The Kitten, the Witches and the Bad Wardrobe • View topic (2024)

Time and Time Again.

Author: Citanul

Feedback: Be kind, rewind?

Spoilers: Just about all of them. Go watch the show.

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: W/T, B/F

Disclaimer: You all know I don’t own the rights to characters you’ve seen on TV.

Summary: A story of reincarnation and interdimensional travel made possible through the power of love. What misfortunes will our two favorite love birds be able to prevent with the aid of experience from countless past lives.

Author’s Note: We have come to the Incan Mummy Girl episode. Though I suspect many of you will soon notice I diverged from that plot line quickly.


Chapter 4: L.A.

Professor Gerhardt stood in the exhibit hall of the Sunnydale Natural History Museum. Bringing the now famous Incan Mummy Princess to the small California town had proven to be the attention-grabbing milestone her career at U.C. Sunnydale needed. Her star at the small university was rising and the success of this tour would surly take her places that made the last few years worth of strife well worth it.

Looking to the dais where the mummy and her sarcophagus currently resided, the professor was surprised to see two young women standing over the mummy. The local high schools wouldn’t be taking field trips to her exhibit for another week. As Gerhardt approached the girls with red and honey blonde hair she thought she distinctly heard chanting in an obscure ancient language. Maybe Sumerian. She had never taken to the linguistics aspect of her profession. The chanting stopped the moment she took the first step up the dais to join the pair of girls.

The blonde turned to her companion and addressed her just loud enough for the professor to hear clearly. “Isn’t this such a great exhibit, Sweetie? I’ve learned so much, but something seems off about this layout.”

“I know what you mean, Baby.” The redhead said. “I’m trying to figure out what it, oh wait! I figured it out. They’ve gone to all this trouble to display the mummy for all to see, and they did a lovely job, but for some reason, they didn’t put in a plexiglass cover just in case anyone clumsy trips and falls into the exhibit.” She finished with a series of frantic hand gestures.

“Oh, I see what you mean.” The blonde replied with a smile. “That intricately designed plate looks especially fragile. Why, if some high school student on a field trip were to break it I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of the woman who set this whole thing up.”

As the duo finished their inspection of the mummy and departed, Professor Gerhardt couldn’t hold back her shock. Two children had just taken one look at the highlight of her career and pointed out the one detail she forgot that could have almost ended her career.

Without a moment to spare, she found a gang of museum workers and had them bring out a display case glass for the sarcophagus. Within the hour it was affixed to the stone coffin and her career safety was assured. She owed someone a great favor for looking out for her.


As Tara and Willow left the museum they took one look at each other and laughed. “Sweetie, you make a wonderful actress.” Tara beamed.

“Not half as good as you, Baby.” Willow rebutted. “Now that Rodney and Xander are safe from the Ancient Incan Succu-Bitch we should get ready to move ahead with our plans. Fallback site B isn’t going to set up itself.”

Tara grinned wildly at her girl. “I love when you talk shop, you cool monster fighter you.”

“Just wait till I get you home and go over logistics and protracted operational support in my underwear.” The redhead whispered as she smirked and mischievously waggled her eyebrows.

Tara couldn’t hold back the lust in her eyes as she pulled Willow into a deep sensual kiss. The next phase of their plans was off to a wonderful start.


Charles Gunn stood before the entrance to Jenoff’s casino. His sister had talked him out of coming here for two years. Not anymore. He needed this to keep his people safe. To keep moving forward with the mission. To keep the vamps from wiping them out. So here he was. About to walk freely into a demon’s casino and bargain away the future he didn’t have. Taking one last breath Gunn reached for the door handle and entered the demon’s den. What he saw shook him to his core.

The bodies of demons were strewn about the place haphazardly. Humans huddled in fear beneath the more sturdy looking roulette and poker tables. A giant wheel of fortune style disc had come off its stand and was rolling across the main floor of the casino.

Off to one side, a vampire was locked in a struggle with three muscle bound demons from the casino’s security staff. The young gang member noticed a white guy about his own age and an older man with glasses were squaring off against one of the tusked security demons.

Even more strange was the fact that the vast majority of demons were being dispatched by one girl. A petite blonde who moved with a grace and ferocity the young man had never seen before. She was surrounded by demons on all sides both living and dead, and she was more than holding her own. Her longsword danced through the air with a whisper and cleaved through demons with ease.

Perhaps the oddest thing he saw, and indeed had ever seen, was in the center of the room. Jenoff, the demonic proprietor of this casino was suspended in the air as if an invisible hand was lifting him, by the throat, eight feet off the ground. Beneath him stood two women who looked to be the same age as the blonde warrior and the other young man in the room. A honey blonde with more curves than the warrior woman, and a slim redhead who had a finger waving back and forth at the suspended demon with an almost malicious grin on her face.

“Now, Jenoff. I wouldn’t normally drag this out but your refusal to cooperate is ticking me off.” The redhead mocked the choking demon. “For using the Akashic Records to further such base and vile purposes you are going to die. If you tell me what I want, it’ll be quick.”

“You’ll get nothing from me, witch.” The choking demon let out with a gasp.

“Now see, you think because you can regenerate you can live through just about anything, and normally that may be the case.” The thin redhead waved another hand as she walked in a slow circle around her floating victim. As the hand came up one of Jenoff’s arms twisted at a ninety-degree angle in a way that shouldn’t have been possible. The snapping sound from the bones in his forearm proved it was at the very least unwise.

“Damn,” Gunn whispered, causing the blonde and redhead to look across the room at him.

“Looks like time is up, Sweetie.” The blonde said with a sigh.

“I know, Baby.” The redhead said to her companion. “Looks like you got off lucky, Jenoff. Now that the guest of honor has arrived we no longer need your assistance. I’ll be sure to put your ill-gotten gains to good use.” With a slight grin, both women in the center of the room started up a slow chant. As their voices rose flames consumed the body of the suspended demon. Jenoff the soul sucker screamed in agony and was no more.

With the immolation of their employer, the rest of the demons present, and many humans, made a mad dash for the exits. Before Gunn could join them a firm hand was placed on his shoulder. Turning he saw the old man in tweed and glasses and the young guy with dark hair standing at his sides.

“Stick around for this next bit.” The young man said with a grin. “From what Willow said about your group’s situation I’m sure it will be worth your time.”

The warrior and the vampire came up to the three men with smiles. “Is this the guy Will and Tara said needed a hand?” The petite blonde asked with cheer. “I was so not looking forward to looking through every rundown warehouse and factory in L.A. trying to find the one group who can put up a fight against the undead.”

“Yes, Buffy. This is the guy.” The redhead said as she and the honey blonde strolled hand in hand across the carnage. “You’re Charles Gunn right.” She said more than asked.

“If I answer wrong are you gonna set my ass on fire, or just feed me to the vamp over there?” He rebutted with a scowl.

“Yup, this is him.” Willow sighed. “Listen, Gunn. We’re going to help you. Believe it or not, we are all in the same business.” As the scowl deepened she added. “We’re just a little better equipped than your gang is right now but that can change.”

As that statement sunk in his demeanor changed. Gunn had come here willing to bargain away his soul for a weapon. Could this group really be much worse than a soul-sucking demon?

At that moment the blonde holding the redhead’s hand spoke up. “Um, g-guys sh-shouldn’t we get what we came here for before anyone reports anything?”

Willow’s smile brightened. “Tara is right. Angel, search Jenoff’s office for safes. Buffy, Tara, and I will try to look for anything magic he might have been storing souls in. Guys look for any computers or artifacts we don’t want to just leave here for some baddie to find. Gunn if you wouldn’t mind helping please look around for a cart or something. We have to empty the contents of the casino’s vault or money room and fewer trips would be great.”

With that, the group dispersed. Gunn looked around confused for a moment but went to the employee service areas to find something that fit the redhead’s bill. He found an empty food serving table in the kitchens and began wheeling it out to the area he had seen the girls head towards.

As he turned the corner to enter what had to be the casino’s main offices and pit boss command center, Gunn heard a loud squeal of delight. “Found it! Buffy, smash that crystal orb.” Willow called out.

Gunn watched as the petite blonde went up to the ornate object, turned to her friends, and yelled. “Buffy smash!” Her arm whipped out and the magic doodad went flying and shattered as it hit the far wall. Once it lay in shards, wisps of multicolored mist poured out and up, disappearing into the ceiling. As the last wisp of soul energy seeped out the shards turned to dust.

The warrior Gunn had marveled at turned towards her friends and co*cked her head to the side in a confused fashion. “Buffy smash good?” She asked while holding back a grin.

“Yes, you big goof,” Willow replied with an exasperated sigh as Tara giggled. “Buffy smash real good.”

“Great! What’s next on the agenda?” The Slayer inquired.

“We load up all the cash and every bit of precious in this hole and head back to Gunn’s place,” Willow said in a matter of fact tone.

“Once we explain ourselves to his t-team we take them with us to kill the demon nesting in the abandoned h-hotel and make them our offer.” Tara elaborated.

“Good to know,” Buffy replied. Glancing up to see Gunn standing by the entrance staring at them she smiled. “Will that be enough information about us to get an introduction to your crew or do you still have doubts?” She asked the young man.

“So long as you don’t bring the cops or demons down on our heads we’re cool,” Gunn said while still expecting the other shoe to drop.

“Bad news, Willster, no computers but we did find a ledger,” Xander said as he walked up behind the L.A. native.

“No problem,” Willow assured. “Let’s clean out the money room and clear out before any more guests drop in.” She and Tara moved towards a large door at the rear of the control room and began to chant. As the spell came to an end the door handles began to smoke. They popped off, falling to the floor with a clang. The door opened to reveal shelves filled with bundles of bills and a table in the center of the small room covered in gems. “Jackpot! Guys, start filling up Duffle bags. Baby, make sure none of those gems are cursed or filled with trolls. I’ll go check on Angel.”

“How often do you guys find fancy rocks with trolls inside?” Gunn asked, genuinely surprised.

“Not often,” Tara replied. “But it happens enough to check beforehand.”

As the redheaded witch breezed by the confused young man she stopped and turned to face him. “Gunn, don’t worry. At least half of this is going to your crew when they agree to our offer.” She smiled and went on to the owner’s office leaving behind the befuddled young man.

“Hey, Chuck. Come help me load up that cart you brought with those big plastic wrapped money cubes along the back wall.” Xander said with another grin. “This may not be the hills but we shouldn’t push our luck.”

Snapping back into action, Gunn wheeled the cart to the back shelves and went to work.


Willow walked into the main office and up to the brooding vampire who held an ear up to a wall safe set behind a portrait of dogs playing poker. “What’s the what, Angel?”

“Almost,” The vampire replied while straining his hearing as a click sounded through the room. “There!” He said, opening the door to reveal the contents of the safe. The bottom half held more than a few gold bricks while the top contained some stacks of large bills and a scepter-like object.

“Whoa there, big guy,” Willow said as the strange rod came into view. “Back away slowly.” She whispered. Reaching out with her senses the young witch immediately identified the object as some sort of energy focusing tool.

The problem was it had been used by a soul sucker for so long that it was of no use to them. Angel marveled at the young girl he had only known for about a year. She held up one hand and began another chant the vampire recognized as Gaelic. As light swirled around her the scepter turned to dust before his eyes.

“Wow, Willow. That is some serious power you’ve built up.” The vampire with a soul whistled. “At first I couldn’t believe what Buffy was telling me about you and Tara, but seeing it up close I gotta say I’m impressed.” He grew circ*mspect. “And you said it wasn’t dark magic or some kind of possession?”

“No, Angel. The darkest magic I would willingly cast is the Romani curse used to ensoul vamps.” She winked as the vampire suffering that very curse flinched. “As to possession, I’m filled with the memories and spirits of countless alternate versions of me from other dimensions. So yes. I am very much possessed by myself if that counts. Plus I know stuff I shouldn’t. Like Penn, Drusilla, Spike, and Sam Lawson”

Angel was stunned that the Slayer’s mousy redheaded friend knew that list of names from throughout his past. “Sounds like a long story you’re tired of telling.” A thought struck the man. “So I can assume we’ve had this conversation before?”

“Word for word,” Willow said cheerily as she loaded cash into a bag. “The good news is you always catch on quick and drop it.”

“I can’t imagine,” Angel said with a grin. The vampire quickly went about loading the heavy gold into a tough canvas sack he then slung over his shoulder. “So that kid and his homeless friends really fight any vampires that hit their neighborhood?”

“Yup,” Willow answered. “They’ll make a pretty good fighting force with a little training and the proper guidance.” She remarked as they left the office and returned to their friends in the now empty money room.

“Good news!” Xander called out as the red witch and the soul cursed vampire entered the room. “No trolls and a backpack full of precious gemstones. How’d things go in the office?”

“Cursed wand in the wall safe,” Willow responded cheerily. “Broke it with a Celtic chant and filled our backpack with solid gold bars.”

Angel held the bag he carried open for all to see. Buffy and the two boys had never seen an actual gold brick before. Giles had seen some once from a distance while on a council mission. Needless to say, the many one kilogram bars were a sight to behold.

“Will?” Buffy ventured. “How much is that worth?”

“Hmm.” The redhead thought for a moment. “Let’s see, each bar is one kilogram. One kilogram is worth about forty-two thousand and eight hundred. There are fifty Kilograms in the bag Angel is holding, just over one hundred and ten pounds. So around two point one four million. Give or take market fluctuations.”

“So, a lot then?” Xander quipped.

“Sweetie, you know how much I love your math talk, but we really should be going.” Tara chimed in.

“Right, no time to lose.” The redhead snapped to action. “Everything's loaded?” Buffy and Giles gave nods of affirmation. “Good. Let’s hit the road.”

The group exited the now thoroughly looted building still filled with dead demons. They all climbed into the large cargo van Gunn had helped load down with the booty. As they pulled away from the casino and towards a main road Gunn took a moment to study this new group that had so completely changed the outcome of his night. These were certainly the strangest white people he had ever come across.


Alonna was worried sick. Her brother had gone off to some demon run cesspit to literally make a deal with the devil. She had tried to argue him out of it for so long and tonight was apparently the night the well ran dry. He was gone and she had no idea if he was ever coming back.

Heading up to the street level door of their newest hideout she passed by Jason and Poe on the way in with freshly stolen goods. They wouldn’t last the night but every little bit helped.

As she neared the exit she saw Chain and Rondell arguing over what to do next. Things were looking bad without Charles to give them clear leadership. “What are you two fighting about now?” Alonna asked them in a far too chipper tone.

“We’re not fighting,” Rondell protested. “We just think he should have been back by now.”

“He said he was getting wheels,” Chain added. “What kind of wheels are worth going to all this trouble for if they can’t move fast enough for him to be back by now?”

“No wheels are worth what he’s going to give up,” Alonna said firmly. “But there’s no talking him out of it.”

As she was about to head back inside a huge bus pulled up right in front of them. The doors opened and her brother stepped out and came face to face with the trio who had worried over his whereabouts.

“Sup y’all,” He said with a smile.

“Don’t you “sup y’all” me,” Alonna practically shouted. “Where have you been and what the hell is that thing supposed to do for us?”

“Easy, girl.” Her brother protested. “I went to Jenoff’s but things there were going a little differently than what I had planned.”

As he was trying to ease his sister’s nerves Alonna couldn’t help but notice the three white girls standing behind him. “Charles! What the hell? You sold your soul to a demon for a tour bus and three white women?” She shouted.

At this outburst, all three girls behind Gunn just about doubled over with laughter. “Oh, Goddess, that’s funny.” The redhead wheezed into the hair of the taller blonde who was in tears.

“He wishes we were on the menu at that ratty casino.” The shorter of the two blondes said between chuckles. “Seriously though we have a demon to kill. Round up your crew, Gunn. Get everyone to pack their things and load into the bus. You won’t be coming back to this rats’ nest once we clear out your new headquarters.”

Both Rondell and Chain had matching looks of complete confusion on their faces. “What the hell is she talking about, Gunn?” Rondell said.

“What demon?” Chain added.

Gunn had a slight smile. He couldn’t wait to share the new plan with his people. “Just do what the lady said. The long version comes after kicking some demon ass, short version is we’ve now got corporate sponsorship.”


Once the thirty or so homeless kids had their few meager possessions packed onto the Greyhound and were seated Alonna took note of the old man sitting in the driver’s seat. He had glasses, a tweed blazer and while he didn’t act like some rich snob he did have an accent and an air of authority that set him apart from the young people who had shown up with Charles. The three girls were in deep conversation at the front of the bus and her brother seemed to be in on the party. ‘Just what is going on?’ She thought.

Turning towards his crew Gunn and the smaller blonde stood up. “Okay listen up people,” He said. “This is Buffy. She’s calling the shots on this op.”

“Gunn, what the hell?” Chain protested. “Who are these people?”

“I’m Buffy Summers.” The blonde spoke up. “And I’m the Slayer.”


As Buffy gave the young crowd the standard explanation for what being a Slayer entailed Giles started up the bus and drove towards the hotel where they had left Xander, Angel, and the van full of money.

This gave Willow and Tara the opportunity to prepare the spells that would soon need casting to face the paranoia demon. The connection between the two young lovers had never been stronger. Yet this fight would be the most taxing series of spells they had done yet. If not for the assistance of the rest of the Scooby gang they would never have approached a Thesulac in this way.

The fact remained, however. They had something to prove. This street gang needed to see the forces they would be facing beyond simple vampire nests. They needed to be shown what truly terrifying power looked like. How else would they understand the gravity of the proposal Willow and Tara would put before them?

As Giles pulled the bus up in front of the old abandoned Hyperion Hotel the girls came out of the focusing trance they had been in the entire trip. Buffy and Gunn got the crew off the bus and made sure everyone knew their roles in the coming fight. What they left out was the fact most of those roles were that of spectator. Buffy, Willow, Tara, and to a lesser extent Angel would be doing the heavy lifting. Xander, Giles, and Gunn would be by the rest of the onlooking crew to ensure the demon was penned in. Yes, they were in for a show this night.

As the large fighting force entered the old hotel many of them could hear whispers in the dark. Giles called them to attention. “Ignore the voices. It’s just the demon trying to break us before we even face it.”

"Aradia, Goddess of the lost, the path is murky, the woods are dense, darkness pervades, I beseech thee, bring the light,” Willow chanted. “Fiat Lux!”

Light filled the dark hotel lobby and allowed the teams to move into position. The Thesulac’s whispers grew more fervent but to no avail. The Scoobies were a trained team by this point, and even the weakest of Gunn’s crew was used to facing down more than their share of horrors.

Giles spread the bag of prepared powders across the area they wanted the demon to manifest in and as one the witches began their chant.

“We call thee forth, Thesulac of the Netherworld. We command you, leave our minds, and join us on this the physical plane.” Raising the Orb of Ramjarin, Tara and Willow continued. “We invoke thee by the power of the orb of priests of Ramjarin. What was once in our thoughts, be now in our midst.”

As the light in the orb grew to a blinding crescendo the air in the middle of the lobby thickened into shifting veils of light. As the deepest veil grew brighter and began to break through to the surface a scream could be heard throughout the chamber.

The sound of thunder and screams echoed as the last veil shattered. There before the assembled demon hunters was the Thesulac demon fully manifested in the physical world.

“I don’t remember ordering takeout, but I like what ya brung me. Not as delectable as the last one perhaps, but full of tasty paranoia just the same.” Looking around the demon took in the sight of all the delicious humans in his feeding grounds. “The large numbers especially make up for the slim pikin’s on a few of ‘em.”

Angel stepped forth. “You had your last meal here a long time ago. You should have gotten out when you had the chance.”

“Got out?” The demon scoffed. “Now why would I want to do that when the room service in this hotel is still excellent? Has been for fifty years.” A confused look came over Angel’s face as the demon leaned in close to gloat. “Paranoia here is like fine wine.”

“It gets better with age.” The vampire finished. “You’re still feeding.”

“Gunn!” Buffy called.

Raising his crossbow Gunn called out to his crew. “Fire!”

No less than fifteen crossbow bolts and arrows found themselves lodged in the towering demon. Half his tentacles were pinned to different surfaces around the Thesulac. Buffy flew into the fray. Her blade connecting with the demon’s body with frightening precision.

As Angel closed the distance to aid the Slayer, Tara and Willow began another chant. “Thespia, we call upon thee. Bind our foe. Thicken!”

The movements of the demon slowed to less than a crawl. Buffy took the opening to bury her sword in its chest. The blade went in all the way to the hilt as she and Angel drew back from the fight.

Still moving the demon looked like it was readying another go. That is until the witches ended their last chant of the battle.

Willow and Tara raised the hands that had been connected the entire time. As their outstretched arms pointed at the demon they shouted out in unison. “Lords of the sky and upper realms hear our plea. Strike!”

A pillar of light encircled both women as a beam of lightning arced out from their joined hands and consumed the hideous fiend. His screams pounded in the ears of those present as his form was engulfed in light and destroyed.

Nothing was left of the Thesulac as the light faded and the two witches slumped to the floor back to back. Angel began his lonely walk up the stairs.

“Where’s he going?” Xander asked.

“He h-has to say goodbye. T-tell that poor woman she can rest now.” Tara breathed out.

“Giles, the after-party,” Willow whispered to her mentor.

“Yes, dear girl,” He replied as he took his phone out and made the call.


Twenty minutes later thirty large pizzas had been delivered and everyone was enjoying themselves heartily. Alonna and Buffy seemed to be in deep conversation, and Gunn had introduced Xander to just about all of his people. The mere mortals of the ever-expanding group were sharing favorite dust stories. A Coroner had come by and taken the body of Judy Kovacs from room 214. Angel had written up a goodbye note for the old woman so they wouldn’t file her as a Jane Doe and Giles gave them instructions to follow so that Willow could pay for her service.

“It always helps to have an adult on hand to talk to the cops or doctors when things turn out screwy,” Buffy told Alonna. “Of course being able to run away really fast helps too.”

Alonna couldn’t help but laugh. “Says the girl with superpowers.” As her laughter subsided she looked over at Willow and Tara. “So have they always been that powerful?”

Buffy sighed at the change in topic. “Since the day they met. I’ve known Will for over a year now, but Tara only joined our group in the last few weeks.” Looking back at the young African American girl, Buffy smiled. “Ever since the moment they met their powers have grown, while they blossomed. Seeing them so in love gives me hope. You know?”

“I get that,” Alonna replied.

As the conversations in the room began to taper off Tara and Willow rose and walked to the center of the room. Clasping hands they intoned in unison. “Goddess, we invoke your will. Cleanse this place and allow it to heal.” Light flowed around them and suddenly everyone in the building could feel the air lighten. An evil presence had been cleansed from the place they had won.

The duo walked back over to the center of the room and sat down wearily on the circular couch. “Okay there’s only one more spell to cast but it’s a doozy and we’ll have to prep for it.” The redhead said to the assembled demon hunters.

“If e-everyone could gather round, there are some things w-we need to discuss,” Tara announced as she and Willow clung to each other.

As the crew of young homeless teens gathered around the two witches they all grew quiet. No one was sure about what was going to happen next. Alonna had felt a connection to the Slayer right away, but that didn’t help ease the sense that they were planning something.

“So,” Willow began slowly. “I bet you’re all wondering what’s going on. Well, we have an offer to make you all. Earlier tonight we killed Jenoff and ransacked his casino. That’s where we met Gunn. We then looted the place and now there is a van in this building’s parking structure with a few million dollars in it. Some of that is going to all of you.”

As the group of disenfranchised youth stood there shocked, Giles pulled out a file and some papers. He then crossed over to the Gunn siblings and handed them a pen.

“Charles, Alonna, if you would be so kind, please sign here,” He asked in his polite British accent.

The brother and sister looked at each other then Gunn took the pen and signed his name. Alonna followed right behind with her signature.

“Good,” Willow said. “As of midnight tonight Tara and I are the legal owners of the Hyperion Hotel. This place belongs to us. That form you just signed makes the two of you co-owners. As soon as it’s filed with our realtor the four of us officially own this hotel.”

Gunn was shocked. Alonna was just as surprised but still waited for the other shoe to drop.

“Your group could one day be a great force for good,” Tara told them. “But there are some things you’re going to need to learn.”

“Our group operates out of Sunnydale,” Willow went on. “It is the hellmouth. That means it has less than a twentieth of the population of L.A. and five times as many vamps and demons. Thus we have the Slayer stationed there.” She gestured to Buffy who waved at the assembled teens. “We just got the finances to fund a wide scale anti demon offensive but we don’t have the manpower to patrol a second city, especially one this size. You have manpower but no finances. That pizza party may have been the first full meal some of you have had in a while.” She paused to let them all understand she was aware of their situation.

“This hotel is now your base of operations,” Willow said. “Buffy please remove your shirt.”

This statement stunned the entire group who looked back and forth between the witch and the Slayer. Buffy complied easily but put on a good show of being put out. “Okay if you say so, Will, but just this once. Don’t want to show off too much of the goods.”

Shock turned to puzzlement as the Slayer removed her shirt and revealed a second covering beneath it. She wore what looked like a full-body wet suit covered in plates and ridges. Denser plated sections protected vital parts of the young woman’s anatomy.

“That,” Willow told the now curious crew. “Is state-of-the-art body armor. It’s a series of polymer plates over a Kevlar weave. Designed light enough to conceal under her normal clothes. Yet strong enough to stop most small arms fire, knives, the average demon claw, and many other things. It costs around three hundred thousand dollars, and each of us is wearing one.”

“We’re willing to supply you with vehicles, weapons, and similar armor,” Tara said as her mate’s statement was met with blank and confused stares. “Also food, medical supplies, and just about everything you need to live here comfortably.”

Something finally sparked in Gunn’s mind. It was too good to be true. “What’s the catch?” He asked.

“There are some rules each of you will have to follow,” Willow said with her best resolve face. “Obviously no drugs or anything illegal that isn’t part of the mission. We can’t have petty crimes jeopardize what we’re doing. No more stealing to survive. You will each be compensated for whatever part you play in this. Whether you fight in the field or stay here and support from base. Everyone eats, gets clean clothing, and a comfortable bed.”

Smiles spread across the faces of the no longer homeless kids. Willow saw this and went on to the hard part. “Those who can, are going back to school. Those who can’t, are going to earn G.E.D.’s.” The smiles vanished from half the faces. “The only way this works is if this place counts as a youth center slash halfway home on paper. Then it becomes a huge humanitarian tax write off and we can spend as much money as we want on it without the cops wondering if you guys are going to start world war three. That means education for all. We will provide tutors and anything else you guys need but you are all learning at least a trade skill if not earning a college degree.”

“That sounds fair when you put it like that,” Alonna stated.

“There’s more,” Tara replied.

“Right,” Willow said. “Tara and I own a company. A startup tech firm that will be selling all sorts of goods to fortune-five-hundreds all over. Once you get a diploma or G.E.D. we can put you on the company’s official payroll. We’re thinking of calling it the special projects division. Anyway, once you are officially our employee you get the special retirement package. We’re going to take the majority of the money we took from Jenoff’s and invest it in a bunch of places. Once any of you have been fighting here for ten years we’ll give you a cut of the interest earned. Five million each sound good? More than enough to start fresh somewhere or bankroll dreams you guys might have.”

The smiles were back as all of Gunn’s crew couldn’t believe the offer being made.

“Lastly there are some things you’ll have to understand,” Willow said, still serious. “There are demons that make the Thesulac we just killed look like a saint. There are also demons out there, especially in a city this size, who are absolutely harmless. They are fully integrated into human society and go their whole lives without spilling a drop of human blood. Furthermore, there are demons who go out of their way to serve the forces of good. The powers that be have many such demons positioned all over this city. They serve the greater good by guarding locations and objects of power and keeping such things out of the reach of the forces of evil.” She paused to let that sink in.

“Under no circ*mstances are you to slay any of those demons,” Willow said in the harshest voice they had heard from her yet. “There are a few demons we’re going to contact and have you guys work with on a regular basis. They are all good men trying to do right by the world.”

Rondell chose that moment to speak up. “So what, you just expect us to trust some demon with our lives?”

“I expect you to fight evil and protect innocent lives!” Willow shot back. “Regardless of the race of the innocents in question. When a group of evil demons runs through town trying to exterminate half breeds, I expect you to save the half breeds. When some otherwise peaceful demons go crazy for no reason, I expect you to find the reason. Half the time it’s some new drug we need off the streets. When a group of evil rich humans opens an underground demon fighting ring, I expect you to shut it down and free the demons being tortured and imprisoned. When a demon shows up protecting a pregnant woman whose unborn child is some chosen one, I expect you to protect the child, the mother, and the demon.”

The L.A. residents had no clue how to respond to that. Tara took the opportunity to try a softer approach. “There are countless different types of demons. Many are unspeakably evil, but just as many are completely harmless and just trying to go about living their lives in peace. They come to towns like L.A. because they can blend in and hide from anyone who might be hunting them. They want the same things we all want.”

Willow took Tara’s hand and spoke to the group. “There are a few demons you will have to trust completely for the mission to work. One of them is a total pacifist who will never fight in the field but will provide information and guidance that I can already tell all of you severely need. Another one we have in mind is a bit stronger and more than willing to fight other demons but he’s not half the fighter Gunn is. He’s also half human and in need of friends.”

“That’s all fine,” Gunn said. “We can work with the occasional demon who knows how to behave.” He paused and looked at Angel. “Vampires are another story though.”

“Angel is a special case,” Willow said with a chuckle. “He’s cursed. About a hundred years ago he ate the wrong Romani princess. They cursed him with a human soul.”

Confusion swept through the crowd. “So he’s good then?” Alonna asked.

“No,” Willow said. “He is mopey and brooding, but as long as the curse remains intact he fights evil and tries to be a good man. Which is why he is going to be stationed here with you.”

“What!” Buffy screamed.

Angel looked up puzzled. “Willow.”

“You two follow me,” The redhead said as she got up and walked to the office behind the front desk. The Slayer and the cursed vampire followed her.

“That’s going to be a messy conversation,” Tara said. “Because of the s-specific conditions behind the curse Angel should not be with our group in Sunnydale.”

“So why don’t you dust him?” Chain challenged. “It’s not like you don’t have the power.”

A smile spread over Tara’s face. “Because he has a destiny. If we dusted him s-some power will just go and bring him right back to use as a pawn or w-weapon against us.”


Closing the door behind him, Angel turned to Buffy and Willow.

“We’re not fighting about this, Buffy.” The witch told the Slayer. “This is something you both have to do or else things turn out bad for all of us.”

“So you’re just going to force us to break up?” Buffy asked with ice in her voice.

“Buffy, if you two sleep together you’ll break the curse and Angelus goes on a killing spree,” Willow said flatly. “For the time being, you can’t be together.”

“That’s how the curse gets broken?” Angel asked.

“It’s more complicated with the whole true happiness aspect, but yes.” The redhead told her friends. “There is a chance though.”

“What chance?” Buffy said with tears in her eyes. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

“There is a prophecy,” Willow began slowly. “It mentions the vampire with a soul. That being will play a pivotal role in the apocalypse. Afterwards, he will Shanshu.”

“What does that mean?” Angel pleaded.

“It’s an old term from a dead language.” The witch replied. “It means to live and die. It means the vampire will get to live until he dies.”

“How?” Buffy didn’t understand.

“It means after a long hard journey, and many apocalypses prevented, the vampire with a soul gets to be human,” Willow told them. “If Angel stays in Sunnydale he loses his soul and that chance. Angel has to stay here and take marching orders from the powers that be. I’m sorry, Buffy, but if you truly love him you can’t be together for now. You’ll have to be apart for a time.” With that, Willow walked to the door and slipped out shutting it behind her.

“I don’t believe this,” Buffy said.

“I can’t become a killer again, Buffy,” Angel said with a mournful sigh. “What kind of future can I give you if I’m the monster you’re sworn to fight?” He looked up into hazel eyes.

“So what?” She demanded. “This is it? You’re just leaving me.”

“Maybe if I become human again I can be the man you deserve.” The vampire pleaded.

As the Slayer dealt with the shocking news, and the breakup she always knew was coming, she made a decision. She would no longer let so-called higher powers call the shots in her war. She would fight the good fight according to her will and show no mercy to any force that stood in her way or tried to pull her strings.


As Willow left the office she noticed the L.A. crew was still gathered around Tara. Walking up to the group she heard the arguing.

“So you’re leaving the vampire here as a babysitter and expecting us to work with demons?” Chain obviously had problems with this plan.

“You can’t ask us to trust monsters.” Apparently so did Rondell.

“We can and we are,” Willow said causing the entire group to turn and look at her. “This is the deal. The way you fight this war is too short-sighted, and it’ll get all of you killed. We are going to give you everything you could ever need to fight and win while keeping casualties on your end as low as possible. Your end of the bargain is getting educated and treating the peaceful demons in this world the same way you would treat peaceful humans.”

“Okay, we get that,” Gunn said while gesturing for Chain and Rondell to stand down. “The part some of us have a beef with is the you leaving us with a blood-sucking fiend part.”

Willow sighed. “I know that, but Angel has saved my life many times. He has dedicated himself to the mission. Having a fighter as strong as him with your team keeps you alive.”

“What about breaking the curse?” Alonna asked. “You seemed concerned about it breaking in Sunnydale. What if that happens here?”

Smiles crept across both witches’ faces. “It can’t happen here for the foreseeable future. The curse is very specific. He will have his human soul so he can suffer the guilt of his monstrous actions. Once he experiences a moment of perfect true happiness his soul is taken from him. The one person who could make him perfectly happy right now lives in Sunnydale. So he stays here in L.A. with you guys.”

“What if someone here makes him happy?” Gunn asked.

“Don’t worry about that. No one here is his type,” Willow reassured them. “He’s got a thing for petite blondes he can spend weeks obsessing over.”

Realization swept the L.A. crew. As if on cue they turned to see the Slayer exit the hotel office. Buffy took one look at the group and turned to walk out the door to the open courtyard. Willow went over to Xander and whispered a request in his ear. He looked at her and nodded once before heading off towards the hotel garage. Willow watched him go. Hoping this was the right thing to say she turned towards the group she wanted to help and be helped by so badly.

“I get it,” Willow stated simply. “You have trust issues. You don’t like demons and vamps. Some of you might have some issues with witches. I get it. But that doesn’t change the fact that there are demons out there who will lay down their lives to save yours. There are many out there who would never harm another living being. They need protection from the world enders and the people eaters just as badly as any human. That’s the deal. Help the helpless regardless of race. Do that, and I’ll make sure each of you retires with more than enough opportunities and resources to find happiness. All it takes on your end is doing what you’ve been doing only better equipped and with one vampire fighting at your side. A vampire that has only drained the blood of pigs and rats for the last few decades.”

As the redhead said ‘rats’ Xander strolled into the room holding a large cube wrapped in a blanket. He set it down between Gunn and Willow and went to stand at her side. The hacker reached down and removed the sheet to reveal one of the cubes from the casino containing one million dollars.

“If the deal as offered is too much to ask then take this and the bus you rode over here in and go,” Willow whispered. “We don’t need to draft anyone who doesn’t believe in our mission.”

Gunn looked at her for a long moment. “Even with the vampire here we’ll still be in charge on our end? He won’t micromanage or send half my people to their deaths?”

“You, Alonna, and Angel will be in charge of things here,” Willow said with a glimmer of hope. “The demons mentioned earlier will provide information on what major threats pop up. They have powers that help with that. Once they get a vision of evil afoot you will take action against said evil. You have experience on these streets and Angel has over two hundred years of experience that you will need to face tougher enemies.”

Gunn looked to his sister who only nodded ‘yes’ trying to tell him to take the deal. Even Rondell and Chain seemed to be satisfied with the setup the witch had just laid out. “Okay,” Charles said. “We’re in. We want to do more in this fight. The vamp might take some getting used to, but we’ll work on it.”

Willow let out a relieved sigh. “Thank the Goddess.” Looking around at the tired faces she recalled the extremely late hour. “It’s almost dawn. Why don’t we see about getting some of this place habitable? Put this cube in the office under the desk. In the morning all of you should each take a thousand or so and go buy new clothing, personal items, books, maybe a video game console or two and some games. I’ll make a call and get food, computers, and other necessities shipped in.”

Angel spoke up for the first time. “I’ll check the fuses and the boiler room. Try to get power and water running while everyone gets some sleep.” He turned and left the grand lobby.

Gunn watched him go before turning to his people. “Okay, you guys heard the lady. Pick one of the larger rooms and let’s clean it enough to be camped out in for the night.”

“I’ll pass out name tags and markers tomorrow,” Willow said. “You guys can go through and stake out the rooms you want for the long term then. Eventually, you’re gonna want all the rooms cleaned and habitable. Never know when someone you save needs a safe house for a few days.” With that, she and Tara went out to the courtyard door to check on the Slayer.

Gunn watched the two witches exit the lobby. He couldn’t believe how drastically things had changed. With what they were offering he could move his operation beyond fending off vampire attacks in one small corner of a neighborhood. They could protect most of the city.

As hope for this new turn of events bloomed in his heart two of his boys walked up behind him. “Hey, Gunn,” Joey said. “James and I were talking it over. What do you think my chances are if I asked that redhead out?”

As the words left the young man’s mouth several people in the room had immediate and drastic reactions. Xander and Giles, who were discussing something with Rondell and Chain, both stopped speaking. They turned to look at Joey for all of five seconds before bursting into fits of laughter. Alonna merely slapped her palm against her forehead and held on as her head shook slowly back and forth.

Gunn couldn’t believe anyone in his crew could be that blind. “Okay, first off, most of us can tell you’re not her type. Second, she’s taken by someone who I wouldn’t cross if I valued my manhood. Lastly, she’s now technically our boss. We got a good thing going on here so far. Don’t ruin it by thinking with your dick.”


The witches entered the courtyard and found the Slayer they both cared for pacing back and forth.

“If you guys are gonna tell me I’m also allergic to chocolate please just kill me now,” Buffy said in a guarded tone. “I don’t think I can take any more life-altering news right now.”

“Aside from Tara and shrimp, we have no food allergies to tell, Buff,” Willow assured.

“That’s funny,” Buffy chuckled. “One of the most powerful witches on the planet is allergic to shrimp. Guess I should carry an EpiPen.”

“Buffy, are y-you okay?” Tara asked. “I know the news about Angel’s curse is bad.”

“What’s wrong with me?” The Slayer asked them. “You’ve both been around enough to spot defective people so tell me what my problem is. I shouldn’t be like this. I’m the Slayer damn it! I shouldn’t feel like I’m dying just because a relationship everyone said couldn’t work ended.”

Willow felt her friend’s pain. “Buffy.”

“No!” The Slayer fired back. “Don’t Buffy me! You don’t get to spring heartbreaking news on me and act like it wasn’t some part of your master plan. Willow, you can’t wave the love of your life in front of me and then tell me I’m not allowed to have mine.”

“Angel isn’t the love of your life, Buffy,” Willow said calmly. “Near as we can tell you haven’t met them yet.”

“Then why does it feel like my world is over? I can’t breathe, Will,” Buffy said through tears.

“Oh, Buff,” The hacker said as she took the Slayer into her arms. “You just have terrible taste in men is all.”

A harsh laugh broke through the tears. “Thanks, Will. You know just how to stroke my ego. How many times are you and Tara going to breakup my relationships?”

“There are some guys we need to steer you away from in college,” Tara said.

“One of them seduces you, f*cks you, then dumps you because he only cares about one night stands,” Willow told her shocked friend. “The other seems like a nice normal guy but ends up being in some dumb government program. He acts like he loves you but can’t handle the fact you’re stronger than him and he leaves, breaking your heart.”

“Am I really that bad with relationships? Do I really only date guys who will either hurt me or end up trying to kill me?” The Slayer couldn’t believe it.

“Yes,” Tara said shyly.

“And we haven’t even mentioned the post-college, hate-f*cking nightmare you went through with an abusive ass,” Willow added.

“Other versions of me really went through all that?” Buffy was crying again. “Oh god, you guys must think I’m an idiot.”

“No, Buffy,” Tara affirmed. “We love you. You just need help when it comes to this one aspect of your life.”

“And the few times you actually went through the hate-f*cking it’s because you were going through really messed up stuff that other people put you through,” Willow assured. “Besides, it’s not like you’re alone. Xander goes through just as bad relationships as you.”

“But not you, Willow,” Buffy rebutted in a cold voice.

“Yes, I did,” The hacker told her friend. “My first life, I went through my share of bad partners. Let’s not forget the internet demon robot. Then this school year I would have started dating a guitarist who turned out to be a werewolf. He ended up cheating on me with another wolf then left to find himself.”

“Oh, wow. That’s horrible, Will,” Buffy said.

“But then I met Tara for the first time, and after I stopped treating her like some dirty secret and came out to you guys my life was complete,” Willow said before growing withdrawn. “Then I lost her and tried to destroy the world.”

“Sweetie, that wasn’t all your fault,” Tara tried to reassure her love.

“It happened and I let it happen,” Willow said with resolute determination. “I became a monster Buffy couldn’t slay and the only reason I didn’t go through with it was Xander risking his life to talk me down.”

Buffy had no idea how to respond to that. She fought her best friend and lost. This was something they couldn’t let happen again.

“After that, I tried moving on and ended up in a few meaningless relationships with women who I either couldn’t love or weren’t worth my time,” Willow sighed.

“It couldn’t have been that bad, Wills,” Buffy tried to be reassuring even though all this was overwhelming.

“Buffy, one of those women was a thirty-foot snake with boobs from another dimension.” The hacker deadpanned.

“Oh,” The Slayer let out in a whisper. “But that won’t happen since Tara and you are all big with the knowledge and the witchy, womanly, ways of witch-fu. Right?”

A smile spread over both witches’ faces. “Right,” Willow replied. “Which is also why we are going to help you get through all of this heartbreaking life stuff. Buffy, you deserve so much more than the handful of idiots we’ve seen you with over the years. Granted Angel was the best of a lackluster lot, but you can’t risk your vagin* turning him into a mass murderer again. You deserve better.”

“But one day he’ll be human, right?” Buffy asked.

“Maybe, Sweetie,” Tara said. “Maybe by th-then you both w-will have moved on. Maybe another vampire will get a s-s-soul and the prophecy isn’t about him at all.”

“Right,” Willow agreed. “The point is you can’t waste your life waiting on him to become half the man you deserve. You need to let him go and maybe one day he might turn things around or maybe you will both end up in happier more stable relationships than the one you could have if you were together.”

“You guys will help me steer clear of the assholes, right?” The Slayer asked in an almost childlike tone.

“Always.” Both women promised.


The next morning held surprises aplenty for the L.A. crew. The formerly homeless teens awoke from the room they had cleared out and stored their few meager possessions. The first surprise was a well-dressed businesswoman waiting for them in the lobby.

“Ah. Hello there,” The business formal blonde said with a bright smile. “I am Ms. Prescott. Which of you are Alonna and Charles?”

Gunn stiffened at the question. “Why do you need to know?”

“Oh, sorry,” The woman said. “I assumed Ms. Rosenberg told you. I’m to take measurements for Alonna and Charles, then take measurements from everyone else, and then ask Charles to indicate which person’s suits take priority when my company processes your order.”

“What suits?” Chain asked.

“Why, body armor of course,” Prescott replied before a puzzled look came over her face. “I’m sorry, I was under the impression Ms. Summers had shown you the product we made for her. I’m in the correct place, right? There isn’t another Hyperion Hotel just around the corner with another group of disenfranchised looking youth expecting me to take their measurements for a multimillion-dollar merchandise order, is there?”

Sudden realization hit Gunn. “Sorry yes, I’m Charles Gunn and this is my sister Alonna. So much went down in the last few hours, the armor thing slipped our minds.”

The smile was back on Prescott’s face. “That’s quite alright, Mr. Gunn. If you and your sister could show me to a private enough area I can start taking measurements for each of you in turn,” She said.

Gunn and Alonna went with the woman to one of the smaller rooms the group had started to clear the night before. The process took next to no time and as Gunn returned to the crew he told them to start clearing spaces while one of them at a time went to Prescott’s room. Once everyone was done they could take some of that money from the cube in the office and go stock up on the things Willow had said. Mostly new clothing and entertainment for downtime. Setting out to find the Sunnydale crew, the young man quickly came to the office.

“Charles, you’re here, good,” Willow said as he entered the room. Were just getting some planning stuff out of the way. How did your group like the new sleeping arrangements?”

“We slept great. This is the nicest abandoned building we ever crashed in,” Gunn replied with a smile.

“Remember you and your sister own this building with us now,” Tara said.

“Thanks for that, but could we get a little warning next time you have a well dressed white woman waiting for us to wake up?” Gunn asked. “Some of my boys thought social services was here to drag them home.”

Willow looked up shocked. “Oh, I’m sorry about that, Gunn. I didn’t think Prescott would be a problem. We just needed to get her task out of the way so we can get you up and running.”

“It’s cool, Red,” Gunn dismissed his new benefactor’s fears. “So what’s the plan for today? I told my crew to start cleaning and once the last is done with Prescott I thought heading out to buy the new clothes and entertainment you mentioned would be good for morale.”

Willow beamed. “That is an excellent idea. Angel got the power and water running last night. Last I heard he and Buffy were in the boiler room checking to make sure the whole water system doesn’t need replaced. Giles and Xander will be spending most of the day handling cargo trucks that come by to drop off your new supplies. You may want to hang back with them to make sure things are to your liking.” A nervous look crossed the redhead’s face as she turned to Tara. “We had something we needed to discuss with Alonna.”

As Willow was finishing that statement the young woman herself walked into the office. “What did you guys need me for?” Alonna asked, nervous she had done something to sour this great new setup they had offered her brother.

After the two witches looked at each other for confirmation they turned to the girl. “We have an offer you may want to take, Alonna,” Willow said. “Gunn, could you give us a minute.”

He looked back and forth between his sister and the two women who had stormed in and turned their world upside down. “Whatever you want to make my sister do, I have a right to be here to look out for her.”

“No, you don’t,” Willow told the man plainly. “This decision is hers and hers alone to make. Whether she decides yes or no, we will abide by her decision and never bring it up again unless she wants us to. This has to be her choice and no one, not even you, gets to tell her what to do about it.”

Gunn didn’t know how to take that. He stammered looking back and forth between his sister and the witches.

“It’s okay, Charles,” Alonna told him. “They haven’t done anything to hurt us and it’s obvious they are never going to ask me for a three-way.”

Gunn and Willow gasped as Tara giggled at the very idea. “You’re sister’s cute and all, but we’re more than happy with our relationship as is, just the two of us,” Tara told the flabbergasted young man.

“Okay, I’ll go, but don’t think you can just act like she owes you just because of all you’ve done,” Gunn said as he left the room.

As the door closed Willow turned to look directly at Alonna. “So tell us what you think of Buffy.”


The day progressed rapidly. Gunn, Xander, and Giles signed for and received large shipments of computers, food, medical supplies, linens, furniture, and about a dozen other things needed to inhabit or run a hotel the size of the Hyperion. Angel had gotten the plumbing, heating, and other crucial building systems up and running. Gunn’s people worked tirelessly cleaning the first floor of their new headquarters until Prescott had finished and left. They then took several thousand dollars and bought all the little creature comforts that had been denied them for years.

When they returned to stake out who had which rooms they found Alonna right where they had left her. Sitting in the center of a five-point star in a circle made of salt, with the witches chanting tirelessly and the Slayer pacing a circle around the proceedings.

The four young women had begun whatever ritual this was hours ago and the only difference now was the audience. Gunn, Giles, Xander, and Angel had all taken up spots on various couches in the lobby. None save the three women in the circle knew what was going on and all Buffy had been told was to let no one ruin things by breaking the circle or interrupting the chants.

Ah yes, the chanting. It had gone on for hours in several different languages. At first quiet but now the blonde and the redhead had grown in volume so that their voices could easily be heard throughout the hotel’s lobby. Whatever this was it was big.

Buffy locked eyes with the returning group, and with a fierce predatory look held one finger up to her lips. If they wanted to make noise they were welcome to do so elsewhere. This spell casting thing, being a previously unheard of occurrence in their lives up until they came here last night, had them all curious. They each chose to stay for the show and took up seats all around the room. Each person careful not to make a sound until the experienced parties gave a sign things had ended.

Before too long, the spell kicked into high gear. “Goddess, we implore you!” Willow and Tara called out at the top of their lungs. “In your name, by your power, for the honor of all the guardians that came before! Make this child your vessel! Make this girl your champion! Make this woman the hero of the people!”

Light filled the chamber as a blinding pillar of radiant energy enveloped the circle and the Slayer guarding it dropped to her knees.

“Make this potential the Slayer!” The witches screamed out.

The pillar of light oscillated as a wind picked up and buffeted the audience the ritual had gathered. As the omnipresent glare subsided the onlookers slowly opened their eyes. What they saw shocked them. Alonna Gunn was glowing with a bright white light that seemed to emit from every pore of her skin. Even more miraculous was the fact that she floated seven feet in the air. The light began to fade to a glimmer and she slowly descended to the ground.

“Oh dear lord,” Giles said, shocked as the final words of the spell and the world of implications they held ran, through his mind. “They couldn’t have.”

Xander and just about all the other young people in the building were as a loss. “G man, what did they do?”

“It’s not possible.” The librarian muttered. “How could this happen?”

Gunn couldn’t take it anymore. “Tell me what they did to my sister, old man!”

A thin smile crept slowly across the watcher’s face. “They unlocked her potential.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Gunn couldn’t believe he had trusted these nuts with his crew’s wellbeing.

“Charles, they made me strong,” Alonna said as she left the circle. “I can feel it. Oh god. Buffy, is this how you feel all the time?”

“Most of the time yeah,” The Slayer said to her new counterpart. “But it feels stronger since you popped up on my radar. Willow, why are my senses stronger?”

“The ritual,” Willow wheezed as she kept her eyes clenched shut. “Takes a willing potential out of the Slayer line of succession and makes her a full-fledged Slayer. It also forges a link with other Slayers that we noticed happens when multiple slayers spend time together. Basically, your evil radar is linked to Alonna’s in a pseudo hive mind. You can sense other Slayers nearby and if they are Slayers we made then the Slayer senses are amplified for everyone. Baby, what color is my hair?” She asked still afraid to open her eyes.

“Open your eyes, Sweetie,” Tara said. “It’s your normal beautiful red except for one white streak and that is slowly fading away.”

Willow’s eyes popped open and locked with her love. A nervous smile spread over her features. “I’m sorry for being such a coward. I just don’t want you to ever have to see me like that.”

“And your eyes are my absolute favorite shade of green, Sweetie,” Tara said to her love. “We got over your darkness centuries ago, Will. You don’t have to hide from me every time we play with the Slayer line. Don’t ever call yourself a coward. You’re the bravest person I know.”

Willow couldn’t help the joy her love’s words ignited in her heart. “I love you, Baby.” The redhead said as she leaned forward against her honey blonde love and drew her into a slow tender kiss.

As Willow and Tara were reassuring each other Alonna was taking her new strength for a stroll. “Chain, Rondell, Joey come at me with some weapons.”

“Go easy on them, Alonna. Boys are so fragile,” Buffy said as she, Giles, and Angel watched the show.

The three young men each held a sword and came at the girl with no idea what they were in for. The fight was over in moments as Alonna disarmed and tossed the three young men around like dolls.

Pulling two longsword out of a duffle bag they brought from Sunnydale, Angel tossed one casually to the new Slayer. Alonna snatched it out of the air without even looking and immediately squared off against the vampire. The two adversaries took in the sight of one another for a long moment then closed.

The swords sliced through the air with a grace and precision few had ever witnessed. The fight transitioned into a dance that Alonna shouldn’t have been able to keep pace with. Yet, as they went through the motions it became clear the young woman was more than capable as she quickly took the lead.

Before anyone could tell it was coming Alonna moved inside of the vampire’s swing, knocked the sword out of his hand, and brought her blade up against his throat. Angel looked at the situation he was in and laughed.

“Oh this is great,” Angel chuckled. “I was really worried there when Willow said I was staying here. I thought I was gonna have to watch as this mission she keeps talking about picked you off one by one.”

“What’s so funny then, Fangs?” Gunn said.

“Now that there’s a Slayer on the team the survival rate for the rest of you just increased tenfold,” The vampire said with a smile. “We might actually be able to win this one.”

“Okay this changes things,” Buffy said as the tension in the room eased. “I don’t know how long we’re staying in L.A. but Giles, Angel, and I should work with Alonna and see where her training needs to be focused. Gunn, you should take Xander and your crew and get the rest of this hotel set up for business.”

“I’ll contact the council,” Giles said.

“No!” Willow called. “Giles, trust us on this. We’ll contact the council soon and tell them which watcher to station here.”

Buffy looked over at her exhausted friends on the floor. “That spell took everything you two had.” Turning to the crowd the blonde Slayer gave out one last assignment. “Alonna and I will carry them upstairs and put them to bed.”

Everyone headed off to follow the orders given and finish the tasks assigned. Gunn couldn’t believe his baby sister was now the strongest warrior on the team. He watched Alonna reach down to envelope Tara in her arms and then lift the curvy blonde into the air like she weighed nothing at all. As Buffy did the same with Willow the Slayers shared a smile and gently carried the two witches still holding each other’s hands up the stairs.

Everything had changed.


Allen Francis Doyle stood before the abandoned warehouse. He had searched all day and night for any signs of Lucas, the other Brachen demons, or the Scourge. The visions of blood and carnage would not leave his mind. Whoever or whatever had sent them was definitely proving a point about his duty to help others. If he found the poor clan of demon half breeds had been slain he would never forgive himself. This was the very last place he could think to look for what might be his very distant relatives’ corpses. Taking one last breath Doyle reached for the door handle and entered the warehouse. What he saw shook him to his core.

The bodies of Scourge demons were strewn about the place haphazardly. Brachen demons huddled in fear behind cages and torture devices. A giant wheel used to suspend victims being interrogated had come off its stand and was rolling across the main floor of the improvised Scourge base.

Off to one side, a vampire was locked in a struggle with three “pure” demons wearing the knock-off Nazi uniforms of the Scourge. The half-demon noticed an older man wearing glasses and tweed was in the middle of a large group of teenagers engaging the Scourge demons and protecting the weakened Brachen demons.

Even more strange was the fact that the vast majority of fanatical demons were being dispatched by two girls. A petite blonde who moved with a grace and ferocity the former teacher had never seen before, and a young ebony skinned girl whose movements may not have been as precise, but were more than up to the task. They were surrounded by demons on all sides, both living and dead. The two young women were more than holding their own. Longswords danced through the air with a whisper and cleaved through demons with ease. Doyle had heard of the Slayer within days of learning his true ancestry. He never expected to run into the chosen one so soon, though he didn’t know there could be more than one chosen one.

Perhaps the oddest thing he saw, and indeed had ever seen, was in the center of the room. The Scourge demon wearing what looked like the highest-ranking faux Nazi uniform was suspended in the air as if an invisible hand was lifting him, by the throat, eight feet off the ground. Beneath him stood two women who looked to be the same age as the Slayers and the young men in the room. A honey blonde with more curves than the Slayers, and a slim redhead with a finger waving back and forth at the suspended demon. Doyle’s breath caught at the sight of the redhead’s malevolent grin.

“Now, Tiernan. I wouldn’t normally drag this out but your whole Nazi aesthetic annoys the hell out of me.” The redhead mocked the choking demon. “For being a racist pig and trying to commit genocide you are going to die. If you tell me where to find more of your Hitler Youth Brigade clubhouses, it’ll be quick.”

“You’ll get nothing from me, witch,” The choking demon let out with a gasp.

“Now see, you think because you’re a pureblood you can live through just about anything, and normally that may be the case.” The thin redhead waved another hand as she walked in a slow circle around her floating victim. As the hand came up one of Tiernan’s arms twisted like a corkscrew as if it were a soaked rag being wrung out. The gruesome sight shouldn’t have been possible. The snapping sound from the bones in his forearm proved it was at the very least unwise.

“Well, that’s something you don’t see every day,” Doyle whispered, causing the blonde and redhead to look across the room at him.

“Looks like time is up, Sweetie,” The blonde said with a sigh.

“I know, Baby,” The redhead said to her companion. “Looks like you got off lucky, Tiernan. Now that the guest of honor has arrived we no longer need your assistance. I’ll be sure to put the information I gather on the Scourge here to good use.” With slight grins, both women in the center of the room started up a slow chant. As their voices rose flames consumed the body of the suspended demon. Tiernan, Colonel of the Scourge was no more.

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.” Doyle couldn’t stop the old Irish curse as it slipped from his lips. He watched the demon wearing a gaudy imitation of a Nazi uniform go up in flames.

With the immolation of their commanding officer, the morale of the Scourge was broken. Doyle witnessed many demons dying at the hands of the Slayers that formed a whirling cyclone of death at the heart of the warehouse. The group of young men protecting the Brachen demons more than held their own against the few remaining purebloods. Before Doyle could jump into the fray the old man in tweed and glasses and a young guy with dark hair were standing at his sides.

“Stick around for this next bit,” The young man said with a grin. “I’m sure what Willow says will be worth your time.”

Doyle stood there shocked as another young man with ebony skin and a shaved head came up to him. “Is this the guy?” He asked.

“Yes, Gunn. This is the guy.” The redhead said as she and the honey blonde strolled hand in hand across the carnage. “You’re Doyle right,” She said more than asked.

Doyle looked around at the gathering crowd of humans and couldn’t help but feel like he was under a microscope. At the very least they had saved the Brachen demons from the Scourge. “Sure, why not.” He replied to the spritely redhead.

Willow beamed. “Listen, Doyle. We’re going to help you. Believe it or not, we are all in the same business.”

Time and Time Again

The Kitten, the Witches and the Bad Wardrobe • View topic (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.