Pink grapefruit and campari sorbet recipe Drizzle and Dip (2024)

· Recipes · Vegetarian



Pink grapefruit and campari sorbet recipe Drizzle and Dip (1)

This pink grapefruit and Camparisorbet is the perfect balance between sweet and bitter with a light texture which I love. It is also very easy to make with a minimal amount of heating, cooling and churning going on.

Pink grapefruit and campari sorbet recipe Drizzle and Dip (2)

Ice cream in general has to be the easiest dessert to make, and once you start making your own, it’s difficult to settle for anything but the best.With a sorbet, you want to taste the essence ofthe ingredients you are using. Without any cream or milk, the flavours should be bright and clean.

Pink grapefruit and campari sorbet recipe Drizzle and Dip (3)

I saw a friend tweet a pic of an ice cream made with this flavour combination recently and couldn’t tell if it was an ice cream or a sorbet but I fell in love with the idea. I decided to make it the latter as I felt the flavours would be better suited without any cream.

This is perfect as a dessert or palate cleanser and I was thinking it could be lovely scooped into a glass and topped up with bubbly or gin and tonic like I did with my lemon sorbet.

Pink grapefruit and campari sorbet recipe Drizzle and Dip (4)

Campari is a lowish alcohol liqueur that is drunk as an apéritif with a bitter flavour from the citrus and herb infusions. It forms the base of the famous Negroni and Americano co*cktails and is most often served with soda and garnished with a twist of orange. I find those co*cktails a little too bitter for me as I’m sensitive tothe bitter flavour profile,but I am however a big fan of pink grapefruit and havebeen eating it regularly for breakfast for over 20 years.

ThePaloma is my all-time favourite co*cktail too. I have only used 40 ml of Campari in this recipe as it’s a fine line when adding alcohol to sorbet before they don’t freeze well. I find around 50ml max to this quantity of liquid is as far as you can go. If you are wanting to intensify the Campari flavour, it would be best to add more afterwards.

The egg white and Campari (alcohol) give the sorbet its lovely light texture. It almost seems aerated and that is why I like to add it. You could leave the egg white out if you are vegan. The downside with this recipe is that with all the natural ingredients and alcohol, the crystals melt very quickly. You will want to serve it straight after scooping.

Pink grapefruit and campari sorbet recipe Drizzle and Dip (5)

*Cooks notes ~ I like to beat the egg white to a soft peak stage before adding it, along with the alcohol, to the sorbet and around 5 minutes before ithas finished churning. I have a fabulous semi-industrial Italian ice cream maker so I have never attempted making it by hand. You could take a look at my passion fruit sorbet recipe where I give instructions on how to make it by hand.

This is a standard method as I’ve seen published in many places. A tip I have found that helps with keeping the ice cream or sorbet cold when decanting is to pre-freeze a metal container and use that to store the ice cream. I like to use a small loaf tin which you could line with dampened baking paper.

Pink grapefruit and campari sorbet recipe Drizzle and Dip (6)

Recipe – Makes about 600ml

A delicious and refreshing pink grapefruit and Campari sorbet recipe.

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Pink grapefruit and campari sorbet recipe Drizzle and Dip (7)

Prep Time:15 minutes mins


  • 200 gm sugar about 1 cup
  • 400 ml freshly squeezed grapefruit juice strained
  • 100 ml water
  • thick zest of a grapefruit cut with a vegetable peeler
  • 1 egg white lightly beaten to soft peaks
  • 40 ml Campari 2Tbsp +2tsp


  • Place the grapefruit juice, sugar, water, and peel in a pot and bring it to a boil. Stir and ensure that all the sugar has dissolved. Take off the heat and allow it to cool.

  • Strain the cooled liquid and place in a freezer-proof container and freeze for around 3 hours. You just want to get it ice-cold.

  • Pour this into an ice cream machine and churn until almost done.

  • Add the whisked egg whites and the Campari and continue to churn for a further 5 - 8 minutes. Decant into ametal dish that has been pre-frozen. Cover and place in the freezer immediately.


The egg white and Campari (alcohol) give the sorbet its lovely light texture. It almost seems aerated and that is why I like to add it. You could leave the egg white out if you are vegan. The downside with this recipe is that with all the natural ingredients and alcohol, the crystals melt very quickly. You will want to serve it straight after scooping.

Servings: 600 ml

Author: Sam Linsell

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Pink grapefruit and campari sorbet recipe Drizzle and Dip (2024)


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