Fandom Resource: Harry Potter (Herbology) (2024)

Fandom Resource: Harry Potter (Herbology) (1)

OOC: Although the RPGs and Characters I originally made this fan-work for are currently out of use for the foreseeable future I thought I'd leave it up as a resource for any other budding herbologists to use because it was fun to make and I hate to let an obsession go to waste. Feel free to use the Rapaxis, Ignifera and Pseudosimplex genera and the rest whenever you like. I'd say credit would be nice but the basis for the ideas weren't mine in the first place. Inevitably, I never got around to putting all the details I found out about these weird and wonderful plants over the course of my studies (including the differing behaviours of the various members of the Rapaceae family, hyper- and hypothaumic effects on different species and the magical theory behind the Psudosimplex genus) but I hope to rectify that at some point.

Comments, critiques and questions, are and always will be much appreciated.

A Beginner's Guide to Practical Thaumobotany

Fandom Resource: Harry Potter (Herbology) (3)

Alihotsy (Ignifera seminis) - a fern. Found in arid environments but can grow (but not reproduce without aid) in temperate climates. Requires exposure to temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius for the spores to be released. The powdered leaves can cause hysteria; while the spores, prior to germination, can induce a permanent delirium. Glumbumble secretion can be used as an antidote to the hysteria and can lessen the delirium to some extent. The alihotsy fern makes up a major part of the Glumbumble's diet and so it has gained a resistance to the plant's effects over time.

Asphodel (Asphodelus ramosus) - one of the earliest scientifically recorded species (8th Cent. B.C.). Traditionally said to fill the plains of Hades, it is one of the main ingredients in the Draught of Living Death when picked at the full moon, and is part of the ritual to raise Inferi when picked at the new moon.

Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) - a bulk ingredient grown for Potions. Every part of this plant is highly poisonous, especially the root. Produces atropine which is an antidote to several Muggle poisons and is an ingredient in Pepper-up Potion; also will reduce the toxic effects of the psychotropic aconitine. The hyper-thaumic version is listed as a Class-A non-tradable plant, whereas normally it is listed as a Class D registered trade-good.

(Bennettites Nilssonia) - one of seven known specimens. A living fossil, thought to have died out in the Cretaceous but was recentlyfound to be living on the island of Banten in Indonesia. Displays similar properties to the Ginko, to which it is related.

Bouncing Bulbs (Repercussa sem*ns) - a plant which is similar to the tulip in appearance when fully grown. The species is very rarely cultivated to this stage, however, as the potency of the plant for use in potions is strongest when it is in its seed state. Its main use is as a neutral base in delicate potions which require a thickening agent.

Bubotuber (Hemerocallis permulsi) - a tuberous plant related to the Day Lily. The black tuber which makes up most of the plant stores a hydrocarbon rich fluid which acts as a deterrent to most predators and which can be used as an acne treatment. The Bubotuber flowers only once, a large, orange bloom, after which all magical properties of the plant are rendered useless.

Bugloss (Anchusa angustissima) - a perennial with brightly coloured flowers which are a main ingredient in Veritaserum. It traditionally holds the meaning of 'falsehood', possibly linking it to its use in the potion. If cut straight after flowering in June, it will usually bloom again in the autumn.

Bulbadox (Lilium vomica) - A member of the lily family which produces small bulbils in its leaf axils. These bulbils have a shiny, black appearance and, when ingested, produce a similar pathological effect to doxy venom. When dried and powdered they will cause boils to erupt upon contact with skin.

Bullwhip Tentacular (Rapaxis aucupari) - also called the Bird-catching Tentacular from its main source of prey. Night-blooming and found in sub-tropical climates. Faster moving than most of its cousins, it uses its thicker, woody vines to stun the prey which it then cocoons in its thinner leaves near the large, central flower.

Chinese Chomping Cabbage (Pseudosimplex brassica) - most commonly found in China, resulting in its name, it originated in the Mediterranean much like the vegetable it mimics. It has been suggested that this plant is the result of hybridization attempts between normal Brassica oleracea and a Rapaceae species. That this species is dissimilar in form and behaviour to all others in the Pseudosimplex genus gives support to this theory.

Devil's Snare (Rapaxis malefactoris) - a thermo- and photophobic species in the Rapaceae family. It can mostly be found in caves and thickly wooded areas in the wild. An active mover at night, it has the ability to hunt many metres from its root base with its far reaching vines. The vines will automatically curl around and tighten against heat sources of between 20 and 40 degrees centigrade.

Devil's Snare/Heartsease Hybrid (Rapaxis corlevat) - retains many of the properties of the Rapaxis group, being carnivorous and active in movement, the latter being greatly increased to the point where it will uproot and seek out prey. Can tolerate full sunlight and dry conditions, unlike its parent, and also presents flowers extremely similar to the wild-pansy from which it also decends. Bears some similarity to the Salvus group in appearance only. Thermophilic rather than thermophobic, unlike the Devil's Snare, it will actively search for heat sources between 10 and 40 degrees Centigrade.

Fandom Resource: Harry Potter (Herbology) (4)

Red Dittany (Dictamnus purpureus) - an extremely rare relation of white dittany; its form is almost identical to its relative but the medicinal properties of its parts are far more potent. It can be identified easily because of its dark red blossoms which are resistant to heat, unlike the rest of the plant which will readily combust when exposed to temperatures above 50 degrees Centigrade. ICW regulations state that it must be grown apart from Alihotsy and that preparations involving the two must be kept separate at all times. The essential oil of the plant is an effective restorative and the shredded leaves are used in Wiggenweld potion - a powerful stimulant.

Earwiggy plant (Buddleja dermaptera) - a relation of the Flutterby bush; its flowers resemble earwigs rather than butterflies. The plant is a benign member of the Rapaceae family and is grown mostly for ornamental purposes. The flowers can be used as a substitute for Lovage in befuddlement draughts.

Fanged geranium (Pseudosimplex geranium) - this plant is under constant revision as to its taxonomic description. Current arguments place it either as a purely magical plant of the Psudosimplex genus that grew to resemble plants in the Geranium genus over time or as a magical variant of Geranium viscosissimum, a protocarnivorous variety of geranium. Support for the latter argument comes from the Fanged geranium's carnivorous nature, however, as the plant's Vavilov area is the same as a number of other Pseudosimplex species there has been no definitive decision as of yet.

Flitterbloom (Salvus vehementis) - resembles Rapaxis malefactoris superficially in appearance although it is only marginally related and belongs to a different taxonomic family entirely. Purely autotrophic, its movement is a response to evolution in a climax community where light at ground level can be scarce and so independent movement enables the plant to catch the optimum amount of sunlight during the day. As such, it is an entirely benign plant and its uses are mostly decorative.

Flutterby bush (Buddleja genus) - a purely benign genus within the usually carnivorous Rapaceae family. The different species each bloom differently, with every type of bush corresponding to a different species of butterfly, and are grown for purely ornamental purposes. Use of any part of these bushes in a potion will usually render it inert.

Fluxweed (Isanthus brachiatus) - also called False Pennyroyal. A many-stemmed herb, being unique in having each stem flowering a separate colour. It's leaves are very similar in size, shape and colour to pennyroyal, hence its name. When picked at full moon on the first day of blooming, its flowers are a vital ingredient in Polyjuice Potion.

Flyfisher plant (Triffid ceratias) -a unique specimen, even in its group, because of the phosphorescent lure it has above its pitfall trap which also gives it its name. It is named for the Angler fish which also shares this distinctive feature. It lives solely in Siberia where it uses the long winter nights to its advantage. It is carnivorous, like all other plants within the Rapaceae family, and survives mostly on the insects it draws towards it using its phosphorescent lure. It then catches its prey with its rudimentary tendrils and stores them within its lidded pitfall trap. Using this method it can store up to its own weight in insect over the course of a Siberian winter night.

Gillyweed (Posidonia piscinhalat) - a species of Mediterranean sea-grass. When ingested can enable underwater survival for approximately one hour. Its tendrils are a grey-green and secrete a slime which reduces evapo-transpiration and thus enables it to survive in inter-tidal zones.

Gurdyroot (Allium viridantis) - a foul tasting relative of the garden onion. Green in colour throughout its life cycle. Its main use is as an additive to household cleansers as it will not affect the potency of most potions and will act as a deterrent to stop curious children ingesting them.

Honking daffodils (Pseudosimplex narcissi) - resembles the wild daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) in appearance and holds much of the same magical properties. It's unusual ability to create a 'honking' noise comes from stored air in the bulb being shifted up through a small hole in the top of the stem. The true purpose to this ability has yet to be discovered. This species is mainly grown for ornamental purposes but can be used as an ingredient in cheering solutions during its flowering season.

Knotgrass (Hesperostipa nodosus) - a relation of 'needle-and-thread grass' where the awn grows in a much more convoluted manner than most other grasses which can result in a ball of grass up to fifteen centimetres in diameter in mature knotgrasses. It's use in Polyjuice potion is most effective when an older plant, grown in a soil which has metamorphic rock as a matrix, is used.

Leaping Toadstools (Pseudosimplex fungus) - not a true fungus, instead it is a member of the Pseudosimplex genus which has modified its appearance to that of Amanita muscaria. Because it is common in British woodland it is quite frequently spotted by Muggles who quite frequently ascribe the movement to the psychoactive effects of the mushroom it imitates. The appearance is purely defensive in nature, however, as Leaping Toadstools have no poisonous effects when ingested.

Lovage (Levisticum officinale) - traditionally used in confusion and befuddlement draughts. The supposed brain-inflaming properties of the plant were recently disproved by Shapal in his 1987 paper. An essential oil made from the root of the plant has been proved to be an effective aquaretic and the body of the plant itself can be used in antiseptic potions. The leaves, seeds and fruit of the plant are also edible and are often used as a flavouring in Southern Europe by both Wizards and Muggles.

Mallowsweet (Malva phantastica) - a herbaceous perennial which contains a magical psychoactive called Malvanorin that when burned along with Salva divinorum produces a highly hallucinogenic smoke rumoured to have divinatory effects. Both plants required to create this drug are designated Class-C Non-tradable under ICW law.

Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) - an extremely unusual and highly magical plant. The only example of a plant species appearing different to those with and without magical tendencies. To Muggles, Squibs and non-magical animals this plant will appear to have a root which is slightly humanoid in shape. To Wizards, and other Magical Beings and animals, the plant will appear to have an animate human-like root. The deadly cry of a mature Mandrake root will also only affect those of Magical origin. The psychotropic properties of the plant itself will affect both Muggles and Wizards, regardless. Due to the dangerous nature of this plant it is regarded as a Class-B non-tradable plant under ICW law and requires a licence to grow.

(Mimbulus mimbletonia) - Produces stinksap as a defensive measure which results in an adhesive, strong smelling sap covering the predator. Native to Assyria and has very specific environmental requirements resulting in its rarity. Grey in colour. Its use in potions is much unexplored due to its rarity and the difficulty of cultivation of any parts not rendered inert by stinksap.

Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) - also known as Aconite and Wolfsbane. All parts of this plant, which can grow to over a meter tall, are poisonous. The poison is most effective when the plant is grown in a soil with a fossiliferous matrix.

Plangentine (Rapaxis quiritat) - a close cousin to the Screechsnap, the effect of the Plangentine's quiet sound is to create a lethargy in the prey so extreme that it will not move again from the spot where it first heard the plant's cry. The night-blooming flowers of the plant are extremely beautiful and are grown in many wizarding gardens after a Silencio has been placed on the plant. The plant itself is a vital ingredient in most sedatives and is most effective when unsilenced throughout its life and when harvested in winter under moonlight.

Puffapod (Siliqua tumefactum) - a pod-shaped, self-contained pink plant which will produce brightly-coloured flowers immediately following a sharp impact. This usually comes after transport by abiotic means (either wind or water) in the wild. The purpose behind this unusual biological function is to ensure proper dispersal of daughter plants before pollination occurs.

Rye (Secale cereale) infected with ergot (Claviceps purpurea) - used to produce Ergotine, a hallucinogen which causes symptoms similar to those of the Muggle drug LSD, including delusions and paranoia. The product can also cause cardio-vascular problems and gangrene in rare cases. A hyper-thaumic version is used in divination.

Screechsnap (Rapaxis lamentis) - a member of the Rapaceae family native to the Amazon river basin. First recorded as only having one cry, it is now known to have two distinctive ones that serve different roles in the purpose of catching prey. The first is a high-pitched scream which lures its prey towards it and the second, a lower pitched variable hum, acts as a sedative to put its prey to sleep and so allows the plant to catch it without risking any harm to itself. It is also considered to be semi-sentient as it will interact with its surroundings outside that which can be explained by simple instinct and is considered to be the most intelligent of the Rapaxis genus. Its extract is commonly used as a sedative on its own and is also used in most sleeping potions. The Draught of Living Death is an exception to this rule.

Scurvy-grass (Cochlearia ascorbates) - a species of herb belonging to the family Brassicaceae found in temperate coastal regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Its white flowers have four petals forming a cross-shape and the plant itself is extremely rich in vitamin C. The plant was traditionally used as a treatment for scurvy, hence its common name, but is now used as a major ingredient in confusion and befuddlement draughts.

Shrivelfig (Pseudosimplex ficus) - the magical variant of the fig tree. Native to Abyssinia. The fruits, when peeled, are the prime ingredient in Shrinking Solutions and a minor ingredient in many other potions. The wood of the Shrivelfig can also be used to make wands but only before the tree has fruited for the first time. After this, the wood's magical properties become too unstable and will react with any core placed within it, causing the core to shrink and then disappear.

Snargaluff stump (Insidia vermiculus) - this member of the Rapaceae family takes the appearance of a wooden stump with small, worm-like tendrils protruding from the upper surface to attract prey. The tree will only attack when the prey comes within half a meter of the basal stump. The seed pods of this plant, especially the juices within, are used in most appearance-modifying potions (excepting Polyjuice Potion which it will render inert if added).

Sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica) - a plant which finds use in most medicinal potions. The leaves hold many virtues, mostly surrounding matters concerning the blood, apart from their use in sneezing powder when dried. The plant was originally used in confusion potions due detrimental effect it was observed to have on livestock but it was later proved to have little effect on the potency of the potion. The flowers are a favourite base in potions which use arithmantical equations in their brewing due to their display of the Fibonacci sequence in their growth.

Sopophorous plant (Lupinus soporifera) - a climbing leguminous plant native to the Mediterranean. The plant itself is grown ornamentally in most areas although the juices of its bean can be used for potion-making - more specifically sleeping aids and it forms a major component of the Draught of Living Death. The juices are most abundant when the bean is exposed to silver as the metal is an irritant to the plant.

Venamous Tentacula (Rapaxis capessii) - the type species for the group. It has two sets of specialised leaves; one which acts almost like tentacles, giving the plant its name, to grasp prey; the second are modified into spines onto which the plant impales its prey so that it can decompose before being digested. Its flowers are a deep red and give off a powerful scent that is considered an aphrodisiac by some. Its seeds are used in love potions and so are considered to be Class C non-tradable goods.

Fandom Resource: Harry Potter (Herbology) (5)

Venus Man-Trap (Venerius hom*ocasses) - Similar in appearance to Dionaea muscipula but larger to a scale of magnitude. Capable of catching fully-grown humans giving it its name. Extremely long life span.

Whomping Willow (Pseudosimplex salix) - the magical variant of the willow tree and the most active of all the Pseudosimplex genus. The tree is extremely violent and its wood tends to produce wands that are most efficient at curses and other Dark Arts. The leaves of the plant are sometimes used in strengthening and rejuvenation potions.

Wiggenwood (Pseudosimplex sorbus) - the magical variant of the rowan tree. It is most famous for its use in the Wiggenweld potion (both the potion and the species were named after their discoverer, Aghaveagh Wiggenweld, who was the first to scientifically describe the Wiggenwood. The leaves and the powdered bark of the tree are used in most stimulant potions and the wood is often used in wand-making.

Wyndham's Walker (Triffid Ambulans) - a rare Siberian species of the carnivorous Rapaceae family, unique in its ability to uproot and move for up to several miles in search of prey. Extremely poisonous, its essential oil can be used in a wide variety of potions, however the oil is more effective when the poison sacs are left intact. Listed as a Class A non-tradable plant.

A Beginner's Guide to Practical Thaumobotany (1997): Durell, M and Sprout, P.
Acta Biothauma: Volumes 329-current.
American Journal of Thaumobotany: Volumes 234-current
British herbal pharmacopoeia: (1971, 1981, 1991, 2001) British Herbological and Healing Association (BHHA).
Clutching the Carcass: An in-depth study of the Rapaceae family (2005): Yaxley, D.
Dangerous Genera: A guide to ICW classifications (1980-current): ICW Reports.
Economic Herbology: Volumes 29-current.
Encyclopedia of Toadstools (2006 ed.): Muscart, A.
European Journal of Plant Pathology: Volumes 77-current.
Flesh-Eating Trees of the World (1984): Yaxley, D.
Flora of North America (1942, 1967, 2001): Maluseed, J.
Herbarum (1525): Brunfels, O.
Immunomodulation and Psychopharmacology in Modern Thaumobotany (1986): Shapal, P., Shapal, L. and Durell, M.
Herbology in the Modern Day Healing Environment (2000): ICW Report.
Late bloomers: a study of night-flowering plants (1974): Kettle, P
Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean (1992): Stephanopolous, E.
On the Nature of Plants (1999, 2007) Gramen, A.
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi (1983, 1996, 2004): Spore, P.
Pharmacotheon: Entheogenic Drugs, their Plant Sources and History (1993): Ott, J.
Plant Pathology: principles and practice (1996): Jones, D.
Plants with a purpose : a guide to the everyday uses of wild plants (1951): Mabey, R.
Soil-plant relationships (1977): Kettle, P.
The English physitian (1673): Culpeper, N.

Fandom Resource: Harry Potter (Herbology) (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.