and watching movies. My community service work includes volunteering for the Jewish Relief Agency and at other soup kitchens. I’ve been a member of KI for 12 years, and being surrounded by my Jewish peers is my favorite thing about Confirmation Academy, along with participating in the RAC program in Washington DC. In the future, I hope to make a big difference in the world.

My name is Molly Rebecca Belitsky, daughter of Stefanie and Lawrence Belitsky. I live in Philadelphia and attend Northeast High School where I am in the choir and color guard. My

community service activities include City Year and volunteering at KI religious school. My hobbies include reading, baking and cooking. A member of KI since I was born, traveling through religious school with the same peer group is what I like best about my KI experience. Participating in the RAC program in Washington, DC is my favorite Confirmation Academy experience. In the future, I hope to become a teacher and stay active in the synagogue.

My name is Sara Lindsay Blackman, daughter of Bari and Gary Blackman. I live in Abington and attend Abington Senior High School where I participate in the Key Club and French Club. In addition to being

on the Distinguished Honor Roll, I’ve earned community service awards there as well. My community service activities include Jewish Relief Agency, singing at Rydal Park, and being a camp aide. I fill my spare time with horseback riding, singing and theater. I have been a member of KI for 8 years, and my favorite thing about being here is signing with Cantor Levy and Liz Sussman in Shir Glee. In the future, I hope to attend a good college and become successful in life by doing something I love.

My name is Sophie Alex Buckingham, daughter of Sharon and Stephen Buckingham. I live in Abington and attend Abington Senior High School where I play field hockey and participate in the

H2O for Life club. I’ve received the Honors French II and Honors Biology Awards, and like to play violin, read and sew in my spare time. For community service I volunteer at High School Park. I have been a member of KI for 14 years, and what I like most about religious school is learning about the Jewish perspective on modern social issues. Participating in the RAC program in Washington, DC is my favorite Confirmation Academy experience. In the future, I hope to study biology and environmental engineering to contribute to keeping the Earth healthy.

My name is Noah Perry Dworetsky, son of Bryna and Brian Dworetsky. I live in Lower Gwynedd and attend Wissahickon High School where I play tennis and participate in many clubs, including Future

Business Leaders of America, Math Club, Key Club, Quizbowl and Jewish Student Union. My community service work includes volunteering at the Abramson Center for Jewish Life and also at the KI Religious School. I have been a member of KI for 4 years, and the 5th grade sleepover is among my favorite memories of religious school. What I like best about Confirmation Academy is meeting with people I don’t otherwise get to see. In the future, I hope to attend college.

My name is Shira Rebecca Freiman, daughter of Jill and Michael Freiman. I live in Dresher and attend Upper Dublin High School where I play soccer, track and softball. In addition to being on the Honor Roll, I

am also in the German Club there. Last year I won the Award of Kindness. My community service activities include volunteering at the Jewish Relief Agency and at KI religious school on Sundays, as well as Reading Buddies at the local library. I’ve been a member of KI for 7 years, and getting to spend time with friends while learning about my heritage is my favorite thing about religious school. In the future, I hope to make a difference in someone’s life and help those who are struggling to find the light.

My name is Matthew Ross Grabel, son of Sharon and Michael Grabel. I live in Huntingdon Valley and attend Lower Moreland High School. I have received two regional first place certificates in the science

fair and a perfect score from Penn State. My hobbies include playing guitar and trumpet, and I am in the Boy Scouts of America. My community service work includes volunteering for the Jewish Relief Agency. I’ve been a member of KI for 7 years, and being surrounded by my Jewish peers is my favorite thing about Confirmation Academy, along with participating in the RAC program in Washington DC. In the future, I hope to go to college and enter a stable occupation.

My name is Darien Bailey Greenfield, son of Felicia Greenfield-Blau and Marc Greenfield. I live in Elkins Park and attend Cheltenham High School where I play soccer and lacrosse. In addition to

participating in NFTY, I enjoy skiing and surfing in my spare time. My community service activities include volunteer work with homeless children as well as at KI events. I’ve been a member of KI for 8 years, and what I enjoy most about religious school is learning about Reform Judaism’s perspective on modern ideas. Participating in the RAC program in Washington, DC is my most memorable Confirmation Academy experience. In the future, I hope to go to college and become an independent Reform Jewish adult.

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ConfirmandsMy name is Katie Lauren Levin, daughter of Mindy and Michael Levin. I live in Cheltenham and attend Cheltenham High School where I am on the academic honor roll. In addition to the National Honor Society,

I am a member of the Spanish club and dance committee. My community service activities include helping raise money for kids with cancer as a THON volunteer. A member of KI for 14 years, I participate in many volunteer activities there. My favorite things about Confirmation Academy are meeting new friends and participating in the RAC program in Washington, DC. The Purim carnivals are among my fondest memories of Religious School. In the future, I hope to graduate from a good college, travel and see the world.

My name is Maxwell Reid Mikels, son of Heidi and Steven Mikels. I live in Oreland and attend Springfield Township High School, where I am a member of the baseball team. I play saxophone in

the Jazz Band and love theater and singing. I am in the Boy Scouts of America, and am a member of the Thespian Troupe 1154. As a Boy Scout and 16-year member of KI, I participate in the many community service activities those institutions support. Writing in our congregation’s Torah is among my fondest religious school memories, and the RAC program in Washington DC is my favorite Confirmation Academy experience. In the future, I hope to become a veterinarian.

My name is Gabrielle Anna Marlowe, daughter of Lise and Keith Marlowe. I live in Jenkintown and attend Germantown Friends School where I participate in the choir, chorus and drama program.

In addition to singing and acting, I also like photography and writing. Sports I like include tennis and skiing. My community service activities include visiting with Holocaust survivors. I’ve been a member of KI for 8 years, and seeing all my friends is what I like best about religious school. My favorite thing about Confirmation Academy was participating in the RAC program in Washington, DC. In the future, I hope to become an author and maybe even make it to Broadway.

My name is Lucy R. Kates, daughter of Mo Ganey and Donald Kates. I live in Elkins Park and attend Cheltenham High School where I play drums in both the Marching Band and the Indoor Percussion

Ensemble. I also play basketball and am in both the Spanish National Honors Society and the ski club there. I like to design in my spare time. In addition to being on the Honor Roll, I’ve received the AMC 10 award, earning third place for my school. My community service activities include volunteering at KI events and also helping out with special needs kids through a basketball program. I’ve been a member of KI for about 5 years, and playing the flight attendant for the 6th grade Israel project is one of my favorite religious school memories. Rabbi Sussman’s classes are what I like most about Confirmation Academy. In the future, I hope to become a famous graphic/product designer.

My name is Carly E. Klein, daughter of Dottie and Jeff Klein. I live in Cheltenham and attend Cheltenham High School where I am on the academic honor roll, and also in the sewing and LGBT clubs there. Sports

I play include tennis, track and swimming, and I like to run and go shopping in my free time. My community service activities include volunteering at KI events and also donating to the SPCA. I’ve been a member of KI for 14 years, and among my favorite religious school memories include attending, and then later helping out at, the Purim carnivals, making challah with my grandmother, Ann Klein, and participating in the RAC program in Washington, DC. In the future, I hope to go to college and travel around the world.

My name is Noah Charles Samuel Mayer, son of Charlene and Nathaniel Mayer. I live in Blue Bell and attend The Phelps School where I play on the Soccer and Lacrosse teams. My hobbies include

playing violin, paintball, and skateboarding; in the winter I am an editor for the schools yearbook. I’ve been a member at KI since age 3, and the RAC trip was by far the fondest memory of my religious school career.

My name is Corey Samuel Goulden Naitove, son of Paula Goulden Naitove and Benjamin Naitove z”l. I live in Wyncote and attend Abington Friends School where I am on the soccer and swim teams.

Boy Scouts and technical theater are among my hobbies, and I am on the stage crew at school for productions there. A KI member since I was born, I participate in many community service activities, including volunteering at the Broad Street Ministry. Hanging out with friends at the KIFTY sleepovers is among my fondest religious school memories; the RAC program in Washington DC is my favorite Confirmation Academy experience. In the future, I hope to become an Eagle Scout.

My name is David Michael Goulden Naitove, son of Paula Goulden Naitove and Benjamin Naitove z”l. I live in Wyncote and attend Abington Friends School. I am on the track and cross-country teams

and love to run in the off-season. Clubs I participate in include Mock Trial and Model UN. As a 16-year member of KI, I participate in many community service activities, including volunteering at the Broad Street Ministry. Playing GaGa behind the KG with friends is among my fondest religious school memories, and immersing myself in Jewish Culture is my favorite thing about Confirmation Academy. In the future, I hope to become a successful lawyer.

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ConfirmandsMy name is Henry Benjamin Reinach, son of Dana Perlman and Alan Reinach. I live in Jenkintown and attend Abington Friends School, where I am on the Honor Roll and play guitar in the

Jazz Band. In my spare time I attend the School of Rock and enjoy dabbling in online architecture and design programs. I’ve been a member of KI for 9 years, and participate in many community service activities there, including volunteering at the Broad Street Ministry. Playing with the Hebrew Hammers and hanging out with friends is among my fondest religious school memories, and the RAC program in Washington DC is my favorite Confirmation Academy experience. In the future, I hope to make a career in either music or architecture.

My name is Samantha Grace Robertson, daughter of Irisa Gold and Steve Tow. I live in Abington and attend Abington Senior High School where I participate in many clubs, including the

school newspaper. Membership in the Key Club has enabled me to participate in many community service activities, and I am also a teacher’s aid at school. I love to sing and am in the school chorus and also the spring musical. I also love to read and participated in the county-wide Reading Olympics. I have been a member of KI for 4 years, and celebrating my Bat Mitzvah in the beautiful sanctuary is among my fondest religious school memories. My favorite thing about Confirmation Academy is spending time with friends I’ve made there. In the future, I hope to teach French or science and do something with photography.

My name is Madeline Sara Rosenthal, daughter of Diane and Jim Rosenthal. I live in Huntingdon Valley and attend Lower Moreland High School where I am on the academic honor roll. I play tennis and softball,

and participate in the Jewish Student Union, band and Spanish Club at school. I have been a member of KI for 14 years, and participate in many volunteer activities there. I have also helped raise money for kids with cancer as a THON volunteer. My favorite things about Confirmation Academy are being with the friends I have made there

and, more recently, participating in the RAC program in Washington, DC. The Purim carnivals are among my fondest memories of Religious School. In the future, I hope to graduate from a good college.

My name is Zoe Victoria Schiller, daughter of Suzann and David Schiller. I live in Lower Gwynedd and attend Wissahickon High School where I participate in many clubs, including FANS, Future

Business Leaders of America, Yearbook and Sophom*ore Committees, and STARS peer tutoring. I play field hockey and have also been on the swim team. I participate in many volunteer activities at KI, including Broad Street Ministry. I also participate in the Relay for Life to raise money for cancer. In addition to babysitting, I enjoy visiting my grandmother and other residents at the Abramson Center for Jewish Life, and getting together with friends on the weekends. I’ve been a member of KI for 9 years, and represent the fifth generation of my family to belong here. Participating in the RAC program with Confirmation Academy and becoming a Bat Mitzvah in the same sanctuary where my father became a Bar Mitzvah are among my favorite religious school experiences. In the future, I hope to pursue a career that will enable me to make a difference in the world.

My name is Marielle Elizabeth Silberman, daughter of Heather and Eric Silberman. I live in Wyncote and attend Cheltenham High School where I participate in both the Key Club and

Ski Club. I love to dance in my spare time. In addition to Key Club, my community service activities include volunteering at the Abington Food Cupboard, Greyhound Welfare for the ASPCA, clean-up at High School Park, and La Fortuna Orphanage. I’ve been a member of KI for 8 years, and singing with Liz Sussman as a member of Shir Glee is among my fondest religious school memories. What I like best about Confirmation Academy is the focus on topics and discussions that are of real interest to us. In the future, I hope to work in non-profit community services.

My name is David Maxwell Tuchman, son of Michael Tuchman and Margaret Knowles-Tuchman. I live in the Blue Bell/Danville area and attend Wissahickon High School. My hobbies include video games and

reading. Favorite sports are soccer and basketball. My community service activities include JRA, helping set-up KI’s Purim Carnival and NE Senior Winterization . A member of KI for 10 years, my favorite thing about Confirmation Academy is the close-knit student community. My best memory of Religious School are the Purim celebrations; they are near my birthday so I loved the plays we put on. In the future I hope to live in North Carolina and work and play with automobiles.

My name is Brianna Leigh Yarnoff, daughter of Michele and Michael Yarnoff. I live in Meadowbrook and attend Abington Senior High School where I am in the National Junior Honors Society and a member of

the Key Club. In addition to the Honor Roll, I have earned Leadership and Congressional awards. My community service activities include working with Northern Children’s Services and volunteering at KI religious school. I take ballet in my free time. A member of KI for 13 years, the 5th grade trip to the wax museum is among my fondest religious school memories. My favorite thing about Confirmation Academy are the friends I have made. In the future, I hope to graduate from an elite school and become a professional dancer.

JQuest Blue Bell students and Shoshi get ready to enjoy some decadent chocolate treats at their annual Chocolate Seder.

Chocolate Seder in Blue Bell

Ahavat Israel CORE VALUE

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Lifelong Learning

Israel: A Home for Us All

When I was a student at Penn, one afternoon after lab, I saw a group of students on the square waiting at the end of a truck, which had a makeshift P.A. system.Speaking to the assemblage was a short, stocky man with awhite crop of hair. He was speaking about Israel. I really knew nothing about Israel or about what David Ben Gurion was saying, but I was interested. Later that year, Ruth and I went to Israel and we were instantly “hooked.” We landed near Jerusalem on a stormy night and stayed at the beautiful Intercontinental Hotel on the Mount of Olives.The next morning I heard weeping outside the lobby doors. It was an Israeli captain at the grave of his father – a grave he had been forbidden to visit since 1949.

The next ten days were hectic: up at6:00 a.m. and on the road until7:00 p.m. We were taken everywhere – to sites forbidden today. I remember stopping at an intersection in Tel Aviv, and being spoken to by two elderly women in Yiddish;“Sindele from welche lond kommt ihr?” “My son, from what country are you from?” “From America.” Then, some wonderful conversation ensued.

The next ten days, frommorning till night,we “did the country.” Everywhere, places we cannot go now – Gaza, Hebron, the caves of Machpelah, Arab villages. We swam in the Dead Sea and in the sea of Galilee. When we returned, I sent my children on trips to Israel, and in 1971, my eldest daughter married an Israeli Olympic athlete. Since then, I have a family there, two grandchildren and three great grandchildren.We enjoy visiting Israel, as we have done many, many times, and we think of it as our second home.

But most important of all is the real diversity, a word used very frequently here at home, but I fear not implemented. In Israel, no Jew is denied the “right to return.” The Ashkenazim, the Sephardim, the Ethiopians, Jews from all over are taken in, welcomed, and educated – it is truly a home for the Jewish people.

There have been hard times for the Jewish people inmany centuries past, and I know that there will be hard times to come. But Israel must stand to provide a home for the Jews who have nowhere to go, and to be a beacon for our people. Shalom and L’hitraot.

By Bill DodiesKI is “Kimmel Center North”


By Ellen Bildersee I want to share impressions with you about the March 23 Gary Graffman Gala Concert, which was a fabulous concert and a loving celebration of Maestro Graffman’s 85th birthday. It was a fun, brilliantly– performed, close to sold-out, truly unforgettable event in KI Music Arts Committee’s Community Family Concerts 15-year history. Six world-class pianists played, including Yuja Wang, Ignat Solzhenitsyn (yes, he is the late writer Alexander S.’s son), all students of Gary Graffman, world-renowned pianist and Director of the Curtis Institute from 1986-2006. A wonderful rendering of Schubert’s beloved “Trout” piano quintet with Natalie Zhu and four members of the Philadelphia Orchestra was a truly inspired performance. Other highlights included videotaped greetings from Graffman student Lang Lang, and a video greeting and thank you from Gabe Kovach, (son of KI members Jackie and Brian Kovach.) He shared his gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Graffman for nurturing all students under their tutelage and for guiding students bound for orchestras in forging happy, successful and enriched professional lives.

The KI Music Arts Committee urges you members who were not there to come to these concerts. Experience what our audiences call “the best concerts in Philly,” ”Kimmel Center North.” Bring your children. Adult tickets are reasonably priced, students are free through age 23. The next concert is Saturday evening, May 17 at 7:45 p.m. Ray Chen, brilliant young violinist whose career was helped by KI Music Arts Committee when Ray was studying at Curtis, will play Beethoven, Kreutzer Sonata for Piano and Violin, Mozart, Sonate A major, K.305

Bach, Chaconne Partita for solo violin no. 2. Sarasate, Zigeunerweisen. Tickets are $30 for adults, free for students through age 23. A free Viennese dessert buffet follows the recital.

On Ray’s website (www.raychenviolin) the critics have said that his playing is “to die for; he had the kind of liquid tone that carries with it emotional depth of great intimacy”(The Huffington Post.) “Ray has proven himself to be a very pure musician with great qualities such as a beautiful youthful tone, vitality and lightness. He has all the skills of a true musical interpreter,” said the great violinist Maxim Vengerov.

Within 6 short months, while a student at Curtis, Ray previewed his programs at KI for three crucial competitions: the Yehudi Menuhin

in Nov. 2008, the Young Concert Artists in Dec./January 2008-9, and the Queen Elisabeth in Brussels. He won all three, prizes for which included two Stradivarius violins, 350 concerts, and significant prize earnings. Ray has released two critically-acclaimed albums on Sony: a recital program “Virtuoso” of works by Bach, Tartini, Franck, and Wieniawski, and the Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky concertos with Swedish Radio Orchestra and Daniel Harding. Profiled by The Strad and Gramophone magazines as “the one to watch,” Ray was named a “Virtuoso” and was distinguished with the prestigious ECHO Klassik Award. He is working on his third, all-Mozart album with Christoph Eschenbach and the Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra, slated for release later this year.

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Faces of KI

Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel 8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027

...by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions to KI’s special funds.

We Appreciate The Thoughtfulness Of Those Who Support KI

We apologize ahead of time for any donations that may be missing from this issue. If you would like it to appear next month, please contact Anita by phone (215-887-8702) or e-mail ([emailprotected]). Sorry for any inconve-nience.

Date: _______________

the enclosed contribution is to the _____________________________________________Fund

in Memory of ______________________________________________________________

in honor of _______________________________________________________________

Please acknowledge to:

name ___________________________________________________________________

address __________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________State _____ Zip_________________

Donors name ______________________________________________________________

address _________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________State _____Zip_________________

Please make checks payable to reform Congregation Keneseth israel.

KI’s JQuest students and friends at their “chugim” or clubs.

JQuest learning in action

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Mazel Tov to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students

My name is Jacob Daniel Saltzburg; my nickname is JD. My Bar Mitzvah is May 3. For my Mitzvah Project I have been volunteering at the Jewish Relief Agency ( JRA), which assists more than 3,000 Jewish families in need

of hunger relief. I am in 7th grade at Colonial Middle School. My hobbies include building with Lego’s, playing video games, spending time with friends, being in the school musical and playing the clarinet. I enjoy baseball, being outside and riding my bike or skateboarding. My parents are Pamela and Robert Saltzburg, I have an older brother William and a younger sister Shayna.

Our names are Abigail Michaela and Sarah Mattson Thomas. Our B’nai Mitzvah is on May 10. For our Mitzvah Project, we ran a swim-a-thon to benefit our community swimming

program, Plymouth Whitemarsh Aquatic Club and the Fran Crippen Elevation Association. Fran was a swimmer at PWAC and coached at Germantown Academy, where we used to swim. Our hobbies include crafting, Sarah loves technology and singing, and Abigail enjoys student council. We both swim competitively and for PWAC, our community group. Abigail is involved in U.S. Swimming with GAAC. Our parents are Hope and Paul Thomas.

My name is Rebecca Grace Gable; I like to be called Becca. My Bat Mitzvah is May 17. For my Mitzvah Project, I am working in the kitchen preparing meals at “Face to Face” in Germantown. I attend Abington Junior High School. My hobby is

performing in school plays. My favorite sports are lacrosse and soccer. My parents are Sundee and Steven Gable.

My name is Bonnie Helene Freiman. My Bat Mitzvah is May 31. For my Mitzvah Project I cut my hair and donated it to “Locks of Love” to make wigs for children who have lost their hair. I also sold bracelets to raise money for an

organization called “Guide Dogs for the Blind.” I attend Sandy Run Middle School. My sports are gymnastics, soccer and track. My parents are Jill and Michael Freiman.

My name is Mia J. Monheit. My Bat Mitzvah is May 31. For my Mitzvah Project I am raising money for Sara’s Smiles Foundation. I attend William Penn Charter School. My hobbies are dance, overnight camp and art. I play soccer. My parents are Marcy and Michael Monheit.

Weddings Our members Brett Herman and Elyse Miller, Brett is the son of our member Joni Herman.

Births Brooke Larissa Cantor, daughter of Cheri and Frank Cantor, granddaughter of our members,

Janet and Mike Simmons.

Mazal Tov To The Following Congregants On Their Special Simchas . . .

We mark with sorrow the passing of ...

Jerome Saperstein, our memberMartha Madnick, step-mother of our member Murray (Anita) MadnickVera Marymor, aunt of our member Jan FinkelmanAlbert Borland, uncle of our member Michele (Randy) BrandtJoan Jaffe, our memberNorman Tonkin, our member and the husband of our member Diane TonkinBarbara Krensel, our member

Howard Tilman, son of Hazzan David and Ellen Tilman, will be ordained a Rabbi by the Ziegler School of Rabbinics at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. Upon graduation, he is assuming the position of Assistant Rabbi at the Jacksonville Jewish Center in Jacksonville, Florida.

Member in the News

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Youth & Education

On the first Rosh Hashanah of my rabbinic career I was a student intern in Cherry Hill, NJ. Rabbi David gave a sermon that referred to the lyric “How do you measure, measure a year?” in the theme song from RENT. The song, though not Jewish in any way, contains a very Jewish lesson - what matters in life are not the minutes, but the moments.

This past year for KI kids has been an amazing journey - a true Quest. Our goals were the same, but our methods changed significantly for our 21st century learners.

And what was the result? In our Quests students created KI welcome books and model synagogues, participated in covenant ceremonies, made books/stories/videos and games about Bible stories, learned about the homeless, delivered food and cared for the needy at KI. They created museum exhibits and holiday fashion shows, made Mezuzzot for their homes and learned about their own family history. And they created Israel celebrations. They learned about who they are as Jews, who they are as a KI community, and made new friends.

Our students participated in services, learned Hebrew, and engaged in the arts. They learned about holidays with big/little buddies and studied Torah with the clergy.

Our tagline for JQuest is “Where kids bring

Jewish learning to life.” If you stop by the building on aSundayor Tuesday or visit Blue Bellon Thursdayafternoon this couldn’t be more true.

JQuest owes its success to the intense dedication of our amazing and talented staff that really rolled up their sleeves all year long, committed to a change. Everyone gave of themselves, from the full-time staff behind the scenes to the parents and students who were willing to try something new, hoping that our students could delve deeper into Jewish life and pioneer a new form of Jewish education.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of our evolution and so helpful in offering feedback and ensuring that our goals and objectives were being met.

Together, We Break New Ground in Jewish Education

The sun is shining, the kids are outside and the teachers seem to have an extra spring in their step. That’s because the nice weather has finally arrived. As the current school year is coming to an end we are getting ready to begin camp. Camp Shemesh is open 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., from June 16th through August 22nd. We have a flexible schedule so families can sign up for the hours that fit their needs, and any or all of the ten weeks offered. There is a discount if a child registers for all ten.

Throughout the day we have outdoor water play, arts and crafts, music, movement and more. We also have a variety of visitors providing enriching programs such as Briar Bush Nature Center and the Please Touch Museum. Our weekly themes are so much fun but my favorite is Wacky Week, which includes

Purim in July and Pajama Fruity Pancake Day. Our counselors have been working at KI for several years and are experienced, loving teachers.

If you would like a tour to learn more about camp or you’re thinking about the Fall please contact me at [emailprotected] or 215-885-2425.

Happy Spring!

Spring is Here, Camp Can’t Be Far Away!

Beth Rabinowitz Director of Early Childhood Education


President’s Message

Rabbi Stacy Eskovitz RiglerDirector of Religious Education


New Shabbat Dinner Program Creates Community

KI is excited to launch a new program, “Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?” This program, which is making its way across the community and the country, will encourage KI congregants to gather together to share Shabbat dinner. The idea is that KI members host a Shabbat dinner in their home by inviting any number of KI members or prospective members (a large or small gathering) to share an evening of food and conversation on a predetermined Friday night. We then ask those guests to host their own Shabbat dinners with new guests, and on and on. Over the course of the year it is our hope that our entire congregation will be connected through this wonderful program. Our initial dates include May 16, June 6, July 11 or August 8. If you are interested in being a host or want to find out more, please email [emailprotected] or contact Lindsay DeMarco in the office at 215-887-8700.

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May 2014 Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service

9:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service7:00 p.m. Congregational Event Honoring Cantor Levy

12:00 p.m. Blood Drive4:00 p.m. Blue Bell JQuest7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal

7:00 p.m. Gala Shabbat Evening Service

Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel Independence Day4:30 p.m. JQuest6:00 p.m. Quest Noar7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal

9:30 a.m. JQuest10:15 a.m. Rabbi’s Spring Forum12:00 p.m. Shir Joy Rehearsal7:00 p.m. New Members Welcome Event

11:15 a.m. Maimonides Café4:00 p.m. Blue Bell JQuest

6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service – Teachers Appreciation6:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat Dinner8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service – Yom HaShoah May Birthday Blessings

4:30 p.m. JQuest6:00 p.m. Last day of Quest Noar6:30 p.m. Brotherhood Mtg.

No JQuest10:15 a.m. Rabbi’s Spring Forum

9:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service2:00 p.m. Rydal Park Shabbat7:45 p.m. Music Program

6:45 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat7:00 p.m. Camp Shabbat

11:15 a.m. Adult Ed Program12:00 p.m. CC Lunch ‘n’ Learn4:00 p.m. Blue Bell JQuest6:30 p.m. Officers Mtg.7:30 p.m. Executive Comm. Mtg.

6:00 p.m. Confirmation Rehearsal6:30 p.m. Women of KI Mtg.

9:30 a.m. Last Day of JQuest Brotherhood Board Mtg.10:15 a.m. Rabbi’s Spring Forum12:00 p.m. Shir Joy Rehearsal

9:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service

8:00 p.m. EP Shabbat Evening Service

11:15 a.m. Adult Ed Program7:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Mtg.

Memorial DayOffices & Preschool Closed

6:00 p.m. Confirmation Rehearsal

9:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service5:30 p.m. Havdalah Service7:00 p.m. KIFTY Limo Night

6:00 p.m. Women of KI Shabbat Dinner8:00 p.m. Women of KI Shabbat Service































2811:15 a.m. Adult Ed Program

Administrative Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215-887-8700 Rabbinic Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215-887-8702 Religious School Office . . . . . . . . . . . 215-887-8704 Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215-887-1070 Preschool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215-885-2425 Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215-887-2027 Gift Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215-884-4364

Keneseth Israel Phone Directory

S H A L O M K I 1 7

June 2014 Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service

9:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service6:00 p.m. Music Arts Program

6:30 p.m. Officers Mtg.7:30 p.m. Executive Comm. Mtg.

11:00 a.m. Preschool Graduation8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service – Installation of Officers

1:30 p.m. Book Discussion

10:00 a.m. Museum Program

7:30 p.m. Annual Mtg.

8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service

Erev Shavuot8:00 p.m. Consecration Service

10:00 a.m. Board Retreat

Office and Preschool Closed10:30 a.m. Shavuot – Confirmation Service

9:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service2:00 p.m. Rydal Park Shabbat5:30 p.m. Havdalah Service

7:00 p.m. Classic Rock Shabbat

12:00 p.m. CC Lunch ‘n’ Learn

9:00 a.m. Torah Study10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service

8:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service































Trees for IsraelIf you wish to purchase a tree in the KI Forest in Israel, please contact Beryl Halpern (215-635-0452). She will be glad to mail a beautiful tree certificate for you. The cost is $10.75 per tree. Mail checks, payable to: KI Forest, Keneseth Israel, 8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027. Attn: Beryl Halpern.

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YAHRZEIT FUNDDonor, In Memory Of

Joan & Ray Abrams Theodore H. FreilickFlorence Abrams Marvin AbramsNeysa Cristol Adams Fannye CristolMarlene Adler, Sylvia D’OrazioShirley Album, Emma IsraelHerbert Altman Frances RossmanMaxine J. Bass, Nathan SmithThelma Bayuk Mabel Bayuk Maen Elsa Behrend Sidney LoewensteinScott & Merryl Bender Adeline R. GoldbergStuart Benoff, Max MerskyEllen & Bob Bildersee Samuel BernsteinWerner J. Block Rebecca ShaflerVeachey R. Bloom Faiga Montague RudolphSandra Blumberg, Rose ShamisDeborah Blumenthal Lillian RobbinsHarry D. Boonin, Jacob BooninJoan Brantz, Ruth M. FineHarriet & Eugene Brecher David TabasWilliam Brodsky, Jack B. Brodsky; Melvin Brodsky;

Sarah Nydick Brodsky; Joseph W. Lesse

Franklin & Marcia Brody Harry Brody; Jessie BrodyAlison Carson Theresa G. CarsonIlene Chasen, Herman MelnicoffAnna Cohen, Benjamin BigelmanClaudia Cohen, Rose TrabichLois & Emil Cohn Emil Cohn, Jr.; Emil Cohn, Sr.;

Ruth K. CohnCharlotte & Herbert Cook Noreen CookFreda Cooper Usher TrachtenbergJames Cristol, Fannye Cristol; Claire HagedornBarbara Cutler, Sondra BrandtLawrence Darrow, Philip DarrowJulia Davis, Preston E. KraftSandra Nightingale Davis Claire NightingaleRuth Dodies, Nina SmithHarold K. Don, Jr. Dorothea S. DonJanice Schwartz Donahue Jessica Beth SchwartzJoan & Barry Ellen Doris Elias

Estelle E. Ellis & family Benjamin EllisVickie & Jack Farber Frances Weinberg BrosmanJules Feinberg Norman FeinbergMorty Freedman Gus HeidelbergerLois & Dick Frieder Dorothy G. FinkelSunny Friedman Gertrude Dobkin; Louis DobkinMarsha Gash Florence PerilsteinEthel Gershman, Ida Schwartz; Raphael SchwartzFlorence Ginsberg Morris J. GinsbergMarlene Glass Manny Davis; John KernRita Ann Gold-Cousins Albert H. GoldBarbara F. Goldenberg Sylvia GoldenbergMargaret & Stanley Goldenberg Miriam Goldenberg;

Elaine TavelClaire Goldstein, Kurt GoldsteinJamie & Michael Goodman Gertrude Goodman;

Matthew JaslowRicki Gordon Simon E. Dash; Craig L. PerlinConnie Gottlieb Harry W. Goldberg;

Ida Gottlieb; Sallie Keiner TaubPhyllis Greenberg Daniel A. Greenberg; Harry W.

Goldberg; Sallie Keiner TaubRichard Greenberg Sally M. GreenbergHarriet Gutman, Sol B. Gutman; Leah S. PomeranceRonna Hall, Molly StrobackMorton & Marcia Hoffman Shirley Epstein; John HoffmanSharon Hotchkiss William SchreiberShirley & Edward Itzenson Kate ShechtmanNan & Beth Jurman Sara BeckerRobert Kahn & family Elyse KahnSeymour Kalikow Shirley Kalikow; Elke ZasslerIsabel Kanefield Albert Kanefield; Lillian (Libby)

Kanefield; William SultanSonnie Katz, Lillian R. StarkStephen Katz, Albert B. KatzMartin Kiebert Emma Liveright KiebertAbraham Klein, Morris KleinJane Korman, Rosalie Wachs

Helen B. Laver, Charles MarcusElaine Leibowitz Barton M. LeibowitzStephen Leibowitz Barton M. LeibowitzMichael Levin, Charlotte LevinRichard & Ronni Levine Evelyn LevineJudith Levinson, Florence LaubCarol M. Levy, Berthold LevyRonnie Levy, Marvin B. LevyRobert P. Levy, Samuel PaleyAilsa-Jean Lichtenstein Edwin Jacob KaufmannAda C. Lieberman Isaac Cherry; Howard Daniel

Lieberman; Jack MeltzAdrienne Lindauer Myron A. ZacksSonia & Darwin Loigman Lillian Forman;

Harry L. SpielbergLila & Matthew London Michael J. LondonPhilip London, Morris LondonAnita & Murray Madnick & family, Rachel Premet;

Mollie SokolowLeon S. Malmud, Oscar MalmudJerome & Benita Mandel Jacob H. MandelCarol & Steven Mansh Dorothy Mansh;

Samuel S. ManshLisa Mastoon, Herma MastoonMarlene Mendez Isadore RabinowitzLee Michaels, Lewis J. PaulRobin & Bob Michaelson & family, Clayre Groth;

Hyman InzelbergRobyn Miller & Les Cooperson Howard Carlisle; Evelyn MillerBernice B. Moss & Olga Moss Sara Z. RalphSusan, Ben & Celia Myerov Sidney SaltzburgJudith Needleman Norman GeftmanArthur & Phyllis Nemroff Samuel Cohen; Rose R. CohenSallie D. Olson, Rose DorfmanDonna Ostroff & Carl Capista Margaret E. Ostroff;

Etta ShermanJacob & Jan Pecarsky Aaron PecarskyEarnie & Sandi Philips Ida Baram Balen;

Blanche PhilipsRochelle & Gary Plon Sylvia Lockman; Samuel PlonShanlee Pollack, Sylva GoldStuart Price, David C. PriceAdam Quinn & Andrew Quinn Sydelle Sloane

Lynda J. Quinn & Barry Wolf Sydelle SloaneSelma Rice, Bessie ZangwellJody & David Rickel Larry SnyderIsabelle Ripkin, Jacob RipkinAdele Roda, George A. SteinAl Rodstein, Miriam RodsteinLinda & Marvin Rosen Robert Saul Krauss;

George RosenSally Rosen-Plon Jules J. WeitzenkornSandy & David Rosenthal Richard RosenthalArlene (Taffy) Rubin Sarah RubinHelen Schneeberg Grace Gottlieb; Arthur

Schneeberg; William SchreiberRoss Schriftman Herbert Kandall;

Tobey SchriftmanElaine Schutzbank Maxwell J. DuskinLisa Schwab Renee Schwab;

Rose R. Schwab; Sophie SteinAlan & Carol Schwartz Rosalind Goodman;

Richard Monheit; Elinor Schwartz

Fran & Sid Schwartz David E. Karabel;

Annette SchwartzIrving H. & Evelyn Schwartz Harry Schwartz; Hyman

Hershman; Jennie Schwartz; Samuel Schwartz

Jeanne V. Semless Sidney H. VogelDeborah Shain, Leo GoldsteinBrenda & Joel Shear Frances Chernoff; Brina

Sternthal; Isabelle SternthalEmmie & Howard Shubin Betty ShubinPhyllis Drucker Sichel & family Alice R. Drucker; Irma L. SichelDolph Simons, Helene Axelroth; Caroline N. Schweriner; Bertha

F. WhitlockJoAnn Simon, Bobette Schlezinger;

Nathan SchlezingerEllen Sklaroff, Pauline SherrLorna Sohn, Irene JosephElaine Sokoloff, Paul SokoloffClaire Spilker, Oscar SpilkerFreda Sussman, Anna SussmanHarriet Victor, Hettie BloomDoris P. Wallner Howard Kauffman;

Janice PolakoffLili Weisz, George Weisz; Leslie Weisz

Judith & Allen Wexler Evelyn MillerAndrew & Lorraine Woldow Asher Woldow; Doris WoldowMerle & Barry Wolf Philmore SotoloffRochelle Wolf, Beth ShapiroAllen Yogel, Lawrence A. YogelRobert Yusem Stanton “Bud” Yusem


Joanne & Jim Adler Hanley RubinsohnMarilyn & Howard Koff HarrietCaryl & Mike Levin Robert DeLuca; Sue Gaston-

Lustman; Raymond Kauffman; Robert Kruger

Donor, In Honor Of

Joanne & Jim Adler Special Birthday Ann CohenMarilyn & Howard Koff Bar Mitzvah of Jacob

Wood SklarEvelyn Pastor Marriage of Matthew NodiffClaire Schein Marriage of Matthew Nodiff


Claire & Ed Schweriner Special Birthday of

Bernice Printz


E. Harris Baum, Frances Berlin


Sandy & Ronald Pitkow Sharon Leon LevyDiane Tonkin & family Norman Tonkin

Donor, In Honor Of

Marlene Bookbinder 40th Birthday of

Cantor Amy E. LevyEve Mennies, 40th Birthday of Cantor Amy E. LevyJeanne Perlmutter 40th Birthday of

Cantor Amy E. LevyRuth Singer, 40th Birthday of Cantor Amy E. Levy

All listings indicate donor first, followed by the honor or memorial in italic print.

S H A L O M K I 1 9

ContributionsDiane Tonkin & family Cantor Amy E. LevySusan & Robert Zaslow Cantor Levy & Shir Glee


Beverly & Joseph Scarpignato Martha Madnick

Donor, In Honor Of

Anita & Murray Madnick Sonnie & Bob Katz; Phyllis

Drucker Sichel; Birth of Zoey Bea Sirota

The Werner Family, 40th Birthday of Cantor Amy E. Levy


Paulie & Sid Cross David Ellis; Honey Weiss

Donor, In Honor Of

Paulie & Sid Cross Birthday of Jackie Kuptsow;

90th Birthday of Mannie Weinstein

GENERAL FUNDDonor, In Memory Of

Myrna & Howard Asher Solit daughter-in-lawLois & Emil Cohn Richard DavidovRenate Elgart, Gloria GreenbergLeonard Feldman Irene GoldsteinRobin & Marc Furman, Raymond Kauffman; Alan YarnoffBeryl Halpern Joyce Herman GoldsteinLois N. Hitchman Walter Fiddler; Shirley Sivitz;

Alvin Waxman; Marlene ZarwinCarol & Steve Mansh Barbara KrenselAnn Newman, Marlene ZarwinDottie & Ben Ohrenstein Irene FeldmanDolph Simons, Marlene ZarwinDiane Apfelbaum Toll & Charles Toll, Marlene Zarwin

Donor, In Honor Of

Michael Baram 50th Wedding Anniversary

of Earnest & Sandi Philips; 80th Birthday of Earnest Philips

Joyce Brodsky Bat Mitzvah of Julia Lynch

Mona S. Hersh-Cochran 50th Wedding Anniversary

of Earnest & Sandi PhilipsRobin Hirsch Birth of Zoey Bea SirotaLois Hitchman Arlin Adams; Cantor Levy;

Brian Rissinger; Rabbi Sussman

Marvin Kleinman Birthday of Louise KleinmanJudy & Lionel Schlank Bat Mitzvah of

Marley Beth Wardle


William Schur Marjorie Parelman; Leonard

Schur; Paul Staller; Norman Tonkin; Marlene Zarwin


Jules & Connie Kay, Sadie Kay

Donor, In Honor Of

Caryl & Mike Levin 80th Birthday of Jules Kay


Beryl Halpern, Marlene ZarwinSusan Halpern, Marlene ZarwinCindy Kramer, Marlene Zarwin


Nathan & Joan Zinberg Paul Roda

Donor, In Honor Of

Nathan & Joan Zinberg 50th Anniversary of

Nate’s Bar Mitzvah


Kevin & Chana Kleinman Marriage of Elyse Miller

& Brett Herman


Peggy & Stanley Goldenberg Jack Kushner;

Bernard Sabreen


Frank & Ellen Abrahams Herman SteinLes Cooperson, Samuel BruskinJan C. Finkelman David Finkelman; Elizabeth

Breger Goldston; Ethel SmithBob & Sonnie Katz Samuel Bruskin

Donor, In Honor Of

Miriam Finkel Speedy Recovery of

Ellen SklaroffCaryl & Mike Levin Ellen & Bob BilderseeThe Werner Family, 40th Birthday of Cantor Amy E. LevyThe Whitman-Orlin Family Sallie Olson


Helen & Irvin Klein Alice M. Waas; Laura Waas


Jean M. Korn, Marlene Zarwin


Kay Brylawski Michael Brylawski;

Joseph L. Krauskopf; Patricia M. Krauskopf


Ricki Gordon, Marlene ZarwinEve Mennies, Marjorie ParelmanDoris & Paul Schor Raymond Kauffman

Donor, In Honor Of

Darlene & Harvey Gilbert Speedy Recovery of

Roz BenedictRicki Gordon Speedy Recovery of

Adele Roda


Connie Gottlieb, Joan Jaffe

MUSIC ARTS FUNDDonor, In Memory Of

Kathryn & Peter Turner Shirley Sivitz

Donor, In Honor Of

Morty Freedman Ellen & Bob BilderseeJackie & Brian Kovach Birth of our granddaughter

Olive Zaydie KovachLynn Neigut Ellen & Bob BilderseeMyrna Rosenau Ellen & Bob BilderseeJoan & Leonard Shore Ellen & Bob BilderseeJoAnn & Richard Simon 75th Birthday of Lee RosenthalRuth Singer Ellen & Bob Bildersee


Ruth & Bud DuBois Joan JaffeMarvin & Lois Finkelstein Norman TonkinJoyce & Ben Fishbein Joan Jaffe; Marlene ZarwinJanice & Leonard Freed Joan JaffePaul & Susan Jaffe, Joan JaffeNancy Klein, Joan JaffeJerry & Charlotte New Albert KendallSandy & Ronald Pitkow Sharon Leon LevyEric Silberman & family Paul SilbermanPhyllis Drucker Sichel Joan JaffeTammi Smith & family Paul SilbermanThe Weidamoyer Family Darlene Costello PriceKaren Wolffe, Joan JaffeNorman Zarwin, Joan Jaffe

Donor, In Honor Of

Jeanne Perlmutter Rochelle WolfPam & Robert Saltzburg 50th Birthday of Steve GableEric Silberman & family Rabbi Kevin M. KleinmanTammi Smith & family Rabbi Kevin M. KleinmanLinda & Phil Stein Birth of our grandson

Eli Jacob MillerBobbi & Dick Weiss Speedy Recovery of

Ellen Sklaroff


Terry & Marjorie Caddy Charlie Kinzig; Lester Krawitz;

Stefano TestaBen Richman Charlie Kinzig; Stefano TestaChuck & Alice Richman Lynne Millevoi

Donor, In Honor Of

Marjorie & Terry Caddy 96th Birthday of Ben RichmanBen Richman & Rita Lipson 95th Birthday of Elsa BehrendCarly, Dan & Ryan Richman 96th Birthday of Ben RichmanTemma & Marc Richman 96th Birthday of Ben RichmanKathy & Bob Schlesinger 96th Birthday of Ben Richman


Les Cooperson & Robyn Miller Thelma Ivker; Louise SchwartzRuth S. Gross, Thelma IvkerEllen & Marc Grossman Albert Borland


The Selznick Family Louise Schwartz

Donor, In Honor Of

Myrna & Howard Asher, Special Birthday of Ann Klein CohenCaryl & Mike Levin Special Birthday of Harold Horn

21st CENTURY FUNDDonor, In Memory Of

Marc & Andy Brookman Rose Levin

Donor, In Honor Of

Andy & Marc Brookman Ellen & Bob Bildersee


Gwenn Bornstein Martha MadnickKay Brylawski, Hanley S. Rubinsohn; Ruth S. WeissRita & Sheldon Flame Handley S. Rubinsohn

(Continued on page 20)

2 0 M AY 2 0 1 4

In Our CommunityDear Women of Keneseth Israel,Song of Songs 2:11-13 “For now the winter is past, the rains are over and gone. The blossoms have appeared in the land ...” There is a famous proverb that says; “April showers bring May

flowers.....” and keeping that in mind, we are getting ready to plant our Mitzvah Garden. This year we are hoping to grow another bumper crop of vegetables to donate to those who are less fortunate in our community. Last year, as part of ‘Grow for a Friend’ we donated more than 300 pounds of vegetables. These vegetables were cooked and added to prepared meals that were delivered to seniors and shut-ins across our community who are unable to prepare their own meals. If you are not sure where the garden is, you soon won’t be able to miss us, thanks to beautiful and colorful new signs that have been kindly donated by Mark and Elaine Pitkow. We are also making plans to put in more permanent fencing and add more flowers and herbs! We need the most help when we plant in May and when we harvest in late August. Gardening can be a lot of work, but it can also be a lot of fun. We are always looking for new members to help. Contact me, Lynore Eisman, at 215-676-1812 or send an email to [emailprotected] Events for Your Enjoyment: Please save the date and join us for our Women of KI Sisterhood Shabbat on Friday, May 30th at 8:00 p.m.Board Meeting: Our next Board meeting is on Tuesday, May 20th at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room. Our Board Meetings are open to all of our members! We will be voting on our officers and any programming ideas for next year. Connect With Women of KI. We encourage you to come to our events and planning meetings. Become a part of “the nurturing soul of our KI Community.”Lynore Eisman

Hello from Brotherhood

I hope you are taking the opportunity to smell the roses now that winter is behind us. As the year winds down, we are beginning to set a course for next year.

We would like to have more social events where all people can mingle and just enjoy themselves for a few hours. We are working hard to think of a venue that is all encompassing.

Brotherhood Shabbat, which is a yearly highlight, always attempts to bring together pertinent speakers and topics. We ask that you give us suggestions on a speaker you would find interesting to have at KI.

You should have received your Yom HaShoah Candle, a reminder of lives lost during the Holocaust. Whether you were able to make a contribution or not, we hope you lit the candle as a reminder of what took place. This program is extremely important for all of us and it helps educate our children so no one ever forgets that period of our history. The Brotherhood spends many hours preparing, boxing and sending these candles along with the letters. It is our labor of love to you and to the Jewish community.

Please like us on Facebook. We are a social media phenomenon now. We will also be sending our minutes electronically to all who pay dues. This way, more people can stay connected, be involved and participate.

As I constantly say, we are always looking for new ushers and usherettes. People that join never seem to quit, so perhaps you want to add these pleasurable few hours to your activities at KI.

We have become the traveling Brotherhood. We held a meeting at Harvey Gilbert’s home as he was recovering from surgery and last month we went to Earle Weiss’ residence. It was not so much what we covered that was important; it was the smiles and happiness everyone shared.

Looking forward to your ideas for next year. We are YOUR Brotherhood.

Again, please remember us with your dues. We cannot exist and aid KI without your support.

Shalom,Nathan Zinberg, President


Marilyn & Kalman Lifson Hanley Rubinsohn; Norma

SeigelJoan & Phil Kamen Joyce Goldstein; Stanley WeitzJudy Monheit & family Marlene ZarwinLynn Neigut, Alvin WaxmanSilvia Parris & Renee Parris Jay BlumerDeborah & Bill Rubinsohn Zulla JenkinsHelen Schneeberg, David EllisPhyllis Drucker Sichel & family Steven Bregman

Donor, In Honor Of

Babe Hernes, Speedy Recovery of Giacomo DeAnnuntis


Sandy & Ronald Pitkow Sharon Leon LevyEdith Yesner, Bernard Kaplan


Elaine & Lewis AbelMarci & Richard AbtMarlene & Marc AdlerAltman/Chudzinski FamilySylvia AngertBrenda BaumholtzThelma BayukJoanne & Steven BeckStuart BenoffKaren & David BermanEllen & Bob BilderseeIrene BirnbachMarlene BookbinderIlene BomzeBrantz/Bedrick FamilyJeannette & Arnold BrenmanBarbara BronsteinAnne & Richard BrownFredlyn BrownKay BrylawskiLaurie & Stephen CapinAlison CarsonIlene ChasenChauveau Family

Lorraine & Stephen CherashoreSharon & Sydney ChipinAnn & Alan CohenMarc CohenPhyllis & Martin CohenRobert CypresMaxine DalsemerRuth & William DodiesLynore & Elliot EismanEstelle EllisJules FeinbergEleanor & Martin FeldsherMiriam & Joshua FeldsteinAlbert FinestoneKen FinkelsteinLois FinkelsteinJoyce FishbeinDorrice FisherBarbara & Kenneth FormanJill & Michael FreimanMarsha & Richard GashJudith & Joel GlassmanStanley GoldenbergFlorence GormanConnie GottliebJoan & Nathen Zinberg

Contributions (Continued from page 19)

S H A L O M K I 2 1

SENIOR STAFFSenior Rabbi, Lance J. Sussman, Ph.D., D.D. [emailprotected] / 215-887-8702Associate Rabbi, Kevin M. Kleinman [emailprotected] / 215-887-8702Cantor, Amy E. Levy [emailprotected] / 215-887-8702Executive Director, Brian Rissinger [emailprotected] / 215-887-8700Director of Religious Education Rabbi Stacy Eskovitz Rigler [emailprotected] / 215-887-8704Director of Early Childhood Education Beth Rabinowitz [emailprotected] / 215-885-2425Rabbi Emeritus, Simeon J. Maslin, D. Min. Cantor Emeritus, Richard Allen Exec. Director Emeritus, William Ferstenfeld, F.T.A.

OFFICERSPresident, Arnold Meshkov [emailprotected] Vice President, Ellen Sklaroff [emailprotected] President, Evonne Kruger [emailprotected], Janice Schwartz-Donahue [emailprotected], James Rosenthal [emailprotected] Treasurer, Karen Langsfeld [emailprotected] Presidents Hon. Arlin Adams, Hon. Paul L. Jaffe, Joyce Fishbein, Hon. Jan E. DuBois, Miriam Finkel, Connie Kay, E. Harris Baum, Norma Meshkov, Karen L. Sirota, Carey S. Roseman, Andrew J. Flame, Peter J. Soloff, Richard Weiss

215-887-8700 • FAX 215-887-1070 • www.kenesethisrael.org

Editor, Donna Bleznak Keller Assistant Editor, Anita Madnick Design Consultant, Lori Cohen

ShalomT H E B U L L E T I N O F K E N E S E T H I S R A E L & T H E M E Y E R S L I B R A R Y

Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel is an affiliate congregation of the Union for Reform Judaism


8339 Old York RoadElkins Park, PA 19027215-887-8700


1802 Skippack PikeBlue Bell, PA 19422

Do You Remember Phil?

The recent death (Feb. 12) of one of my childhood heroes, the comedian Sid Caesar, brought to mind my recollection of Your Show of Shows, the hilarious, live, Saturday night program in which he starred. Among the writers of this late ‘40’s, early ‘50’s show was the zany Mel Brooks.

Brooks and another brilliant character, Carl Reiner, put together a phonographic album titled 2000 Year Old Man. Asked to explain the origin of God, the old man said that early humans first adored “a guy in our village named Phil, and for a time we worshipped him.” Phil, “was big, and mean, and he could break you in two with his bare hands!” One day, a thunderstorm came up, and a lightning bolt hit Phil. “We gathered around and saw that he was dead. Then we said to one another, ‘There’s something bigger than Phil!’”.

The basic urge to recognize something bigger than Phil still gives theistic theories an audience, and triggers endless, inconclusive discussions about the nature and/or existence of God.

In the Feb.17/24 issue of The New Yorker, Adam Gopnik captures the scope of these discussions and then some in an article titled Bigger Than Phil. The essence of his article is well beyond the scope of this column but it is worth reading for all those who think about God. Professor Mitchell Stephens of New York University has written Imagine There’s No Heaven: How Atheism Helped Create the Modern World, in which he speaks of the “agonized struggle within the soul and the mind between belief and non-belief.” Gopnik calls this struggle a modern piety but wonders how many people actually experience it.

Make no mistake---I am not making a case for belief or non-belief here. Gopnik’s article affords great respect to both sides of this discussion. All I’m trying to do is point out what I think is an accessible, fairly readable and comprehensive survey of the subject.

Dick WeissImmediate Past President

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WorshipFor The Future

Sunday, June 1 Board Retreat 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday, June 3 Consecration Service 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 4 Shavuot & Confirmation Service 10:30 a.m.

Thursday, June 5 KI Annual Congregational Meeting 7:30 p.m.

Friday, June 13 Installation Shabbat Service 8:00 p.m.

Friday, June 20 Classic Rock Shabbat 7:00 p.m.

Friday, July 18 Special Shabbat Celebrating Rabbi Lance J. Sussman’s 60th Birthday 8:00 p.m.

Yahadut Mitkademit Reform Judaism

T’fillot Prayer and Spirituality

Tikkun Olam Social Justice/Repair of the World

Hiddur Mitzvah Arts and Culture

Limmud Sacred Learning

Kehillah Community

Ahavat Israel Jewish Pride/Love of Israel


As a diverse community rep-resenting a broad constituency of nearly 1,000 families strong, we have identified seven core values that define the heart and soul of our congregation.

Look inside for the core value symbol – revealing our commitment in action!

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Join Rabbi Lance & Liz Sussman and Rabbis Peter and Stacy Rigler for an enriching, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as they lead a summer family trip to Israel. The deluxe tour, AUGUST 17 - 29, 2014, is open to all members of Keneseth Israel and Temple Sholom, and promises to be a most memorable experience. Highlights of the trip, among many, include Biblical Jerusalem’s Western Wall tunnels “Behind the Scenes” tour, ancient synagogues & artists market in mystical Safed, a hike through the Tel Dan Nature Reserve, a visit to an active Israeli Military Base and an unforgettable performance at Nalag’at Theatre. For more details and information, please see the link on the KI Website homepage or contact the clergy office.


KI Adult Education Committee Programs

Finish this wonderful year by coming to the last of this year’s programs:

Thursday May 1 - 11:15 a.m. -- Maimonides Cafe facilitated by Dr. Dick Weiss

Sunday May 4 - 10:15 a.m. -- Rabbi Sussman’s Spring Forum: Jews and Theater

Sunday May 11 - 10:15 a.m. -- Rabbi Sussman’s Spring Forum: Jews in Science and Medicine

Thursday May 15 - 11:15 a.m. -- Mao Tse-Tung: The 70/30 Proposition

Sunday May 18 - 10:30 a.m. -- Rabbi Sussman’s Spring Forum: Jews and the Law

Thursday May 22 - 11:15 a.m. -- Therapy: The Gift You Give Yourself

Thursday May 29 - 11:15 a.m. -- Moe Berg: Ballplayer, Lawyer, Linguist and Spy. Art Fields.

Hope to see you there! Caryl Levin

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.