In The Shadow Of Chaos - Miya_dono - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Here we go again!

Chapter Text

Chapter 1 - Here we go again!

"I can't believe the summer is almost over. This is probably the first time I am not looking forwards to returning to Hogwarts," Ominis says as he and Riley sit outside in a small garden. playing wizarding chess.

"It's been quite uneventful if we don't count visiting your family," Riley says trying to concentrate on the game. Somehow, even after playing for the whole summer Ominis is still besting her every single time. It seems like when she's finally one step ahead of him, he is at least five steps ahead of her.

"I am trying my best to forget it," There is bitterness in Ominis' voice and Riley now completely understands why. Even though her grandfather was very nice, mainly because she's got the same eyes as his late wife, the rest of the family was pure terror. No wonder Ominis spent most of his time with Anne and Sebastian instead.

"Have you heard anything from Anne?" Riley asks innocently and Ominis stays quiet for a few seconds before replying.

"Yes. She's doing well. She is very excited to return to Hogwarts and asked to persuade Sebastian to play Gobstones with us in the Undfercorft. Just the four of us," He says and Riley notices he has moved his Pawn, letting his Queen unattended. Maybe this is how she can finally win a round.

"That would be nice, wouldn't it?" Riley says and moves her Bishop, ready to strike.

"I really don't care. She should be focusing on her O.W.L.s and we should be focusing on our studies as well. The sixth year is not going to be easy. Have you figured out what you doing with classes yet?" Ominis changes the topic and moves his Queen, making Riley frown.

"Sort of. Just need to get it cleared with Professor Hecat. Why are you changing the topic?" Riley smiles and looks at her cousin, who is as emotionless as possible.

"Because that is what we should be focusing on, and that is what matters. I hope she will be healed completely, and that's all I care for, so drop it, okay?" His emotionless face is now contorted into a grimace.

"Check, Ominis," Riley says moving her Queen.

"What? That's impossible. How?" Ominis scowls and moves his wand around, trying to figure out what went wrong.

"Maybe you are not focusing on the game?" Riley smirks and watches Ominis as he is trying to compose himself.

"Or maybe I feel sorry for you as you keep losing all the time," He says a bit harsher than usual, but Riley keeps a smirk on her face.

"Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night," She knows exactly what is happening in his head. He's been talking about Anne the whole summer without even realizing it, yet every time Riley mentions her, he goes defensive.

"You can be insufferable sometimes," He says and tries to save the game.

"Must run in the family," Riley whispers and moves her Rook. "Check," She adds, smirking, fully aware she is about to win her first game of Wizarding Chess this summer. She just took Ominis' Queen and she cannot see any way how he can save the situation.

"I see you're having fun," A familiar voice says from behind and Riley almost jumps as she stands up and throws her arms around the person she was longing to see the whole summer.

"Sebastian! Finally!" Riley exclaims and before she can do anything else, Sebastian pulls her close for a kiss, and she does not protest. Deciding to let everything bad that happened last year go, she is ready for a brand new start, with an uneventful year where she can focus on her studies and her relationship.

"Get a room you two," Ominis mutters and waves his wand and the chess pieces disappear.

"Ominis! Are you serious? You are such a sore loser!" Riley gasps when she stops kissing Sebastian and realizes what Ominis did.

"Just saving you another loss," Ominis smirks and Riley kicks a bit of dirt his way.

"You know fully well your only move was to protect your King with..." Riley glares at Ominis but Sebastian interrupts her.

"So, how's your summer with Ominis been?" Sebastian laughs as Riley gives Ominis another cold stare.

"Trying my best not to blow him to smithereens," Riley says under her breath and Sebastian chuckles.

"Oh, I know that feeling very well," He kisses her cheek and Riley turns back to face him and plants a kiss on his lips

"Did you grow in those two months? I swear I didn't need to be on my tiptoes to kiss you," Riley smiles kissing him again.

"Seems like it," He smiles back and Riley just notices, as Ominis walks past them, he is even taller than Sebastian. How did she not notice it? What has happened in those two months?

"Oooh, an owl," Riley says and looks at an unknown owl making her way towards the house and dropping a letter with her name on it. All three of them look at it and Riley opens it, making sure the boys cannot see anything. And as she reads the letter, her face lights up.

Dear Riley,

I hope your summer is great. I've heard Ominis is staying with you, I bet you are having a lot of fun. I wish I could be with you guys.

Writing that, I have a small (or rather big) favour to ask. I know you have mentioned I can stay with you in Gordric's Hollow, and I would like to check if it is still possible. I and Marcus had a big argument and I cannot stay here anymore, not with someone as condescending as him. I am even willing to be near Sebastian just to escape this horrific situation I am in. Please let me know if it would be possible to stay with you for the past few days of summer, and maybe during the holidays unless I am able to find a place to stay.

I am excited to go back to Hogwarts and I cannot express how thankful I am for everything you've done for me, and for Sebastian as well. I really owe you my life. I hope to see you soon, either at school or Godric's Hollow. I am currently staying at Leaky Cauldron, so maybe we can meet to get the school supplies.

I miss you both, you and Ominis, and hope to see you soon.

Your beyond grateful friend,


Smiling, Riley puts the letter on the table and quickly writes a response and sends it back by the same owl. The moment the owl leaves, Riley looks at Ominis who quickly scans the letter and can see a small smile on his face.

"For someone who doesn't care you're looking way too smug," Riley says under her breath and notices there is a blush on Ominis's face.

"We're going to Diagon Alley tomorrow," Riley smiles at both boys and Sebastian raises an eyebrow, but when she hands him the letter he just nods his head.

"I don't know how to make it right with Anne," Sebastian says and Riley gives him a hug.

"Just don't. Give her time. And please, for Merlin's sake, don't give her any attitude," Riley says and both, Ominis and Sebastian laugh.

"You haven't seen them together. Anne will not tolerate any attitude. She is one of the very few that can put him in place," Ominis says and Sebastian nods, but there is a small smile on his face as well.

Laying in her bed, Riley is planning the next day already in her head. They go in the morning and use the Floo Network. They meet Anne and get all the school supplies. But which school supplies she's getting? She is almost sure Professor Hecat will not allow her to do all the classes she wants, as she is still undecided about which part she is interested in more when it comes to being Unspeakable. Death or Thought. And she needs different subjects for both. Mostly, students are granted around 5-6 subjects, but somehow she has 9 and doubts she can handle that. But which one to drop? The only one definitely going away is Astronomy.

There is some commotion happening next door, and Riley tries to listen, but cannot figure out what is happening. Unsure of what is going on, she turns to the other side, as she is very sure she does not want to get involved in it, whatever it is. Possibly another quarrel between Ominis and Sebastian.

"Where do you think you're going, Sebastian?" Ominis' voice carries through the room as Sebastian tries to very quietly tiptoe from the bed to the door.

"Ah, Ominis. Still awake, I see," Sebastian stops, startled, sighing defeatedly.

"Yes. Go back to bed. Don't even think about it," Ominis says in a stern voice.

"I was about to get some water," Sebastian says, knowing it will not work.

"There is some on the bedside table. Use that one," Ominis says in the same, stern voice.

"I may need a refill," Sebastian says and tries to walk again, but Ominis stops him.

"Don't make me jinx you. Go to bed," Ominis snaps, his patience wearing thin.

"I am about to," Sebastian chuckles and Ominis sits up.

"Your OWN bed," Ominis adds and points his wand at Sebastian.

"What happened to get a room?" Sebastian smirks, but Ominis is not in a good mood.

"Now, Sebastian," Ominis says, his tone irritated and firm.

"If I die of dehydration..." Sebastian walks to his bed, but Ominis interrupts him.

"I will take full responsibility," Ominis waves his wand towards Sebastian, sending a small gust of wind hurrying him to bed.

"How could you even hear me? I was quieter than a Joberknoll," Sebastian sighs as he lies in bed.

"Upside of being blind. My hearing, as you may have noticed, is spectacular. So no more tomfoolery," Ominis says sternly and Sebastian sighs again.

Chapter 2: The end of summer

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Chapter 2 - The end of summer

The trip to Diagon Alley was not what Riley had planned, but it served its purpose. They had some nice ice cream and enjoyed the sunny weather, met some of their classmates and had a little chat, and collected Anne from Leaky Cauldron. Sebastian was on his best behaviour, while Anne was chatting with Riley and Ominis, ignoring her twin brother for most of the time. Ominis, to Sebastian's surprise and confusion, was not moody or grumpy in the slightest. He was chatty and laughing all the time, cracking jokes with Anne whenever possible. Even Riley was a bit taken aback.

"What happened to Ominis today? I've never seen him this happy and carefree. What have you done to him during summer?" Sebastian asks when they return to Godric's Hallow and they finally catch a moment for themselves.

"Maybe knowing he doesn't need to be with Gaunts anymore?" Riley says innocently, fully aware whenever Anne is nearby Ominis is a ray of sunshine and gentleman, the fairest of them all.

"Where is he, anyway? And where is Anne?" Sebastian looks around and Riley grins.

"I have asked Anne to keep him occupied for a bit, so they should be somewhere in the village. Ominis is showing her around," Riley keeps grinning while Sebastian's brows furrow.

"Why?" He asks and Riley rolls her eyes very visibly and sighs, and Sebastian's expression changes from confused to understanding. "Ah," He says and grins as well, grabbing Riley's waist.

"Yes. That's why. Ominis was glued to us for a whole day yesterday. I thought we may need a break," Riley smiles and so does Sebastian.

"He was a bit of an obnoxious pain yesterday night as well," Sebastian says and kisses Riley's forehead.

"I've heard some commotion but decided not to get involved. What was that about?" Riley pulls him closer and can see every freckle on his face.

"Nothing," Sebastian grins and pulls Riley in for a kiss, and when their lips touch, she remembers how much she's been craving him the whole summer. And finally, she was able to get rid of Ominis for a while. She briefly explained the situation to Anne when they went to the bathroom together to catch up without the prying ears of boys, and unlike Ominis, Anne is very supportive of their relationship and happy to help her out. Promised to catch up on her situation with Marcus in the evening as they will be sharing a room, Riley has an idea Anne is not as innocent as Sebastian thinks, and a lot has happened in the past four months.

Deepening the kiss, Riley can feel tingling all over her body and slowly, the primal urges take over. After the chaos and pain of last year, all the stress is now gone, and different things than anxiety are coming to prominence. One of them is a massive urge to grab Sebastian by his collar, rip off all his clothes, drag him to bed, jump on top of him and have her way with him. Not like she knows what she's doing, as Riley is fairly new to the love scene, the urges and instincts are telling her she'll be fine. But will he agree? Does he feel the same?

Testing the waters, Riley slowly raises her leg a bit as they kiss, and it does not even take a second for Sebastian to grab it and pull her even closer, so their hips touch even more. With a small smile forming, she nibbles on his lower lip which makes him groan.

"Anne and Ominis can be back any minute," Sebastian says with a heavy breath.

"Not in the next hour," Riley grins and gives him a bit of a push towards her room.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian asks with a small smile and there is a wicked glint in his eyes.

"Just want to show you my room," Riley whispers and pushes him harder towards the bedroom.

Something has changed within Riley during the summer, especially after receiving a letter a day from Sebastian. The more and more she thinks about all the good times, especially their dates and the Room of Requirement, the more she craves him. The more she wants to be close to him. And alone with him. She cannot explain why, but there is this animalistic urge driving her crazy. Her hormones seem to be all over the place and the only thought on her mind is how much time they actually have for themselves, and if there is any way she can sneak into Slytherin Common Room while at Hogwarts. Room of Requirements may not be the best option as Deek seems to be there all the time, and Undercroft is easily disturbed by either Ominis or Anne, or both. She needs to take her chance now and grasp the opportunity.

"You are sometimes confusing me," Sebastian says when they are in Riley's room in between the kisses.

"Kiss now, talk later," Riley says with a smile and curls her fingers against his collar.

"Mm-hmm," Sebastian slides his hand down Riley's back and pulls her close again. His hands stop on her hips and Riley wonders if they will go a bit lower or not. Still grabbing his collar, Riley now lets go and wraps her hands around Sebastian's neck, playing with his hair.

As she parts his lips with her tongue, Riley can hear a groan and it does not take even a few seconds and Sebastian's hand travels down a bit.

Thinking about everything Sebastian wrote her in the letters, from how he misses her to what he would do with her if they were alone, Riley's getting lost in the heat of the moment, and can feel Sebastian is in the same situation as well. But before she can completely let go and satisfy her cravings, there is a very familiar voice coming not far away from the window.

"I will give you a tour later, but it's better if it's all of us. I just know the moment we leave those two alone they will get into trouble and do something idiotic. And I am not reliving the last year," Ominis' voice carries and Riley is now the one who groans, but it is more of a growl.

"Great. A big family gathering," Sebastian says in a low voice and Riley chuckles.

"I guess today's not the day," Riley mutters and moves away from Sebastian. Ominis may be blind, but his wand knows more than eyes can see.

"Ominis, stop being so paranoid. Why cannot it be just the two of us? I really don't want to spend time with my brother," Anne says and Sebastian scowls.

"Then we take Riley with us and Sebastian can stay here watering honking daffodils for what I care," Ominis says resolutely and Riley can hear the main door open and makes her way there.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you back so soon," Riley glares at Ominis as she is leaning on the wall, hands crossed. Anne gives her an "I'm sorry" look and Riley just nods understandingly. If anyone knows how stubborn and annoying Ominis can be when he sets his mind to something, it's her. And that something is now not letting her and Sebastian catch a moment alone.

"What have you two been up to now? Why are you so out of breath? Where did you go? Did you storm another goblin camp?" Ominis asks in a firm voice, pointing his wand towards Sebastian, who just keeps glaring at him. Anne, on the other hand, chuckles and Riley is doing her best to keep a straight face.

"Yes, Ominis, that is exactly it. In those few minutes we travelled miles away to fight goblins," Riley says through her teeth and glares at Ominis as well. "I will be outside with my Graphorn, stay here if you don't want to get eaten," She adds and with a heavy sigh walks outside, making sure to hit Ominis with her shoulder as she walks past.

"Graphorns don't eat humans," Ominis says in a bored voice.

"Mine does!" Riley yells from outside and lets the Graphorn out. Graphorn looks around and recognizes the surroundings, as Riley has been letting her run around during summer, especially in the early mornings while the village and Ominis are still sleeping. Everyone seems to be very cautious near her and her Graphorn, except of Wemby, the house elf. She has never seen anyone so tiny shoo the massive Graphorn away from the flower garden the way Wemby did. Even the Graphorn seemed surprised while leaving the garden. Riley has witnessed her Graphorn mauling trolls and kicking goblins away like they were no more than an annoying bludger, but seeing a tiny little house elf stand up to her changed Riley's perspective on house elves for good. They are really not powerless little creatures.

When it hits the evening before their return to Hogwarts, Riley and everyone else make sure they have everything packed. Thanks to Gaunts they have an enchanted car with a private driver that will be waiting for them in the morning to take them to King's Cross.

"Shall we play a game of Gobstones?" Anne asks and can hear an audible sigh.

"Than infernal game. I forgot how much you like it," Sebastian says in the hope Anne will smile at him or acknowledge him in any way, but she does not.

"Ominis? You in?" Anne asks and Ominis agrees with a very polite, almost excited smile on his face, which makes Riley roll her eyes. Anytime she mentioned gobstones it was a straight no.

What's wrong with you?" Ominis lowers his voice when Anne and Sebastian prepare the game and locate all the gobstones.

"For the whole time Sebastian is here I am not able to catch a private moment with him. You always have to butt in somehow and it is getting very annoying. This is the last night for a while I can spend some time with him alone, so please, stop being so unbelievably nosy and give us some space. Go and entertain Anne instead if you want to have a chance there," Riley hisses and Ominis laughs dryly.

"Not happening. The moment I leave you alone he will make advances. Not under my watch," Ominis says, playing with his wand, ignoring the comment about Anne completely.

"That is the point, Ominis. We are of age very soon and can make our own decisions. And if my decision is to rip your best friend's clothes off, let be it," Riley hisses again and there is a massive grin on her face when she sees Ominis' face turn red. He is not good with conversations that are even a bit suggestive, so this must be killing him.

"I...I didn't know" Ominis stutters but is saved by Anne who sits down with an excited smile, with gobstones ready.

"We need to do this in Undercroft on a weekly basis. Let's make it a tradition," She sounds so eager to play that Riley stops hissing at Ominis and they all start to play.

"Excited to return back?" RIley asks Anne who nods enthusiastically.

"I cannot wait. I miss Hogwarts so much. I even miss Sharp and his snarky remarks. And Ronen's games. And Hecat's duels. I miss everything. Well, maybe not Black," Anne laughs and Riley nods understandingly. She is not fond of Black either. No one except Black himself is fond of Black.

"There is still a chance a troll will eat him tonight and Weasley will be in charge," Ominis says and they all laugh, trying their best not to be the first one with stinksap all over.

"It will be weird not to have classes with you. I will even miss Garreth's explosions during Potions. Always helped me to sneak to get some supplies while Sharp was berating him," Anne smiles mischievously, and so do Sebastian and Ominis.

"Do I not know about something?" Riley asks but no one seems to answer her.

"You are too close to Sharp, we cannot confide this in you," Ominis says and Riley gasps.

"So rude. Forget about me helping you from now on. You are all on your own with your studies," Riley says and pouts, which makes them all laugh.

"No more History of Magic, we are good," Ominis says and Riley punches his shoulder.

"Good luck getting into Sharp's class with Es and persuading him you have an aptitude for Potions," Riley mutters and is delighted to see that both, Sebastian's and Ominis' faces fall. "I may even consider being an Auror if I am really that close to him," She adds and both boys look a bit more alarmed.

"Imagine if it's only you and Garreth in Sharp's class. So cosy and intimate. I wouldn't mind working with Garreth closely," Anne laughs and winks at Riley, who winks back and cannot contain laughter as both boys go crazy.

"Garreth? Are you serious? Out of everyone?" Ominis says with disbelief.

"Anne? Have you lost your mind completely?" Sebastian adds angrily and when Riley looks at Anne, they both smile in understanding. They have just discovered the way to work them up. And if all goes well, both boys will end up covered in so much stinksap they may be kicked out of the house and sleep in the pond.

"Feel free to take him. As mentioned, I and Sharp are close, so I'm fine with just private lessons like that," Riley says grinning.

"Daddy issues, I see," Anne nods and they both laugh at Sebastian and Ominis, who are truly getting worked up, babbling almost nonsense. It is impossible to say what the boys are yelling at them, but they are very distressed, forgetting gobstones all around. Anne and Riley raise their shields at the same time as there is a massive explosion of stinksap, covering both Ominis and Sebastian.

"Wemby will not be pleased," Riley says and gags as the smell is making the room unbreathable, so she heads outside, followed by Anne.

"That was fun," Anne laughs and Riley nods. Even covered in stinksap, Ominis and Sebastian continue to rant inside, possibly not even realizing Anne and Riley are not there anymore.

"Now for real. Garreth? Really? Or just to piss off Sebastian?" Riley looks at Anne who shrugs.

"He is cute and funny, why not? I need someone not as uptight as Marcus. It's a possibility. We were always getting along," Anne has a mischievous smile on her face and Riley is not sure if she should be alarmed or laugh.

"Maybe Ominis would piss him off more," Riley says innocently. Even though Ominis is getting on her last nerve, she is still trying to help him out.

"Nah. He is like a brother to me. More than Sebastian sometimes," Anne says and there is no lying in her voice. She really sees him that way. Poor Ominis. Maybe if he spent more time with Anne and less trying to make sure Riley and Sebastian are not together alone, she would see him differently. But hopefully, not all is lost.

"Oooh, I got it. Leander," Riley looks at Anne and she actually looks disgusted.

"Ew. No!" Anne says and Riley laughs. Poor Leander. She does not know what it is, but he is like a repellent to all the girls. She feels bad for him, but then again when she remembers how he tried to sneak her a Love Potion, she does not feel that bad anymore.

"Well, one more night and it's September the first. Time to head back," Riley says as she watches the sunset and Anne nods with a smile on her face.

"I have a feeling it's gonna be a good year. And that is all thanks to you," Anne gives Riley a hug and she hugs her back. Anne is getting better day by day, and it seems the newest potion from Sharp is taking effect.

Chapter 3: September 1st

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Chapter 3 - September 1st

September 1st, the day Riley's been waiting for. Everything is going very smoothly so far. The car was on time, and the driver is now walking behind them with all their luggage. Riley is, for the first time, looking at the barrier at the King's Cross Station. Spending the first four years of her magical education at Durmstrang and flying with Professor Fig last year, Riley's never taken the Hogwarts Express except on her way back last year, but she was not paying much attention to it.

"You look like an overexcited Mooncalf. It's adorable," Sebastian says when they cross the barrier and Riley spots Hogwarts Express for the first time up close. She saw it a few times when she was flying around, but never up this close. She should have paid more attention. It's beautiful.

"Riley! You're back! I was a bit worried I lost my partner in crime when Aunt Matilda told me you may be leaving," Garreth's voice echoes through the station as he walks towards Riley and gives her a big hug, which makes Sebastian scowl.

"Hey, Garreth! Good to see you too," Riley laughs and returns the hug.

"Oh, chill out, Sallow, just saying hi," Garreth rolls his eyes when he notices Sebastian's scowl.

"Hi Garreth," Anne says when she joins them and Garreth smiles at her.

"Anne! Glad to see you back. My two partners in crime are both here. It's gonna be a good year," Garreth laughs and gives Anne a hug as well, which makes Ominis scowl.

"Just one, Garreth. I am having a peaceful year full of studying. No more Fwooper feathers, no more secret passages, just studying." Riley laughs and Garreth looks at her in disbelief.

"Secret passages?" Both Ominis and Sebastian ask at the same time and Riley grins.

"Potions may be more than peaceful this year. I've overheard my aunt saying that only me, you and Amit Thakkar got Os in Potions, and she was already not looking forward to trying and persuading Sharp to take Es as well, as he made it very clear this year it's Os only. Leander is already having a breakdown because of it as he bombed his Potion Exam and got A. I've got to go now. Toodles!" Garreth laughs when he looks at Sebastian and Ominis and leaves.

"Is he serious? Sharp needs to take more than three people, right?" Ominis asks and there is that well-known panic in his voice.

"What secret passages?" Sebastian looks at Riley with a stern expression.

"Stop with panicking, stop with jealousy," Riley says as she looks from Ominis to Sebastian.

"Just me and Garreth then? Okay," Anne says as she laughs and runs to greet a few of her Slytherin friends, leaving Riley with those two alone.

"Gotta find Erin. See ya later," Riley does her best to avoid an unpleasant situation that is surely incoming and follows Anne's lead. There are angry and anxious shouts coming after them, but they both just laugh and Anne joins Slytherins, while Riley spots Erin and Amit and runs to them.

The whole journey to Hogwarts was better than Riley expected, as Ominis and Sebastian seemed to calm down. Enjoying the view from the train and trying most of the sweets from the trolley, the journey is over way too soon and Riley is already sitting in the Great Hall next to Erin, wondering what this year will bring.

"Miss Peverell, great to see you back. I've had a look at your results and I am very pleased. Have you thought of the classes you want to take this year?" Professor Hecat says as she stops next to her and Erin.

"Hello, Professor. I was not expecting you yet," Riley says with a big smile and there is a bit of anxiety forming inside her. She will definitely not allow her to take all the classes she wants.

"Professor Black has some important announcement, so I'm doing my rounds now when everyone is paying more attention," Professor smiles and Riley nods.

"Please tell me he's resigning," Everett says in a low voice and everyone around giggles.

"Not yet, Mister Clopton. But we can all hope," Professor Hecat says and turns back to Riley.

"What is the maximum classes I can take?" Riley asks sheepishly and Professor gives her a stern look.

"I am not allowing anyone to go over six. The classes are more difficult this year. You will be specializing in the subjects instead of just studying them. Anything over six is unmanageable," Professor says and Riley was expecting it, but is not very happy about it.

"You know my results and ambitions. Any suggestions?" Railey asks and Professor Hecat gives her timetable with a smile. Upon looking at it, Riley nods. All the classes she needs for Unspeakable specialising in Death. Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Charms and Transfiguration. No History of Magic, Creatures, or Herbology.

"You will have to speak with Professor Sharp, it is entirely up to him I'm afraid," Professor Hecat says to Erin who looks very disappointed.

"Oh, sweet Merlin. It's really going to be just me, you, and Garreth, huh?" Riley looks at Amit who gives her a half-panicked, half-proud look.

"He's being extraordinarily stubborn lately," Professor Hecat adds when she moves to Everett, who has no intention of continuing with Potions anymore.

Riley looks at Slytherin's table where Professor Ronen is talking to his students, and no one seems very pleased. Sharp, on the other hand, sits at the faculty table with a grin on his face, watching the chaos unfold. He catches sight of Riley looking at him and gives her a small smile, which Riley returns. At that moment she knows he will allow students with Es. He's just doing it out of spite, or boredom. Or just to teach them some weird lesson about the importance of exams. Who knows.

"You two will be busy with six classes," Erin says as she's studying Riley's and Amit's timetable, and they both look at each other with a bit of a smug smile.

"Ahem, attention!" Professor Black says after dinner when he's standing there, looking at all the students, including new first-years.

"Here we go," Riley mutters and can see Everett has his fingers crossed and laughs.

"Resign, resign, resign," Everett keeps whispering, which causes Ravenclaw's table to suppress giggles.

"It is with great, um, honour to inform you that the tradition of the Triwizard Tournament continues, and Hogwarts will be hosting Durmstrang and Beauxbattons this year to compete against each other," Black says with an attempt of enthusiasm, but the annoyance in his voice is still very prevalent.

There are excited whispers around, and it hits Riley.

"I can spend a year with you guys, and also my Durmtrang friends. This is amazing!" Riley says excitedly and looks around. Everyone seems to be in conversation about the tournament.

"Quiet!" Black yells and the Great Hall goes silent. "There will be no Quidditch, and more info will follow from your Heads of Houses later, as I don't have time for this. Now, go! Study or...whatever," Black waves his hand the Great Hall erupts in a chatter. Riley makes her way towards Slytherin's table and sits between Ominis and Sebastian.

"I am definitely going for it," Sebastian says excitedly.

"I may as well," Ominis joins in.

"Same. I'm so much better. I want to be the Champion. Although after last year I would not be surprised if you got it, Riley," Anne says and almost forgets she is ignoring her brother as she smiles at him as well.

"Absolutely not. I am having a peaceful year full of studying. I will cheer for whoever is chosen, but that's the most participation you can expect from me. I may say hi to a few Durmstrang friends, and maybe secretly cheer for them as well, but that's it," Riley says resolutely and everyone looks at her with surprise.

"You don't want to be Hogwarts Champion? You can easily win the whole competition," Sebastian says in disbelief and Riley just smiles.

"I'm good. I have more important things to deal with. And so do you! Sharp is not taking anyone with E. You better brownnose him as much as possible, or wave your Auror dreams goodbye," Riley gives a look to both, Sebastian and Ominis, and their joyful, excited expressions are gone.

"If I win the whole tournament, I don't need Sharp or Potions," Sebastian says and gives Riley a kiss, but she just shakes her head.

"Well, then it's all set. Just me, Amit and Garreth then," Riley shrugs and grins at Sebastian.

"I'll talk to Sharp," Sebastian says under his breath with a bit of frustration in his voice.

"Miss Peverell, a private word," Professor Hecat's voice says behind Riley and she just gives everyone a surprised look and joins Professor on her way from the Great Hall.

"Yes, Professor?" Riley asks but there is no answer until they reach an empty corridor. They just walk in silence. The professor leads her to an empty, unused classroom, where Sharp is already waiting. Very confused, Riley is unsure what is happening.

"Few things to quickly discuss before classes start," Professor Hecat start saying and Riley is listening carefully.

"Some of Rookwood cronies are still active, and planning revenge against all the goblins, but you, personally, as well," Sharp says in a serious voice but Riley is not scared.

"Bring them on," She says and there is a small smile on Sharp's face.

"The Ministry is keeping a close eye on you, from now on, especially the Department of Mysteries. I have informed them of your ambitions and vouched for you. They usually do not even consider anyone in general, but they have heard about you and thanks to my connections and good word I was able to get you a basic clearance. But that means you need to keep a low profile. I don't want to be that kind of person, but Triwizard Tournament, as alluring as it sounds, is not the best idea," Professor Hecat says but Riley quickly interrupts her.

"I am not considering it in the slightest. I want a peaceful year, focus on studies, nothing else," Riley says and Professor Hecat smiles approvingly.

"Also, venturing out of the castle all the time and appearing in places you're not supposed to will be very frowned upon at this stage," Sharp adds and Riley tries her best not to roll her eyes.

"Exactly. You need to keep a low profile. I have a very busy year ahead as Head of Ravenclaw, and also trying to liaison with some of my ex-colleagues about private business, but Professor Sharp, who worked with the Department of Mysteries on multiple occasions as an Auror, and is also keeping an eye on Rookwood's lot, will take over your mentorship. I am here anytime you need me, of course, but he will be the one taking you to the Department of Mysteries when we get you a better clearance. Please do not mention this to anyone, especially not to our useless Headmaster. Not that you are likely to," Professor Hecat smiles at Riley and she nods. Seems like this year will not be very peaceful.

"When I know more about Rookwood's cronies, I will let you know. It's only fair, and I rather keep an eye on you and accompany you on some false premise than let you deal with them on your own, drawing a lot of attention," Sharp says and Riley looks at him.

"What makes you think I will try and find them and fight them?" Riley asks and his laugh sounds more like a bark.

"You are already planning it. And if you won't track them down, they will come to Hogsmeade. And if any of that happens, I rather be there instead of Sallow. Also, I did not forget. I am not letting Solomon's death slide. I know there is more to it and I will get to the bottom of it," Sharp says and walks past Riley, leaving them alone.

"Shall we head to the Ravenclaw's Common Room? Everyone is, undoubtedly, waiting for more information about the Tournament," Professor Hecat says and leaves the classroom, while Riley follows. This year will definitely not be peaceful.

Chapter 4: Unintended Revelations

Chapter Text

Chapter 4 - Unintended Revelations

"I can't believe Sharp let everyone with E in. My aunt said he's made up his mind. Clearly not," Garreth whispers to Riley and Amit as they share the potion table.

"Either something bigger is going on, or Sharp has some other plan we don't know about," Riley whispers back.

"As you may have noticed, more of you are here than supposed to. Let's see those aptitudes of yours then. Divide into teams of three and see who can last until the end of class. You three, the only ones worthy of this class at this point, work together, the rest divide," Sharp says and points towards them, and it all makes sense to Riley. That's why he asked them to take the front table together.

"Someone's in a foul mood. What a surprise," Garreth whispers so quietly only Riley and Amit can hear, and they both suppress laughter.

"Still, doesn't explain why he let everyone in," Amit says quietly as well and they get their books, cauldrons, and basic ingredients ready.

"Let's see how those family ties matter when it comes to Potion making. Prove me wrong, or this may be your last class," Sharp barks and there is a knowing smile on Riley's face as she looks her cousin's way. Of course, Ominis dragged Gaunts into this. But then again, maybe it was the only option. Sharp seems very adamant lately. Was she reading him wrong back then?

"Family ties?" Garreth whispers and Riley smirks.

"Gaunts, I bet," Riley whispers and there is an understatement on Garreth's and Amit's faces.

"Each group has the same potion. I will not tell you what it is. You will be tasting it at the end of the lesson. Brew your anti-dote or anti-potion or anything you believe can help. If you fail to identify it and brew the potion connected to it incorrectly, you may as well lock yourself at St. Mungo's. Go!" Sharp barks again and with a swift movement of his wand, there is a potion in front of each group. Riley notices Sebastian, Erin and Ominis are working together. Hopefully, they can identify it and brew something good. She doesn't want to lose her best friends.

"Weeding us out already? It's just the first class," Garreth laughs and there are a few anxious laughters joining in.

"To unearth the rare and powerful ones, one must simply weed out the undesirables," Sharp replies to Garreth and there are several audible gulps.

"Better get to work then," Garreth says and Riley looks at the potion.

"Clear, and no smell at all. Wait...I think I can smell a bit of...cinnamon?" Riley uses her hand to waft a bit of potion smell towards her. For what she knows it can be a powerful poison and she can drop dead the moment she smells it. Better be careful, especially when Sharp is in this mood.

"That wretched scoundrel is trying to poison us," Garreth whispers and Riley gives him a warning look. Sharp is very close to them, and he will not take it likely if he hears how Garreth calls him.

"Too easy, if you ask me. Make it look like a poison, add a bit of cinnamon to make us think it's a poison. This is not a poison," Amit says knowingly and Riley nods.

"I completely agree. Poison is too easy. Too predictable. And with all of his speech, he wants us to think this is something deadly and dangerous. It may as well be a potion that makes you burp," Riley takes the potion again and smells it properly this time.

"And what if it is a poison?" Garreth asks.

"Then when you try it I will shove a bezoar down your throat. Come on, Garreth, we have practised this," Riley laughs and Garreth joins in, but Amit looks very confused.

"I rather not ask," He says and starts perusing the book. Riley notices Sebastian's glare when she and Garreth laugh together. She just rolls her eyes. Not this again.

"What are we thinking?" Garreth asks when they stop laughing.

"It needs to be something we can unmask. Something we can identify. He would not give us anything impossible," Riley says and points her wand towards the potion. "Revelio," She says and nothing happens. But that nothing tells her a lot.

"Interesting. So it is not hexed or enchanted. Good thinking, Riley. Process of elimination," Garreth gives her a genuine smile and Amit nods.

"I would ask what potions we know that are clear and without a smell, but that can be a whole textbook," Amit says with an exasperated sigh.

"Don'g give up yet, Thakkar. We've got this," Garreth grabs the potion and studies it carefully. "That cinnamon is used to throw us off balance. It is an odourless potion, I bet you five sickels and a Fwooper Feather!" He adds and Riley laughs.

"I mean, one way to find out. It may be seen as smart, or risky, or foolish, or idiotic, or absolutely brilliant," Riley takes the potion and pours the tiniest bit out of it.

"Have you lost your mind?" Amit asks, clearly distressed as he knows what Riley is about to do.

"Go on, I have the bezoar ready. And Sharp loves you, so you're good even if you miss the whole year by staying at St. Mungo's," Garreth smirks and Riley chuckles.

Knowing fully well that even if he's in a bad mood, Sharp would not poison anyone in the class, mainly because of the paperwork, not unwillingness or niceness, Riley takes the smallest sip, making sure no one can see her. It feels weird. She feels nothing. Maybe it's just water. But what she can brew to negate water? Should she just cast Incendio and hope for the water to evaporate? Or Glacio and make it into ice cubes?

"So? How do you feel?" Garreth asks while Amit is looking at her, positively alarmed. Riley notices there is a bezoar in Garreth's hand, but it's not necessary. That potion is nothing. Nothing is different. Yet, somehow, she is speaking. And what is she saying?!

"Very frustrated lately. Ominis has been a pain in the arse stopping me and Sebastian being anywhere near intimate. Do you know how much of a pent-up frustration I have after last year? And we were finally able to catch some time alone during summer but he had to butt in! It's even worse now, as it seems after summer Sebastian's got taller and all I'm wondering is if the growth is really proportional and how bi..." Riley quickly puts both of her hands to her mouth to shut herself up, but it's like she cannot stop talking, but at least her words are muffled now. Garreth roars with laughter and the whole class is now looking at them. Even Amit is giggling. Riley quickly points her wand to her throat and silences herself.

Everyone, literally everyone is staring at her and Garreth, who is now sitting on the floor, clenching his stomach from laughter, unable to catch a breath. Even Amit is struggling. Riley thought Amit would be embarrassed for all of them after her slip-up, but there is only a small blush on his face. Otherwise, he is laughing as well. Probably the first time Riley has witnessed him laugh properly.

"Now just to determine if it is Veritaserum or some sort of a babbling potion," Garreth say in between laughs when he joins them at the potion table again, with many of the classmates still staring in their direction. Sharp is staring as well, but there is an amused expression on his face.

"Finite Incantatem," Amit points at Riley and she gives him a dirty look.

"We need to know, Riley. It was your brilliant idea. So, tell me, was my Gobbledygook really that bad?" Amit asks and Riley, before she can control herself, nods.

"It was embarrassing, Amit. I wanted to bury myself under the ground like spiders can do," Riley says and Amit nods, looking at Garreth.

"Veritaserum," He whispers so no one else can hear them.

"I will take that now," Sharp appears next to them and takes the potion away. "So you don't get any more idiotic ideas. It is, indeed, a banned substance and if some of it went missing, the wrath of your aunt would make us both perish," He adds looking at Garreth, who just grins. "Well done, now make sure to mix the proper potion, it is tricky," He adds quietly and leaves.

"It's like he's reading my mind," Garreth whispers.

"All of you should have known by now. Time is running out," Sharp says and all of the potions he distributed fly back to him. There is certainly a panic on everyone's faces.

"This is not an easy potion. It does not take long, but it's complex," Amit says reading the instructions and Riley and Garreth follow his lead and read them as well.

"Let's get to it, then," Riley says and follows the instructions to the dot, with occasional pointers from Garreth on how to cut and crush the ingredients differently to make them more powerful.

"I have never known this, thank you, Garreth. There is so much more juice released when you crush it and don't cut it," Amit says with the expression of an excited Mooncalf during the full moon, ready to join the herd in their dance.

"If only you could release some juices as well, eh?" Garreth whispers so only Riley can hear him. Her face turns a bright red colour, but luckily she casts Silencio on herself again, giving Garreth a kick under the table so strong that he winces. "You are very frustrated indeed," Garreth says with tears in his eyes. It is a mixture of tears of laughter with tears of pain.

There are almost 10 minutes left of the class and their potion is finished. Riley quickly takes a sip and sighs in relief. It works. She is no longer truthfully answering Garreth's nasty questions.

"Small sigh of relief now, hopefully, bigger one later," Garreth breathes out quietly, which earns him another painful kick.

"Alright then, let's see the aptitude for potions. Twelve students to start with, and only three of them with grades good enough. Let's see how many of you nine have earned the spot," Sharp says and there is an excited, but also anxious murmur around. "Everyone who brewed any kind of antidote for poison, please step forward," Sharp says in a harsh voice and everyone except them three steps forward.

"Ruh-oh, rookie mistake," Garreth says out loud and Amit proudly looks around.

"Any idea why those three did not brew the Antidote for Common Poisons?" Sharp asks and everyone is nervously looking around.

"Because it was not a poison. Cinnamon smell was only a distraction," Erin says in a defeated voice and Sharp raises his eyebrow, looking at her.

"Interesting. So why did you brew the antidote then?" Sharp asks and Erin shrugs.

"When one of your partners is very panicky and other beyond stubborn, it's hard to be heard. So I'm taking a fall," Erin says and glares at Sebastian and Ominis.

"Any idea what the potion was?" Sharp asks but Erin shakes her head.

"I've told you we should have listened to her," Ominis says under his breath and kicks Sebastian's foot.

"No, you were all panicky and wanted to make an antidote in case Sharp poisons you and said we have no time left so we better brew something," Sebastian says back in an annoyed voice and Erin just sighs.

"Everyone, drink up!" Sharp says excitedly as the original potions levitate towards each of them, but only a very tiny drop is dispersed. Everyone drinks the potion and there is silence. "Now, drink your own potion and let's see," Sharp's smile is crooked and Riley is looking around, a bit of excitement on her face. Are her classmates going to spill all their secrets?

"Tell me, Gaunt, why do you think you can handle this class?" Sharp asks Ominis and Riley's eyes widen. It just hit her. This was his plan all along. Veritaserum makes so much sense right now. But will Sharp not get into trouble for this?

"Because I want to learn more. I want to know how to brew Potions. And if I don't panic, I can make all of them to the highest standard. I have the aptitude, sir. I went from exploding my cauldron to perfectly brewing the O.W.L. potion. I am still sure that I may have messed up the theory, but that does not mean I don't want to learn from you and hone my potion skills. I am so much more than Slytherin's heir and I will prove it to you with every single potion. That antidote is a piece of art. A wrong one, but still, pure perfection. And even if I doubt myself, all your hidden encouragement is telling me you believe in me as well," Ominis says, surprised by his own words. The whole class is dead silent.

"Fail, but you may continue the class," Sharp says and looks at Sebastian.

"Why do you think you can handle this class?" Sharp asks the same question.

"Because I want to learn the Potions and be an Auror just like you. It was your potions that helped Anne the most, and as foul as you are a person, I have a lot of respect for you as a Professor and want to learn from you and be like you, a tough Auror," Sebastian says and Sharp just hums approvingly.

"Same as Gaunt. Fail, but you may continue the class," Sharp looks at Erin and soon, everyone has their turn, and no one is dismissed yet. Now it is only Riley, Amit and Garreth left.

"Why do you think you can handle this class, Mister Thakkar?" Sharp turns to Amit and asks the same question as he asked everyone else.

"I...uh...I want to..." Amit starts to stutter, but Sharp cuts him off.

"Pass. Weasley..." Sharp looks at Garreth but frowns. " have worse limp than me. But that's not the point. Why do you think you can handle this class?" He asks Garreth who grins.

"Because you need me here. I am the ray of sunshine and hope amidst the clouds of misidentified potion. And when it comes to the limp, it was worthy, Professor. Trust me," Garreth grins at Riley who gives him another cold stare.

"Pass," Sharp smirks and looks at Riley as well and asks the same question.

"I am here only to learn some nasty brew to poison Weasley and let him suffer for eternity, sir," Riley says dryly and looks at Garreth who gives her thumbs up.

"Pass," Sharp walks in front of the class and hands them the potions to negate the effects of Veritaserum. "I expect all of you to step up. This is an advanced class. You cannot be fooled into thinking it's the simplest and most obvious option. You can get killed like that!" Sharp barks at everyone and the class is silent.

"Veritaserum, the only serum in existence that is as pure and clear as possible. All the others have a bit of impurities in them. A bit of colour. A bit of texture. Not Veritaserum. It should have been your first clue. Cast Revelio, just as Peverell did, to see if there are enchantments or hexes on the vial to make it look different. And then, when you study it, you realize it is as pure as it can be. And that is your main clue. That is how you spot Veritaserum. It can be a very deadly potion. There are only two ways to identify it. The way I explained, or the idiotic way of Peverell tasting it and realizing what it is," Sharp is surely mentioning Riley a lot, but not always in the best way.

"If I may, Professor, it was an utter brilliance, not an idiocy," Riley says and there is a smirk on Sharp's face.

"Enlighten me," He pierces her with his cold eyes and Riley is standing her ground. He does not intimidate her the same way he intimidates others. She knows better now he is not as foul as Sebastian thinks.

"Well, it's the first class. And from your speech, it was obvious that 'this may be your last class' is not meant in a harmful way. You would not have poisoned or hurt anyone in your class. Mainly because if you did, you would have to answer Professor Weasley, and I'm very positive that's not how you want to spend your first week back as Potion's Master. And then you gave us a potion with a hint of cinnamon scent, to distract us. Everyone would automatically assume it is to hide the poison's smell. But that's too easy and straightforward, especially with that speech. You wanted to throw us off track. After Revelio revealed it was not an enchanted or hexed vial, it was down to very few options. And to narrow it down, that was the best option. I may have missed that little detail, but fully aware it is not a harmful potion, I drank a bit of it and figured it out," Riley shrugs and feels the eyes of the whole class on her.

"But what if it was a new, cleverly disguised poison?" Sharp asks with a crooked smile.

"Bezoar," Garreth says and shows Sharp the bezoar and Riley nods.

"You wouldn't give us an impossible task, Professor, so with a little thinking outside of the box, we've figured it out and brewed the perfect potion to negate the effects," Riley shrugs again and both, Garreth and Amit proudly nod.

"And that is the thinking you need to have! When someone slips it to you, it's too late. But if you cannot even identify it and have a potion negating it ready, you have no chance!" Sharp bellows and everyone jumps. "Class dismissed," He adds and everyone sighs in relief.

"I wonder how my aunt will react when she realizes you gave us a banned substance," Garreth looks at Sharp who gives him a crooked smile as he is packing his bag.

"If everyone was up to the standard I asked for, no Veritaserum would be necessary and all the potions would negate it anyway," Sharp says to Garreth who just nods.

"Try explaining it to my aunt," Garreth laughs and Sharp pierces him with his eyes and a cold glare.

"And you, Mister Weasley, try and explain that you attempted to steal that banned substance and we see who can limp away faster," Sharp laughs dryly and those few people still in the class laugh as well.

Riley, laughing, collects all her stuff and joins Erin who is waiting for her, with potion still in her hands. It seems like she forgot to drink it with all the commotion around.

"Why did you team up with those two? You must have known by now how stubborn they both are," Riley looks at her and Erin grins.

"I just hoped I could get closer to Ominis and he may finally properly notice me," Erin says and quickly covers her mouth with a terrified expression, realizing she is still under Veritaserum. Quickly drinking the potion to negate it, she looks at Riley, alarmed.

So is that why she partnered with him last year? Why does she always try to hang out with them? Does she have feelings for Ominis? Well, it certainly will not be a year focused on studying now.

Chapter 5: Ominis' outrage

Chapter Text

Chapter 5 - Ominis' outrage

Lying in bed, Riley is recalling everything that has already happened this first week, and it's only Wednesday. Thankfully, tomorrow there are no classes for her, and only Arithmancy on Friday. Every time the dorm door opens, Riley pretends to be sleeping. Secretly, she is waiting for Erin to confront her about her little slip-up, but Erin seems to be avoiding her since morning Potions. Not even during afternoon Charms she gave her a chance to talk to her, she was preoccupied with literally everything in sight. Professor Ronen made sure they were starting to work on non-verbal spells, and so did Professors Weasley and Hecat on Monday. At least Tuesday's Runes were fun.

The door opens and Riley steadies her breath, pretending to be fast asleep. There is no motion for a few seconds and then very quiet tiptoeing. Riley knows exactly who it is, and waits a few minutes. When Erin is in bed, Riley takes her chance. There is nowhere to run and it's only two of them at this point, so the perfect opportunity is presenting itself.

Quietly rolling out of the bed, Riley swiftly moves to Erin's bed.

"So, Ominis?" Riley whispers and laughs when Erin jumps.

"Stop sneaking up on me," Erin says in an angry voice, but Riley grins.

"Stop avoiding me, then," Riley laughs again and when Erin sits up, she joins her on her bed, smiling broadly.

"Can we not make a big deal out of it? It's nothing, really," Erin says, but Riley notices she is quite fidgety.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" Riley asks but does not let her answer. "Exactly. So, for how long? How bad is the crush? Is it just a crush? And, most importantly, Ominis? Really? Everyone seems to avoid him," Riley is tapping her feet in excitement.

"Ugh. Should have known you would not let it go. Just don't make a big deal out of it. After we started to hang out more last year, thanks to you, I have realized he is not what he seems. He is not that evil Gaunt looking down his nose at everyone who is not a pure-blood supremacist. He is actually a nice guy, and quite handsome. And when he speaks to me, even if he's blind, it feels like he sees me. Like he can see behind the facade and whichever persona I wake up with," Erin says and Riley snorts. Truth is, she never knows if she's gonna get smiley Erin, moody Erin, aggravated Erin, carefree Erin, or whichever Erin is prominent that morning. But then again, she is no better.

"He is not evil. If anything, out of me, Sebastian and Ominis, he is the pacifist and the nicest one. Despite being a rebellious spoiled brat and having access to all his family fortune and privileges, he really has no love lost for them and other pure-blood supremacists," Riley smiles and Erin looks at her with raised eyebrows.

"A rebellious spoiled brat?" She asks and Riley nods with a big grin.

"One of the very first days when Sebastian told me something that Ominis was not happy about, he threatened me with something along the lines ofmy father is a friend with the headmaster and I'm not afraid to exploit that connection and even your precious Professor Fig blah blah blah," Riley says, imitating Ominis' voice, which makes Erin laugh, especially theblah blah blahpart.

"Sounds about right," Erin shrugs and Riley nods.

"How serious is it?" Riley is looking directly into her face, trying to figure out the real answer. Trying to see if Erin is lying to her. "Is it just a crush? Or do you hope for something more?" Riley enquires and Erin looks at the floor.

"I honestly don't know. I just like spending time with him," Erin shrugs and Riley knows she is not telling her the whole truth.

"Spending time chatting because he is a friend you can confide it? Spending time making out in the abandoned classroom? Spending time trying to figure out the best way to sneak into Slytherin's Common Room and have your way with him? Spending time staring into each other eyes and talking about the future? Which one?" Riley lists out a few options and grins when she notices a small blush on Erin's face.

"It doesn't matter, honestly. He is into Anne anyway, so what's the point?" Erin avoids the question and Riley visibly rolls her eyes at her.

"Anne is seeing someone and Ominis knows, so I wouldn't say so," She smiles and notices a little smile and blush on Erin's face again.

"I - I don't know. I need to figure it out. Please don't butt in," Erin gives her almost a pleading look and Riley nods in agreement. The last thing she wants is to be like Ominis, butting in and ruining it for others.

"Okay. But I'm here if you need anything," Riley winks at her and goes back to her bed. The enchanted parchment from Sebastian is in her bag, and she notices a faint glow and her heart almost skips a beat. Excitedly she lights her wand and does everything in her power to stop herself from squealing.

"Ominis has been extra moody lately, but he's finally asleep. Do you want to meet in the Undercroft?"The parchment reads and Riley grins and quickly replies, hoping the message is recent.

"Now? After dark? After curfew? For a private rendezvous? When I'm supposed to keep it low? ABSOLUTELY, let's go!"She replies and there is another response straight away.

"Private rendezvous? I like the sound of that."

"And I like the sound of your voice in my ear during illicit spell practice and else,"She hopes he will get the hint, and it seems like he does.

"On my way,"The parchment reads and Riley jumps out of bed, quickly putting some clothes on. When Erin gives her a confused look, she grins.

"I'll keep your secret if you keep mine. Out to meet Sebastian. Cover for me?" Riley attempts her best angelic face and Erin laughs and nods, watching Riley hurriedly combing her hair.

Sneaking through the castle, Riley finally reaches the Undercroft entrance and upon quickly checking no one is watching her, she opens the door and enters. She can hear a bit of a commotion. Did Sebastian beat her to it and is planning something? Maybe he wants to be a romantic and have a very late dinner or some snacks, maybe some drinks from the kitchen to set the mood?

But...why are there two voices? Male and female? None of them sounds like Sebastian's, so panic's over. Maybe Ominis sneakily brought someone here? No, surely not. His voice is different. This one is almost like...

"Get off my sister you arrogant ginger troll!" Sebastian's voice bellows across Undercroft. Riley jumps a bit as she has no idea Sebastian is behind her.

"Sebastian, no-!" Anne yells and hastily fixes her blouse and there is no mistake in what was about to happen in here before she and Sebastian arrived. And if Anne's unbuttoned blouse was not enough evidence, Garreth's pants are not helping the situation. Should have worn something less tight.

"Ah, Riley, Sallow, I see we have the same idea-" Garreth tries to laugh it off but a blasting curse hits him hard and he flies over the room.

"Sebastian!" And yells angrily and sends a jinx her brother's way. Meanwhile, Riley sends a jet of water towards Garreth to extinguish him. What happens next is a whirlwind and Riley, remembering the last time she got involved and ended up in the hospital wing, steps aside and let them sort it out by themselves.

Sebastian is sending every possible jinx towards Garreth, who is not keeping up with his defence and gets hit here and there, and Anne is trying to protect him, but hers and Sebastian's jinxes are now ricocheting everywhere, bouncing off everything. Casting a protective charm around herself, Riley cannot help but feel a bit of jealousy. She wanted to be sitting on top of Sebastian with her blouse almost off, making out. However, the idea of someone walking on them the way they did does not sound that good. And it is like Merlin is reading her mind and sending signs, there is another voice joining in.

"What is going on in here?!" The voice belongs to Ominis, and Riley has never, ever heard him sound so angry. There is something that reminds her of a shockwave around, and everyone stands still.

"That was some brilliant Immobilus there," Riley says and Ominis is standing there, breathing heavily, anger seeping from every little cell of him.

"What are you doing here, Weasley? How did you get here?" Ominis' voice is so cold everyone, including Riley and Anne, is now watching him paralyzed.

"Finite incantatem," Anne waves her wand and both, Sebastian and Garreth are back to their lively selves.

"I've just got here with Riley and caught Weasley red-handed trying to make advances on my sister!" Sebastian bellows and Ominis tenses even more.

"That's not really what happened..." Garreth starts to explain himself but a jinx hits him, this time from Ominis. Barely catching his breath, Garreth is lying on the floor, and Anne is next to him.

"It was my idea, you hypocrite! Why are you here, anyway? I guess you two got the same idea," Anne motions towards Riley, but she has no chance of reacting.

"What is going on, Riley?" Ominis faces her now and Riley takes a deep breath.

"To be honest with you, everything is chaos," Riley says truthfully, but what happens next angers her beyond belief.

"Legilimens!" Ominis points his wand towards her and all the recent memories of her sneaking here and seeing Anne and Garreth are replaying in front of her.

"Ominis!" Anne yells at him, but he ignores her completely and turns to Garreth instead.

"Get out of here now, Weasley, and if I ever see you here again, or if you even peep or breathe a word about this place,or should even the faintest whisper escape your lips, not even your remains will be preserved enough for your precious aunt to identify you, and I will make sure your family never, ever steps their foot in Hogwarts and feels the wraith of Gaunts and Blacks," Ominis says in an icy voice and it is very different from the one he used on her almost a year ago. Garreth goes pale and without any word, he runs out of the room. Unfortunately, Sebastian follows him.

"Was it really necessary, Ominis?" Anne asks but steps back when Ominis turns to her.

"This is the only safe place I have in my life, and you have just ruined it. Go away, Anne," Ominis says in the same, icy voice that is very low and controlled. Riley can feel goosebumps all over her body, but it's not the same kind of goosebumps she gets near Sebastian. Just now Riley has fully realized Ominis is a Gaunt. That coldness and almost sinister undertone is something she would have never expected from him. And clearly, neither would Anne. There are tears forming in her eyes upon realization of how sacred Undercroft is to Ominis, but Ominis does not even flinch, pointing his wand at her.

"Omninis, I'm so sorry, I..." She starts but the stare he gives her sends chills down Riley's spine, and he is not even looking at her.

"Go...away...and stay...away..." Ominis' voice is assertive and distant, and when Anne tries to reach out to him he brushes her off immediately, throwing her hand away. Anne quickly turns around and runs away, with audible sobs.

"Ominis..." Riley says quietly, but Ominis just walks away.

"Leave me alone, please," It's more of a demand, but Riley nods. He is visibly upset, and as much as she wants to console him and be there for him, he seems like he needs space.

"Okay. But next time you enter my mind without my consent, we will have a problem," Riley whispers and leaves the Undercroft, casting a Disillusionment Charm. No need to figure out where those three went, as there is a lot of yelling and screaming. Riley decides to stay hidden and eavesdrop, as there is no way she can escape anywhere and not be seen.

"Did Gaunt make you cry?" Garreth's voice echoes.

"Get away from my sister!" Sebastian yells when Garreth walks towards Anne and sends a blasting curse towards him, but this time Garreth blocks it and the curse ricochets and hits one of the eyes near the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Garreth gently pushes Anne out of the way and points his wand at Sebastian, and Sebastian mimics him. At the same time, they both send a curse towards each other and when they collide they hit the walls. But before any of them can do any more damage, another voice joins in.

"Enough!" Professor Hecat's voice booms down the corridor as she is walking down the stairs from the classroom, followed by several other professors. Riley quickly grabs the Invisibility potion from her pocket. She took it just in case they got in trouble, and she is very glad her past self was anticipating troubles. She chugs half of the small vial, it should last her for almost half an hour.

When she peeks around the corner, both Sebastian and Garreth are levitating in the air, with their hands around their necks like they are choking.

"By Merlin's beard, what is it now, Garreth?" Professor Weasley's angry voice is getting closer.

"I think we should take our students and sort this out in private before the Headmaster is alerted," Professor Ronen says and Professor Hecat lets both, Sebastian and Garreth fall to the ground, hitting it hard.

"Miss Sallow, why are you here?" Professor Weasley looks at Anne who has tears in her eyes.

"Ask your precious nephew, Professor! Taking advantage of a young girl!" Sebastian says angrily, but Garreth groans in anger as well. Before anyone can jinx anyone, they are both levitating again.

"Go to your room, Miss Sallow," Professor Ronen says and Anne obeys instantly.

Riley can hear the faintest click and she knows what it means. Quickly moving towards the entrance to Undercroft, she notices Ominis using Disillusionment as well.

"Drink this. Invisibility potion. Should last around 30 minutes," Riley whispers towards Ominis and hands the half-empty vial to the air and an almost invisible hand grabs it.

"Enough! Both of you!" Professor Weasley hisses and looks around.

"Are you suspecting anyone else nearby?" Professor Ronen asks, intrigued, looking around as well.

"Wouldn't be surprised if Peverell, Gaunt or Prevett were nearby. The usual mayhem initiators," This voice belongs to Sharp and Riley is not sure if she should feel flattered, or offended.

"Prevett is in the dormitory, escorted him there personally after an extra Transfiguration lesson before I joined you. And when it comes to Gaunt and Peverell, I rather not know," Professor Weasley says and there is a very audible snigg*r belonging to Sharp.

"You better deal with those two swiftly if you want any of the Sirona's special delivery," Sharp says and there are footsteps leading towards the classroom. Are professors having some sort of a Homecoming party without students? Riley would not be surprised if that was the case. But why that classroom? Is it because of those eyes around? Or maybe it is far away from the Headmaster's office and room.

"Let's go," Ominis' voice whispers and an invisible hand grabs her hand. His wand must know where she is even with the potion. Getting dragged by Ominis, Riley is taking a lot of previously unknown shortcuts, reaching Ravenclaw Tower in the shortest time possible.

"See you tomorrow," Riley whispers as she makes her way up the stairs, to the Common Room, and the dorm. The potion is slowly running out, it was not as strong as Riley hoped for. Hopefully, Ominis will not get into trouble. But then again, he's Gaunt. What are they gonna do?

"Back very soon," Erin's voice says when Riley lays on the bed a few minutes later.

"Me and Sebastian ran into Anne and Garreth in a very incriminating moment," Riley says and now it's Erin who quickly moves to sit on Riley's bed. Recalling most of the details, Riley tells her everything but makes it sound like an empty classroom, not Undercroft. She also makes Ominis sound upset because he sees her as a sister. A lot of details have actually been changed.

"Why was Ominis there?" Erin asks and Riley furrows her brows. Why was Ominis there? Was he spying on Sebastian? Cannot be an accident that he is fast asleep and then in the same place as them. Wanting to know the answer, Riley decides not to question Ominis yet. After what happened in the Undercroft, she's got the feeling the Gobstone party is not happening any time soon. Thankfully. But also it seems like her frustration is not going away any time soon as well. Sadly.

Chapter 6: Old friend


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 6 - Old friend

It's been three weeks since the school year started, and after the initial week of chaos involving Anne and Garreth, everyone is steering clear of Riley. Surprisingly, she doesn't seem to mind. Anne and Garreth have become an item, seen strolling hand in hand through the castle. Sebastian maintains his perpetual grumpiness, Erin is once again avoiding Riley, and Ominis appears to have become a dedicated scholar.

Every day after class, he accompanies Riley to the Library, where they study. Weekends are no exception; Ominis splits his time between practising non-verbal spells in the Undercroft and burying himself in his studies in the Library. While Riley is thrilled to have the opportunity to focus on her own academic pursuits, the impending arrival of delegations from other schools this weekend has everyone else abuzz with excitement—everyone except Ominis, Sebastian, and Riley.

"I don't know what changed, Gaunt, but good work. You are proving me wrong. Keep going," Sharp approvingly nods during potions when he walks past Ominis.

"Simply focusing on my studies, Professor," Ominis replies, fully focused on his potion.

"How many drops of Horklump juice were you supposed to use, Weasley?" Sharp stops by Garreth who goes pale.

"Five," He says quietly, realizing his mistake.

"And how many were used?" Sharp towers over him, piercing him with his eyes.

"Eight," Garreth whispers and it seems like he is shrinking down in size under the eye of the potion master.

"Useless. Get your head back into studies instead of romance, Weasley," Sharp says, but there is a loud bang. "Sallow! For Merlin's sake!" Sharp yells and waves his wand and reverses the damage done by a fallen cauldron.

After their first class and pairing, Sharp is now letting everyone work at their own, private station. Two people have already dropped potions after a minor mental breakdown caused by Sharp during their second class, so there is enough space for everyone to have their own station. It's become abundantly clear that his previous warnings about N.E.W.T. potions not being child's play were no exaggeration, and he intends to maintain his strict approach to ensure that everyone rises to meet the standards. Or drops out.

"Everyone except Sallow and Weasley, well done today. For homework, recap the basic potions from years one and two, you will be tasked to make one next class, but without books or instructions. Sallow, Weasley, on top of that homework, write me two pages with what went wrong today," Sharp barks at them and lets them go.

"All I did was accidentally spilt the cauldron," Sebastian says angrily when they leave the classroom, making sure to elbow Garreth on his way out.

"I will see you later in Charms," Ominis says and walks away, leaving Riley and Sebastian looking at each other, confused. Where is he going? Undercroft is a different way, and so is the Library.

"A few more days to go, are you excited?" Erin says when she joins them and beams at Riley.

"Sure?" Riley shrugs, not 100% sure what is she talking about.

"You will meet your Durmstrang friends, we will meet some new students, and Champions will be selected, it's all exciting, isn't it?" Erin says and almost jumps up and down from excitement.

"Any secret boyfriend I should know about?" Sebastian inquires, his perpetual grumpiness still intact. Riley can't quite discern if he's genuinely hinting at the possibility of her having someone at Durmstrang or if it's merely a reference to Anne and Garreth's not-so-secret-anymore relationship. In truth, there was a boy Riley had a close friendship with, but their relationship never extended beyond that, despite the constant scrutiny from her former classmates.

"Wouldn't be a secret if I told you, would it?" Riley says with a lot of sarcasm in her voice, but Sebastian scowls.

"Wait...what?" He stops abruptly and looks at her, anxiously.

"Just kidding, Sebastian. Calm down..." Riley laughs and Sebastian seems a bit more at ease. "...unless that portrait with mandolin that keeps serenading every time I walk by comes to life, you're good," Riley adds and giggles.

"He is a bit dreamy, isn't he?" Erin giggles as well, but Sebastian is back to being grumpy.

"You wouldn't be jealous of a portrait, would you?" Riley drops her voice when they enter the Library, as they have a few hours to spare before lunch, but Sebastian does not answer.

Friday evening comes very fast, and Riley does not know how, but she finds herself, with the rest of the castle, walking towards the courtyard to wait for and welcome their guests. Trying to find the best opportunity to disappear, as she has received an owl from Sharp, Riley and her classmates finally merge with other houses and Riley uses it to her advantage. Casting disillusionment on herself, she jumps to the side, where the statue is, and lets everyone walk past before running back inside. When she reaches the empty corridor, she looks around and notices one of the unused classroom doors is a bit open and she quickly makes her way there.

"What is so important?" Riley asks when she is standing in front of Sharp, who is leaning on a desk.

"Two things. Next weekend we are going to the Ministry. Professor Hecat will join us. The premise is to study the ancient magic you can control, but we are really going to the Department of Mysteries. But no one can know that. You and Professor Hecat are going there for research, and I am meeting an old colleague. Which I am. And that brings me to the second thing. There have been rumours about disappearing near Aranshire, and a few first-years who decide to fly around instead of following instructions are acting oddly. The memory charm was planted on them, and the strong one. I am going to have a look there tonight. Perfect opportunity, as everyone will be busy with delegations. You are welcome to join me, but again, confidentially. We will not fight anyone, we are just having a look to see what is happening and if we are dealing with leftovers from Rookwood or Ranrok. Understood?" Sharp gives her a stern look and Riley nods. No fighting. Will be a pleasant change from her escapades with Sebastian.

"I am definitely joining you," Riley says, fully aware there may be a lot of people wanting to talk to her tonight. But this is more important.

"I get you some Invisibility potions so it is easier to go undetected," Sharp says and Riley looks at him, trying her best to not break the eye contact.

"I may have some. They do not last very long, but they are useful," Riley attempts a smile and Sharp looks at her, intrigued.

"I rather not know how. Can I see?" He asks and Riley reaches for her pocket, she's got a spare one there.

As Sharp takes the potion, he studies it for a second with his eyes and then pours a few drops into his hand.

"The knotgrass sprig is not very fresh, that's why. If you have it planted, talk to Professor Garlick, she can give you some good tips and insights. Otherwise, well done," Sharp says approvingly and hands her the potion back.

"Thank you. I will check," Riley pockets the potion, but Sharp hands her another one.

"This will last for exactly an hour. That should give you enough time. Meet me by the boathouse at exactly eleven in the evening. Tell no one and don't be followed. Now go," Sharp motions to the door and Riley turns around, making sure to roll her eyes so obviously he can see and then leaves.

Making it just in time, Riley rejoins everyone near the Great Hall and notices a few familiar faces with big smiles, looking at her.

"There's our lost girl!" Riley hears a familiar voice and what she could only recall from memories is now standing in front of her. Excitedly, Riley runs to three people who used to be her classmates and close friends and finds herself in a tight embrace.

"If you're not coming back to Durmstrang, then Durmstrang is coming back to you," The boy with light hair says and when he lets go, Riley can hear something clearing their throat behind her. She does not need to turn around to see who it is, as she knows fully well it's Sebastian.

"Ah, those must be the reasons you almost left us," Sebastian says in his friendliest voice and places his hand on Riley's waist, pulling her a bit closer to him. Grinning, Riley nods in agreement.

"And I guess you're the reason she stayed," The boy says and looks at Sebastian's hand around Riley's waist and then at Riley, and she can feel a small blush spreading across her face.

"Introductions are in order I guess," Erin comes to her rescue and smiles at three Durmstrang students who smile back.

"Of course. This is Erin, my Ravenclaw roommate, and I need to say she is very clean and fun to share a dorm with..." Riley grins at the girl who just laughs "...and this is Sebastian, my boyfriend," Riley finishes while trying her best not to blush.

"I was an excellent roommate," The girl retorts while she laughs.

"Meh, if you say so..." Riley shrugs and continues "...this is Stella, she used to be my roommate and her little experiments led to our room being constantly covered in debris or feathers or dirt or whatever she was experimenting with..." Riley gives her a disapproving look but keeps grinning. "...this is Edwin..." Riley points to the boy who's been quiet so far and who just nods his head, "...and this is Olvir, or just Ollie," Riley smiles at the boy with light hair.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving. You can join us at our Ravenclaw table," Erin smiles and leads the way, already in a conversation with Stella.

"Is everyone this chatty?" Edwin asks Riley in a low voice and she shakes her head.

"Not in Ravenclaw. Mostly introverts, with few exceptions like Erin. But she usually talks this much only when she's nervous, so..." Riley shrugs and Edwin nods.

"I see you are not in the same house. But no worries, I will take care of your girl during dinner while you're with your green fellows. Got a four years experience there," Ollie laughs as he grabs Riley's arm, leaving Sebastian near the Slytherin's table fuming.

"Are you trying to stir up drama already?" Riley asks Ollie and gives a small wave to Sebastian who now sits at the Slytherin's table, making sure he is facing her.

"No. I just want to know what happened to you. You have disappeared without any trace or anything, and now you have a different name and some weird magic, what is going on?" Ollie asks when they sit down next to Edwin, and Riley starts to tell them almost the whole story.

She notices a few of her fellow Ravenclaws are listening as well, and there are a few other Durmstrang students nearby. Most of them seem to be at Gryffindor's table, while what she reckons are Beauxbatton students in light blue are split between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. To her annoyance, there are a few girls already making eyes at Sebastian, but also Ominis. Anne, on the other hand, does not seem to be very pleased as well, and Riley notices Garreth is entertaining a few of Durmstrang girls sitting at Gryffindor's table.

Not having a chance to finish her story, Riley's heart sinks as the Headmaster stands up. Time for embarrassment on an international scale. But much to everyone's relief, including students, Professors, Ghosts, Portraits, and House Elves, he does not have a chance to speak. It is Professor Weasley who hurries to the stand to welcome their guests and gives instructions. Apparently, just before Halloween, Champions will be selected. So there is almost a month to consider putting names to the Goblet.

It does not affect Riley in any way, as she is not considering participating. She's even been advised not to. When Professor Weasley introduces the judges, consisting of Headmasters and two other folks from Ministry Riley does not care about, it's time to eat. And to finish her story.

"I can't believe they did that to you," Stella says when Riley finishes the story.

"To be honest, I'm surprised my memory still functions after all of that," Riley nods and Ollie gives her a quick hug, that does not go unnoticed by Sebastian, who keeps scowling their way.

"So that cousin of yours, Ominis, which one is he?" Edwin asks and Riley points towards Ominis, who has a book in front of him instead of food.

"Quite handsome if I may say," Stella giggles and Riley gives her a look. There are a few other girls looking at Ominis more and more recently, Erin has a crush on him as well, and now this. Is Ominis getting popular? Maybe growing a few inches over the summer and maturing physically a bit did not only happen to Sebastian. If only they both matured mentally as well.

"I rarely agree with you, but you're right," Edwin nods as well and Riley is now completely confused. Erin, meanwhile, fidgets a bit.

"I think I need a good night's sleep to process what is happening," Riley whispers, fully aware in a short while she needs to find an excuse to disappear. Sharp has already left the Hall, but it is not that late yet. Giving a quick wave to the Headmistress from Durmstrang who is now in conversation with Professor Hecat, Riley looks around again and notices Sebastian is talking to some Beauxbattons girls, who giggle way too loud at everything he says.

"We should go to that Hogsmeade tomorrow, what do you say, Riley?" Ollie nudges her as she's not been paying a lot of attention.

"Yeah, sure," Riley agrees with a smile and tries not to stare Sebastian's way.

"Joining us?" Ollie looks at Erin who goes a bit red and nods.

"Wonderful. It's a date!" Ollie says excitedly, and a bit louder than before, which causes Sebastian to stop entertaining the girls and scowl their way. Rolling her eyes, Riley takes a goblet and sips the juice to mask a small grin forming on her face. Hopefully, she will be back soon and can get some sleep. Sharp only wants to investigate, not to fight.


Debating who should be Hogwarts Champion. Sebastian? Garreth? Lucan Brattleby? Still a bit unsure.

Chapter 7: Mysterious evening

Chapter Text

Chapter 7 - Mysterious evening

Making an excuse before the feast ends, Riley sprints to the dorm to get her trusty bag, just in case the night will take an unpleasant turn. She feels safer and more comfortable with her Graphorn and a few Chomping Cabbages. Grabbing the bag, she drinks an Invisibility potion and makes her way towards the Boathouse. It should not take her long. If anyone asks her about tonight, she went to the Library to get a book she forgot and got lost reading in one of the unused classrooms. No one will suspect a Ravenclaw forgetting about time and everything around because they started to read a book. Feeling her alibi is as strong as ever, she is now making her way through the castle.

Castle is very busy and there is a lot of small talk everywhere around, and they all have one thing in common. Triwizard Tournament. Completely unfazed when it comes to the event, Riley recalls walking this exact route before. It was last year during a scavenger hunt Sebastian prepared for her. She remembers the butterflies in her stomach and the thrills when she was making her way towards the Boathouse, unsure what would happen.

When she reaches the boathouse, she looks around and walks around a bit. There is no one there. Where is Sharp? She is not that early, is she? Maybe he's using an Invisibility potion as well.

When she stops at the place where she met Sebastian, the memories keep coming back and there is a small smile forming on Riley's face. It seems like yesterday, yet it was almost a year ago.

"Your turn. Give me your best shot" Riley remembers winking at Sebastian who raised his eyebrows and looked at her with an intriguing smile.

"You asked for it..." He paused and Riley tried not to break eye contact and stayed strong.

"Uh-oh," She whispered and Sebastian's smile turned into a grin as he moved closer to her. He stopped when there was only a small space left between them.

"Did you try to kiss me in the Undercroft?"

She definitely tried to sneakily get closer to him in the Undercroft. But he did not help the situation as well.

"You are moving your wrist too much. Here, let me show you..." Sebastian said and walked towards Riley, who was just standing there, trying to get the movement right. Never had she ever been this happy to make the wrong wand movement.

"Like this" He almost whispered into her ear as he guided her hand in the precise movement.

Just thinking about that time, Riley can feel shivers down her spine. If she had known back then how her relationship with Sebastian would escalate, she would probably not believe it. She is actually the girlfriend of Sebastian Sallow, who is even getting jealous when she talks to old friends, or when she, and everyone else, get serenaded by a portrait. If only she could be with him right now, rather than being in this situation. What are they even going to observe? Will it involve simply standing behind the ruins or hiding among the bushes and eavesdropping? Does not sound like Sharp at all. There must be something else.

"Punctuality is important and you're right on time," Sharp's voice echoes from the other side and makes Riley jump a bit, as she was lost in thoughts.

"Glad to be on time. So, what is exactly the plan, Professor?" Riley asks, trying to clear her head. She needs to focus on this, not Sebastian. Even though she would much rather focus on him. On them. Not this.

"Lake is the only place they are not keeping an eye on, so that is our way to go. And then we'll see. They shouldn't be difficult to find, anyway. The remaining Ashwinders, especially without the leader, are not the brightest ones," Sharp says as he looks at the lake and with a small wave the boat appears next to them. This is really not how she imagined her evening, but at least it is something exciting and practical to do.

"I should have brought a focus potion," Sharp mutters and Riley notices he is already on a boat, waiting for her. She needs to stop thinking about everything else and focus on the small mission they are going on.

"Sorry. Just a lot of thoughts in the past few days," Riley says and when the boat swiftly moves, Riley can feel chills in the air. It is not as cosy as it is in the castle. She should have brought a warmer coat.

"Anything I can help with?" Sharp's words sound more like a forced conversation rather than a genuine concern, but Riley does not care that much. Getting lost in her thoughts, she does not answer and watches the small waves around them as they are sailing towards Aranshire. When they hit the shore, she follows Sharp's lead and quietly moves through the small forest.

"How will we spot them? Fire? Loud noises?" Riley asks, sneaking from one tree to another.

"I could not see any fires from the tower, so we will need to listen carefully. But I have a feeling we are nowhere near. Everything seems to be in order here, nature untouched, just occasional animal trails," Sharp points towards the mud and Riley spots what seems like pawprints. But no footprints nearby.

"Revelio," Riley waves her wand and looks around, nothing suspicious nearby.

"Such a simple, but powerful spell," Sharp says and when they reach the end of the forest, he stops and Riley follows his lead again, and stops as well.

"Seems like the most exciting spell I used this year," Riley says under her breath and there is a definite coldness in her voice.

"Care to share your worries?" Sharp looks at her with almost a knowing smile.

"Can I be completely honest with you, Professor? I was expecting the sixth year to be different. To be more practical. I hoped to learn Patronus, to be able to protect my mind from outside attacks, to be able to finally Apparate and Disapparate, but meanwhile all we do is non-verbal spells and revisions. If it weren't for Runes, I would seriously consider this year to be a waste of education so far," Riley says quietly as if someone could overhear them.

"The year is still young, have a bit of patience," Sharp says and leans on the tree, giving his leg a bit of a break.

"We are so behind Durmstrang when it comes to practical spells and the variety. And I'm not talking Dark Arts. Looking back, I haven't really learned a lot in my fifth year. If it wasn't for Ancient Magic and Professor Fig, I would probably not know much. I know Black is good for nothing, but surely he is not in charge of everything. Surely you can choose what to teach and how to teach it. Surely the Ministry is the one with education degrees, not that useless..." The frustration Riley tried to hide is written all over her face, threatening to boil over at any moment. She rather not mention the best teacher she had last year, Sebastian, as that would raise a lot of dangerous questions. She has also decided not to finish her sentence, as she is not sure if Sharp would scold her or not if she said something very offensive, even if it is about Black.

"You are learning at a faster rate, and have more aptitude than others. And that can scare some people. Something you and Sebastian Sallow have in common. You both have such potential, but you are using it differently. Sadly, that means sometimes the school can hold you back. But that's why I have appointed myself as your mentor. That's why we are here tonight. As much as I do not want to fight anyone, they may feel different when they realize we are here. And we may need to access their mind to learn what we need. So it's the perfect time to start with Legilimency, which can easily lead to Occlumency. Who is trying to attack your mind?" Sharp asks with raised eyebrows. He is talking to her not as her Professor, but as her mentor, and Riley now remembers why she used to enjoy their conversations last year. He was one of the very few who treated her normally.

"It only happened once and was not malicious or anything. But it was not something I agreed to and something I wish to repeat," Riley avoids the question, as she does not want to get Ominis in trouble. However, she is not sure if he even can get into trouble as he's Gaunt. Which is, in all honesty, more troublesome than anything else she can imagine. Maybe being Black can top it off.

"There are not many students skilled in Legilimency," Sharp raises his eyebrows again, but Riley shakes her head.

"Please let it go. It is honestly not worthy and it was something silly anyway. And what do you mean by appointing yourself as my mentor? I thought Professor Hrecat appointed you," Riley swiftly changes the topic.

"As a head of house, she's got a lot on her plate. Especially now, dealing with your case and Ancient Magic. She would not have enough time to give you her full attention and training. Also, if she was mentoring you the way you deserve to be mentored, it would raise a lot of suspicions. As you may know, last year Professor Weasley was keeping an eye on you. Now, after the Ranrok attack, you have many eyes on you. From inside and outside of the castle. And not all of those eyes are watching you excitedly. And you and Hecat would raise a lot of suspicion and questions. The belief of Ministry is your magic needs to be monitored closely and only within the legislature, so even the slightest difference between what can Hecat teach you and what she is told to teach you would mean a lot of trouble. She will follow the education plan from the Ministry to the T to give you the best chance of succeeding. Department of Mysteries is already aware of you, and they are possibly the only ones excitedly waiting for what you can do next. So everything needs to be in order, as they are still part of the Ministry. So Hecat needs to be careful what she does when it comes to you and your training. I, on the other hand, do not need to be on my best behaviour. I can easily teach you an Unforgivable Curse and no one would even notice. Having a reputation as irritable grouch can come in handy," Sharp laughs dryly and Riley nods with a smile. It is all starting to make sense.

"You are upholding your reputation consistently, Professor, and I can only thank you for that," Riley says under her breath and is relieved to see Sharp giving her a small nod.

"As I was saying, you have an aptitude, so I volunteered to take over so she can focus on Ravenclaw and the Department of Mysteries. As I, thankfully, am not in charge of Slytherin, I have a bit more time. And I can definitely help you with Occlumensy and Patronus. Apparition awaits you later on in the sixth year, and it is better when it is a qualified tutor from the Ministry rather than me. If it goes wrong, it would be an awful lot of paperwork to deal with," Sharp smirks and Riley laughs. She is getting more and more used to his humour.

"Why are you not the head of Slytherin? Professor Ronen seems too friendly and mellow compared to you," Riley asks with the same smirk on her face as Sharp had before.

"I cannot imagine dealing with the likes of your boyfriend and cousin all the time. Those few weeks I had substituted for Ronen were enough, and those two were solely responsible for me losing even more years of my life than Hecat lost in whatever incident she got involved as Unspeakable," Sharp replies and Riley laughs. She remembers that time. She did not help the situation back then when Sebastian and Ominis were driving everyone, including Sharp, mad.

"Still, wouldn't it be a bit more exciting than just teaching? You don't strike me as a desk type only," Riley says and notices a bit of a crooked smile on Sharp's face again.

"I would still be an Auror today if my injury hadn't precluded it. The Ministry was all too ready to keep me on. Buried under parchment, of course, helping run the Auror Recruitment Programme. But, if I'm meant for a life confined to a desk, well, I may as well share my expertise, while searching for a way to heal my blasted leg. I am more than keen to share my knowledge and help those students who deserve it, but to be dealing with a house full of teenagers constantly feeling sorry for themselves and finding different ways to break the rules and get caught most of the time, I rather not," Sharp laughs dryly and Riley nods. She can see his point of view.

"You and Officer Singer are very different Aurors, aren't you?" Riley asks and leans on the tree as well. She is enjoying this small conversation.

"Well spotted. Not like I haven't mentioned it before," Sharp says with a bit of bitterness in his voice, which Riley decides to ignore. "Stay quiet and let us not be seen," Sharp suddenly says and Riley tenses up, trying to see or hear what he has just noticed.

There are a few minutes of silence as they both stand there, trying to listen for any sounds. Riley can hear an owl hoot occasionally, or a small movement that is definitely a tiny animal running around.

Soon, two hooded figures arrive, talking loudly enough for Riley to hear, and she follows Sharp's lead and uses Disillusionment.

"I'm telling you, I can see that magic too. Goblins keep saying they were exposed to it during drilling and can control it, but none of them can. But I can. I have found a book explaining it all. Just need to find a good and suitable body to sacrifice. But all of those first years you fetched me are dirt. What happened to that school? What happened to Purebloods?" One of the figures says and Riley can feel something boiling inside her.

"Then why are you not using it then?" The other figure asks with a nasty voice.

"I need to activate it properly. That's the way to do it. But I need a pureblood first-year, not this mudblood dirt," The first figure says and points towards something Riley has not noticed. There is a small body levitating near them.

"Did you obliviate the kid properly?" The second figure asks and Riley is trying her best to stay calm and not to unleash all of her magic. Did they just kidnap a first-year student who barely started Hogwarts for some weird sacrifice?

"Of course I did. Now take them back before we raise any suspicion," The first figure says and waves towards the kid who stops levitating and hits the ground. The anger that boils in Riley is interrupted by a "swish" as two ropes tangle themselves tightly around the two hooded figures. As they hit the ground, three more figures arrive with yells.

"Who is there?"

"Show yourself!"

There are shouts and incantations flying around, but she remains hidden, and so does Sharp. Slowly reaching for her bag, Riley lets out three cabbages for a little feast. It does not take even a few seconds and cabbages are already biting the ankles of their prey, and there are pained screams. Looking closer at the scene, Riley notices the little student is missing. Hopefully, it was Sharp, not one of the Ashwinders.

More swishes and ropes fly around, and all the figures are now on the floor, tied. With a quietaccio, Riley calls back the cabbages.

"Good thinking. Nobody spotted us," Sharp says from the opposite side, and Riley slowly moves to see the damage. They all look bruised, but nothing major. But they are all also paralyzed, unable to move.

"Is that a special spell?" Riley asks examining one of the hooded figures.

"Not really special. Just modified. But you need to know where to hit them to make it successful. But about that, later. Now we have errands to run. But before that, can you see any traces of Ancient Magic nearby?" Sharp asks as he gets a vial from his robe and puts his wand to the hooded figure to get some memories out.

"No, I think he was bluffing," Riley looks around, fully aware there are no traces. She would see them. She would feel them. Since Ranrok it has been quiet.

"Thought so. Hopefully, with the castle being busy with delegations, the story of someone pranking a first year will be sufficient," Sharp murmurs and sends a Patronus, but not towards the castle.

"What is the book he was talking about?" Riley asks and Sharp throws a book in her direction. Catching it swiftly, Riley opens the book. It is handwritten. And it makes no sense. Still, she wants to study it, just in case there is something useful.

"Keep me informed if there is anything of value, will you?" Sharp says towards Riley and she nods, forgetting she still has disillusionment on herself, so he cannot see her nodding.

"What's the plan now?" Riley asks and secures a book in her bag, looking around.

"Obliviate!" Sharp's voice echoes and Riley can feel shivers again. Just like that, the eyes of one of the figures go blank. Just a small wave of the wand and the memories are gone. Or modified. The spell gives her chills due to her past, and now Riley is grateful for the charm and Sharp being unable to see her discomfort. He repeats the spell three more times.

"We take the kid back to the castle and then deal with this disgusting waste of magic," Sharp says towards Riley and she nods, still looking at the blank expressions of four other hooded figures. The ropes disappear and Riley looks around, seeing a little unconscious body levitate towards the lake, and she follows what she assumes is Sharp. When they reach the Boathouse, Sharp levitates the first-year towards the stairs and murmurs something before placing them near the entrance.

"Is the first year going to be okay?" Riley asks quietly and Sharp joins her, nudging her back to the boat.

"Yes. I modified their memory slightly. The house elf should find them any second now and when someone asks them what happened, they only remember someone telling them there is a secret entrance to the hidden corridor here to investigate. A little prank on the first-year, no one will suspect anything." Sharp repeats himself and Riley nods.

And surely, not even a few seconds later, there is a house elf ready to clean the boathouse, noticing the first-year, grabbing them and disapparating.

"Now let's go before they start to investigate the area," Sharp says and they are sailing back to the Aranshire.

"Where are we going now?" Riley asks, curiously.

"To meet with a friend of mine," Sharp laughs and speeds up the boat a bit. When they hit the ground, he grabs paralyzed Ashwinder they did leave there and Riley's shoulder and everything else is a blur. A whirlwind of colours and noises does not last long, and they are standing in front of what Riley can only explain as a hidden bunker covered in moss and grass. And the only reason why Riley notices it is because there is a woman standing there in a coat with a curious expression.

"Uhm...hello?" Riley says as there is no more disillusionment on her or Sharp and the woman smiles back.

"Aesop, of all the people you bring little Peverell. I expected to see Dinah with her," The woman says in a cheery voice and smiles at them. Riley smiles back and nods, but Sharp just grunts.

"You have not seen me or her here. Or this one," Sharp says and throws a hooded figure towards her.

"Ah, I see. Do you have everything you need?" She asks and Riley looks from one to another. Got what? What do they need? Or what does he need?

"Yes. This one will not be missed. And spare no worry about him. Was kidnapping kids trying to see if they were purebloods so he could do some sort of weird sacrifice. No one from his pack will remember him," Sharp says with an apparent disgust in his voice when he describes what he's learned about the hooded figure. When he stops, Riley is as confused as ever.

"What is happening? And why am I here?" Riley finds the courage in herself to join the conversation.

"This is Elena Montagruel, and she is the Unspeakable. Thought you may be interested to meet her," Sharp smiles dryly and shakes his head when Riley's eyes almost pop out of her face.

"We normally don't disclose what we do to outsiders, not even Ministry officials, but you've been cleared thanks to Dinah Hecat. She was my mentor and if she trusts someone and recommends someone, I can only trust her. And being in Aesop's good book is always a plus as well," Elena smiles and opens the door to let Riley in.

What is happening? Is this real? Is she really gonna see Department of Mysteries? But they are nowhere near London, are they?

The moment she enters the corridor, there is an eerie and ominous aura around. Somehow it reminds her of the Scriptorium. And that trip did not go very well. She got Crucio'd by Sebastian and his descent into madness had started there as well.

The corridor seems to stretch on infinitely, and there are small chambers on their sides. Not saying a word or asking anything, she is just looking around, taking it all in. There is no peacefulness, but somehow she does not feel scared or anxious.

The air is thick and suffused with an otherworldly chill, as if time itself has come to a standstill. The walls are constructed of black stone, adorned with peculiar, shifting runes that seem to writhe and whisper as she passes. What are those voices? Who do they belong to? There are a few blue flames flickering in the scones, adding to the atmosphere of the place. But what exactly is this place?

As they walk to one of the rooms, Riley notices some runes etched on the walls, but there is no time to study them, as Elena speaks again.

"I cannot show you a lot, but I can share some insights. But only if you agree to it by signing your name to the book, meaning you shall not speak about anything you see or hear here, or even mention you've been here," Elena says with a serious voice and pierces Riley with her eyes.

"Definitely agreed," Riley smiles and Elena nods, but before she speaks again, she ushers Sharp out of the room.

"She will meet you soon. This conversation is private. You've had your chance, but you decided to be the supplier instead," Elena says as Sharp disappears and she closes the door. Riley feels a bit weird, watching the hooded figure on the floor and all the eeriness around.

After signing her name to the mysterious book with runes instead of letters, there is a small blue light that connects her hand with the book and Riley feels like she is having a cold shower.

"The ink of protection. Nothing to worry about. Standard procedure. As I said, I cannot say or show you a lot, as you only have the basic clearance that we grant interns. Not like we have many. I think I might have been one of the last ones," Elena laughs and Riley cannot help herself as she is looking around, trying to spot some familiar runes. She definitely needs to study more, as without her handbook she is quite lost. But on the other hand, not seeing the typical basic words and sentences is only deepening her suspicion that this place holds more than a few mysteries.

"I thought I needed to prove myself and have amazing grades and go through a lot of training to even be able to meet anyone," Riley says and Elena smiles again.

"Well, your grades are in line with what is needed, and your aptitude has been already shown. And the fact that you can see and wield the Ancient Magic is just a sign we were waiting for," As Elena talks, Riley looks at her with a bit of a panicky expression. What does that mean? Waiting for what?

"How is my Ancient Magic connected to all of this?" Riley asks carefully. Do they want to study her or what? Because she does not like the idea of that. Suddenly she wishes Sharp was still here.

"It is an ancient type of magic that not many people are known for. The last known wielder was Isidora Morganach. And it seemed like it disappeared with her. But it did resurface again, but the girl disappeared right after. Her memory was modified greatly to the point she had no idea who she was and what she was able to do. I always wanted to meet her and hopefully work with her one day to learn more about that magic and to see how it can differently affect my work. And I believe I am standing right in front of that girl. You were born to be here. You are the legacy, the descendant of Cadmus Peverell. Don't get me wrong, you still need to pass all the requirements, but I believe everyone is expecting you to pass. But don't tell it to Dinah. She wants to keep you on your toes to make sure you don't get too comfortable or lazy," Elena starts to talk more and more and there is definitely a lot of excitement in her voice. Meanwhile, Riley is standing there, utterly dumbfounded.

"I have no words..." Riley manages to speak and Elena laughs again. She reminds her of her classmates rather than an Unspeakable at this moment. She was so serious and composed near Sharp, and now she is talking to her like to one of her peers. Maybe it's good Sharp has left.

"That's okay. Is my understanding of you being interested in Death Division correct?" Elena asks and Riley nods, unsure what to say. Legacy? Her?

"I am taking classes recommended by Professor Hecat for the division," Riley nods as she manages to speak a bit.

"Great. I am the head of the Death Division. Let me give you a small insight, so you can be sure it is what you're looking for. Quite a few recruits got scared away by it and joined different divisions, so I rather inform you now. As you may have noticed, in this rather eerie division we delve into the enigmatic and ethereal aspects of magic, such as death and everything that comes with it. We explore the boundaries between the mortal realms and afterlife blur, and everything in between, and probe every essence of magic. The existing boundary between existence and unknown is disconcertingly thin. In some divisions, researchers use themselves as the subject. In our one, it is not very possible. So we use rejects instead. Mostly Azkaban prisoners or lowlifes such as this one," Elena points towards the figure.

"You mentioned Professor Hecat being your mentor. I thought she was in Time Division," Riley raises her eyebrows. Maybe she misunderstood what the Professor was telling her.

"Oh, she was. She mentored me before I joined the division. She was sort of a universal mentor for newcomers. Was neither busy nor occupied with the numbers on interns, I can tell you that," Elena laughs again and Riley is trying to make sense out of all of it.

"So when you join, you do not join the division? And what did you mean by Sharp having his chance?" Riley is trying to put all the pieces together, but there are several missing.

"When you join, you need to undergo training and evaluation. You are more of an aide to whoever needs you. This department is not like the others. Getting in does not necessarily mean staying in. But I have a good feeling about you. And I will make sure to pull you into the division the moment you're cleared and evaluated. Your magic is so rare and special that I will not miss out on this opportunity. I have a theory that when Cadmus played with death, he had awoken a special magic passed down only by his descendants," Elena seems very enthusiastic with her explanation, but Riley stops her.

"But Isidora was not related to Peverells. Neither was Rackham. I have checked," Riley says quickly, but Elena still smiles.

"The traces of it escaped to the living realm and there were some individuals who were attracted by those small strings and got the ability to see and wield that magic. But it's just a theory," Elena finishes and Riley scowls. Living realm? Playing with death?

"It's all a bit confusing," Riley says as she looks at Elena.

"I know. Trust me, I know. Now, I need to deal with this lovely disgrace of a human being. Let's see if our theories on Inferi origins are true. We are currently on 7 positives and 2 negatives. Not bad odds if you ask me. Anyway, lovely to meet you, Riley, and I will be in touch. Meanwhile, this may help a bit. And, of course, do not speak a word of it. If you do, I'll know. And I will have to act. And I don't want that," Elena smiles at her as she hands her an ancient book and ushers her out of the door, and through the corridor to the entrance where Sharp is waiting.

"Thank you for everything," Riley says as she secures the book in her bag and finally takes a deep breath and her lungs are filled with fresh air.

"Let's go. See you later, Elena," Sharp says as he grabs Riley's shoulder and without any notice there is a whirlwind again and they are back to the outskirts of the castle.

"A bit of notice next time," Riley says grumpily. She is not a fan of side apparitions without a notice.

"Expect the unexpected," Sharp replies and starts heading towards the castle.

"What did Elena mean by you missing your chance?" Riley asks as she has not received an answer to it from Elena. Maybe Sharp will share.

"The occasional help and cooperation between Aurors and Unspeakables was enough for me. I rather hunt down the delinquents and dark wizards than do whatever they experiment with," Sharp answers, but Riley still has a lot of questions. But only one is important enough, and as they are near the castle, she is running out of time.

"What if someone tries to enter my mind again and sees what we've been up to today?" Riley asks with a worry in her voice. She does not plan to tell anyone anything, but if someone uses Legilimency on her, she may not have a chance.

"Good point. We will start with Occlumency the moment the chaos is over. As soon as champions are selected, it will die down a bit and we can spend some time training. Meanwhile. try and empty your mind before you go to sleep," Sharp says and now it's Riley who laughs dryly.

"That will be extremely easy, especially today," Her remark makes Sharp smile.

"Merlin's beard, it is almost four in the morning," He says out of nowhere when they are near the castle and Riley notices the clock as well. The time really does fly when you're having fun. Or whatever just happened in the past few hours.

"Fell asleep in the unused classroom?" Riley asks with a smirk and Sharp nods.

"Sounds good. I'll let you know when the best time to start is. Meanwhile, if you find anything interesting in that book from Ashwinder, let me know. But I doubt it highly it is worth a read," Sharp nods and leads Riley next to the castle to one of the small gates she has not noticed before.

"I will still read it," Riley says more to herself and follows Sharp and realizes they are near the Herbology classroom.

"What a surprise," Sharp mutters and Riley feels a pang on her head as he almost smashes her head with his wand murmuring incantation. "You have half an hour," He says and Riley notices he used Disillusionment on her. But it seems to be some higher tier of the spell, as even lights and shadows are not giving her away.

The journey to the Common Room is surprisingly uneventful. No prefects, no Professors, no ghosts, occasionally some House Elves cleaning. Reaching the dormitory, Riley can feel the incantation disappear and she is visible again. Slowly opening the door, she tries not to wake anyone up.

"Where have you been? Sebastian's been looking for you the whole evening. Where did you disappear to?" Erin's voice quietly carries through the room.

"Fell asleep reading. Got this new book for Runes and this one is specific to Egyptians during..." Riley starts to talk with a smile on her face, expecting Erin to do exactly what she does.

"Nope..." Erin groans and turns to her other side and goes back to sleep. If there is anything she has no interest in, it is ancient Runes.

Before going to sleep, she quickly reaches for the Enchanted Parchment. Maybe Sebastian tried to contact her there as well. And surely, there is his handwriting.

*I don't know where you disappeared, probably with your Durmstrang friends. Meet me in the Undercroft, we need to talk. Let me know as soon as possible. Will be checking the parchment.*

Riley's heart drops.We need to talk?Why? What's wrong? Is he angry at her? She cannot even explain herself.

*Sorry, got distracted and fell asleep reading the new Runes book and just woke up in an empty classroom I must have stumbled upon. Is everything okay?*

Riley quickly writes and holds her breath. He is not awake now, is he? Will she even be able to sleep? And how can she empty her mind now? But to her surprise, words appear on the Parchment.

*Understandable. Let me know when you are available to talk. I have some big news.*

*You can't keep me in suspense. What is going on?*

*Now you see how I felt without any response. Goodnight, my dearest Riley.*

Riley groans at the Parchment.

*I will make it up to you, I promise. I was asleep, you are just being rude.*

Riley writes fully knowing she is lying, and she is not enjoying it at all. If only she could speak to Sebastian about her night. But she can't.

*Interesting. I am taking you up on that offer. Now go to sleep.*

*Sebastian! What news?!*

*Some of the Beauxbattons girls seem to have a soft spot for your cousin.*

*I don't think he is interested in anyone, to be honest.*

*Tell it to his tongue that was down one of the Beauxbattons girl's throat.*

*No way...are you serious?*

*Deadly serious. We talk tomorrow. Go back to sleep now.*

*Well, hopefully, this new turn of events will give us some privacy.*

*Undercroft. Tomorrow.*

Riley cannot believe her eyes. What is happening? And how, in Merlin's name, is she supposed to clear her mind now?

What an evening. And what a pleasant surprise Sebastian did not enquire more. He just took her word for granted. Another pang of guilt spreads through Riley's body as she lies down. Not a chance she can clear her mind now.

Ominis. With a Beauxbatton girl he just met. Is this some jealous act towards Anne? Or is he finally starting to enjoy life a bit more? Gaunts are infamous, but not internationally infamous. Maybe this will be a great year for Ominis at least.

Chapter 8: Turmoil

Chapter Text

Chapter 8 - Turmoil

With her mind racing and trying to process all the information from yesterday, Riley barely had any sleep during the night, however short it may have been. It still doesn't feel real. She's had an opportunity to catch a glimpse of what she may be doing after Hogwarts. And on top of that, she is meeting Sebastian in the Undercroft soon. He probably wants to talk about Ominis, but she's got other plans.

Fully knowing there is only limited time before she meets everyone in Hogsmeade, Riley wolfs down her breakfast and almost runs to the Undercroft. The castle seems to be very peaceful, especially for the first weekend of three schools being present in one place. Reaching the Undercroft, Riley takes a deep breath and enters, excited to see Sebastian. If she's not mistaken, Ominis is probably busy with the Beauxbatton girl, and Anne is sort of banished, so it should be only two of them.

"I can't believe Black just let you go," Sebastian's voice echoes through the Undercroft.

"One of the few perks of being Gaunt," Ominis' voice replies and there is a certain smugness to it.

"It's almost like you wanted to get caught. But why?" Sebastian asks with a very light voice and Riley can hear Ominis laugh. Something she hasn't heard in a long time. Or ever.

"Don't be ridiculous, Sebastian. She wanted a tour, so I gave her the tour. It's not my fault that the mood led us right there at that point, where things took a more intimate turn," The smugness in Ominis' voice is shocking to Riley. She's never experienced him like this. Where is her panicky, anxious, constantly moody cousin?

"What a coincidence it happened right in front of Gryffindor's Common Room. You cannot expect me to believe you happened to be in the Faculty Tower and then made it quite close to that weird portrait of theirs by accident. It's almost like you wanted to rub it into someone's face. I bet it's Leander," Sebastian says while looking at Ominis suspiciously.

"I bet it's Garreth," Riley joins in the conversation and her voice makes Ominis jump a bit. Sebastian, on the other hand, gives her a smile.

"And why, precisely, would I fret over that featherbrained fwooper?! My time is better spent playing hide and seek with Diricawl than giving that walking red crumpet even a second of my thought," Ominis replies and there is a certain irritation in his voice.

"Definitely Garreth," Sebastian agrees and they both laugh when Ominis grunts.

"Now if you excuse me, I have a date with Antoine," Ominis turns around and lets his wand guide him.

"I thought her name was Genevieve," Sebastian mumbles and Riley can see a smirk on her cousin's face when he walks past her.

"Genevieve is yesterday's news. Today is about Antoine. Tomorrow, we shall see," Ominis smirks again and there is definite co*ckiness in his voice.

"You sure it's a good idea? Promenading yourself with different girls on different days?" Riley raises her voice but Ominis shrugs as he reaches the door.

"Stop being so uptight. You are all alone in the Undercroft now. Make a good use of that time. Loosen up a bit, if you know what I mean. It may help you overthink less," Ominis snickers and leaves the Undercroft. Riley is standing there, looking at the place where he stood just a second ago, with her mouth open.

"Looks like our friend came out of his shell," Sebastian says as he moves and stands behind Riley. He is so close she can feel every bit of his body touching hers.

"Better be the sturdiest shell in existence to retreat into, otherwise he's going to be blown up into smithereens when those Beauxbatton girls realise what he's doing," Riley smirks and Sebastian puts his hands around her.

"Not our problem. How about loosening up instead of worrying?" He whispers in her ear and Riley can feel chills on her body, and as he keeps slowly moving his hands up from her waist, she groans and turns around, grabbing Sebastian by his collar and kissing him with all the frustration and passion accumulated during summer.

She can tell it takes him by surprise, but it doesn't take long for Sebastian to compose himself.He grins against her lips, their fiery kiss intensifying.The air crackles with an electric tension as he pushes her against the wall, both hands exploring the contours of each other's body.

A soft moan escapes Riley's lips, echoing in the secluded space, as Sebastian easily unbuttons her shirt. The fabric falls to the ground and the cool touch of the wall nicely contrasts with the heat.

She feels his lips trace a path down her neck and tries to suppress a moan. As the kisses grow bolder, the subtle breeze becomes a caress on her newly exposed skin.They lock lips again, and the tentative kisses from the last year are gone. They are no longer afraid of their feelings. She feels his urgency, mirroring her own growing desire.His hands explore, mapping out uncharted territories of pleasure.Fingers, now skilled and eager, start to explore every inch of exposed skin.

As their mouths part for a moment, Sebastian gazes into Riley's eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. Without words, he takes her hand and leads her further into the shadows of the Undercroft, near the sofa, and Riley follows. Collapsing on the sofa, Riley feels a shiver run down her spine as his hands find the small of her back, drawing her closer. Soon, moans and shallow breaths fill the air.

Getting out of the shower in the Ravenclaw Common Room, Riley quickly peeks in one of the mirrors. Does she look different now? She does not feel different. But more importantly, did Sebastian like what he saw? She knows she definitely did. And why is she feeling self-conscious now? Shouldn't she be like this before he ripped her clothes off?

"Are you secretly a mermaid or something? Hurry up!" Erin's voice echoes impatiently, and Riley quickly gets dressed. They are supposed to meet Sebastian at the gate and go to Hogsmeade together, where they are meeting her Durmstrang friends.

On their way to the gate, Riley wonders how it's gonna be different now between her and Sebastian. They did not talk a lot after, and he did walk with her to Ravenclaw Tower, but now she feels all nervous. Why?

Finally reaching the gate, Riley spots him straight away and grins, and he grins back. All the nervousness from before is gone, and Riley tries her best to behave and not jump into his arms or drag him back to Undercroft.

Walking side by side through the castle grounds, a playful tension hangs in the air. It is very difficult for Riley not to smile from ear to ear. Erin does not know yet, and she would like to keep it that way for as long as possible. It is exciting news to share, but she can't be bothered with Erin's constant remarks, and she knows fully well there will be a lot of cheeky comments.

"How come Ominis is not with you?" Erin asks casually and Riley and Sebastian exchange looks.

"I guess news doesn't travel as fast as I thought," Sebastian laughs and Erin gives him a quizzical look.

"Or maybe he's not in imminent danger yet," Riley laughs as well, but remembers Erin's little slip-up during Potions and tries to choose her words carefully.

"Am I missing something?" Erin asks and before Riley can speak her carefully chosen words, Sebastian is already talking.

"Our dear friend has decided it is a good idea to show a few Beauxbatton girls around. But they're having more than just an excursion to the castle if you know what I mean," Sebastian says and Riley looks at Erin, but her expression is as confused as before.

"Why would that mean imminent danger? And what do you mean?" Erin asks and Riley bites her tongue and wishes they were sitting down somewhere so she can give Sebastian a kick under the table. But here and now, there is no way of letting him now to shut up and let her speak. But then again, maybe it's better if she hears it from them than anyone else.

"Well, yesterday he was showing certain mademoiselle Genevieve around, today is Antoine. And apparently tomorrow we will see. The minute those girls catch on to what's going on, he's as good as gone. Speak of the devil," he murmurs, lowering his voice and gesturing towards one of the benches along the path to Hogsmeade. Lo and behold, there they are. Ominis and a girl with long black hair, standing uncomfortably close and engrossed in conversation. Then, she observes her typically panicky and anxious cousin, who is not known for his smooth moves, leaning in towards the girl.

"Ah, I see," Erin says and Riley notices something in her voice. Is it sadness?

"The urge to shout at Ominis if that is Genevieve and see him sweat is very strong," Sebastian says with a mischievous grin, but keeps heading towards Hogsmeade.

"Yeah, let them figure it out themselves. Will be more fun to watch," Riley shrugs and notices Erin's mood is very low.

"I wonder if he will be smart enough to use his blindness as an excuse," Sebastian says, completely unaware of Erin's sudden low mood.

"I don't think they're stupid enough to fall for it," Riley answers but Sebastian just laughs.

"I would say two more girls and he will be running for his life," Sebastian says and squeezes Riley's hand.

"Let me know when that happens, should be fun to watch," Erin says in a bit colder voice than usual.

"May organise a watch party," Sebastian chuckles and Erin joins in, with a bit higher-pitched laugh. It seems like this will not be a peaceful and uneventful year where Riley can focus on her studies only.

Arriving at the Three Broomsticks, it is unusually busy. Everyone seems to be there, from Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatton students to professors. Barely able to see through so many bodies, all three of them make their way through.

"Out of everyone in Hogwarts you decided for Gaunt? Why?" Riley can hear Imelda's voice and stops to listen, and so do Erin and Sebastian.

"He is handsome and a gentleman," The girl with Imelda in Beauxbatton robes, presumably Genevieve, says and Imelda scoffs.

"Are we talking about the same person? Did he bewitch you or something? Surely there is nothing handsome about him," Imelda says and the girl laughs.

"You cannot see it, you are with him all the time. I was a bit disappointed he is busy today, but I'm sure he will make it up to me. He's never felt like this before. And even if he cannot see me, he can feel me everywhere around because I have a special aura that draws him to me," The girl says in a dreamy voice and Riley scowls. She can also hear Imelda pretending to throw up. Ominis is playing a very dangerous game.

"Making Garreth jealous or whatever his plan is, is one thing. But playing with emotions like this? If they don't maim him, I will," Riley says to Sebastian and Erin angrily. She thought Ominis was just being a bit...well, she actually doesn't know what he's trying to be.

"What has Garreth to do with it?" Erin asks and Sebastian shrugs, and so does Riley.

"They seem to be at each other's throats recently, so it's a fair guess," Riley says and they finally make their way to the bar, where Sirona gives them a warm smile and Butterbeers without even asking.

"I bet it's because of Anne," Erin says and Sebastian looks at her.

"Anne?" He asks with a confused expression and Erin nods.

"Yes, Anne. It's obvious he's jealous of Garreth," Erin replies.

"He is just protective. Anne is like a sister to him," Sebastian says

"You can't be seriously that daft, Sebastian," Erin laughs and takes a sip. Riley is standing there silently, observing. Normally she would try and change the subject to protect Ominis, but she's got a sneaky suspicion he needs to learn a lesson. And this way she can see Sebastian's reaction without getting in trouble with Ominis herself, as Riley promised not to say anything.

"Merlin's beard Erin, you sound like Ominis. Maybe you two should get together," Sebastian laughs and completely ignores her remark. There is a blush on Erin's face and she quickly sips her drink, covering her face. Sebastian may not have noticed anything, but Riley has. Unsurprisingly, Erin is completely avoiding Riley's gaze, which makes her giggle.

"Perhaps after Ominis is done with whatever phase he's going through, we can play matchmakers," Riley winks at Sebastian and notices Erin's face is bright red.

"If he's still alive..." Sebastian shrugs, but before they have a chance to look around and hopefully find Durmstrang students, Imelda and Genevieve walk past them.

"Ah, this is Riley, Ominis' cousin. Gennie was just saying how amazing it was from Ominis to help you and drag you through last year so you can gain courage and confidence and stop struggling at classes. Without him, you wouldn't pass your exams. Such a sweetheart, isn't he?" Imelda says loudly and Riley finds herself clenching the Butterbeer with white-knuckled fury, while both, Erin and Sebastian spit their Butterbeer, laughing, almost choking.

"That little git..."Riley says through her teeth and returns a smile as Genevieve joins them.

"Ah, so nice to meet you," Genevieve says, excitedly, while Riley tries to stop shaking. Imelda, on the other hand, seems very smug.

"Likewise. This is Erin, one of my best friends here, and this is Sebastian. I wonder if Ominis mentioned him," Riley says, still clenching Butterbeer.

"Nice to meet you as well. Ah yes, his friend who used to tag along when he went on dangerous adventures," Genevieve smiles at Sebastian who smiles back, with raised eyebrows.

"What adventures did he mention, if you don't mind me asking?" Sebastian leans against the bar.

"When he went to some village to help defend it from Inferi, you two helped him a lot, even if you were a bit in a way sometimes. But he doesn't mind. As long as you learn something from each adventure those small mishaps don't matter," Genevieve says in a dreamy voice again and Riley quickly drinks her Butterbeer.

"Yes, I remember that one. He was such a massive help there. Hero of the village, bravely fighting and not running away on some lame premise," Riley's words are bitter, but the girl does not seem to notice. "Excuse me, Genevieve, I think I see my friends I am supposed to meet. I have to go. Speak to you soon," Riley tries the sincerest smile she can muster and heads towards the stairs, with Sebastian and Erin right behind her.

"How in Merlin's name can he possibly think this is a good idea?" Erin asks, laughing.

"Because he is Ominis the Great," Sebastian answers, laughing as well.

"Genevieve seems like a sweet girl. And I'm sure Antoine is as well. It's a pity that they will accidentally run into each other when Ominis is with girl number three tomorrow," Riley growls.

"Shame I will not be able to help him, as I would only be in his way," Sebastian chuckles and Riley finally smiles as well.

"When they're done with him, I will muster all the courage and confidence in me and finish him off. If he's out of Mungo's by Christmas he can consider himself lucky," Riley says in a low voice and looks at the chaos downstairs. She cannot see anyone. This is, once again, not a peaceful trip full of fun she has planned.

Chapter 9: Tension arises

Chapter Text

Chapter 9 - Tension arises

When they leave the Three Broomsticks, Riley takes a deep breath. It was very crowded inside, and she does not like crowds like that. She prefers a more quiet environment, but that is impossible to find with three schools having their first weekend together. Unsure how to find her Durmstrang friends, they all head towards Zonko's. A bit of a laugh never hurts.

"Hey! Riley!" She turns around and sees a familiar face. What are the odds?

"No way! I've tried to locate you in the Three Broomsticks but it was so crowded we left. Where have you been?" Riley smiles at Ollie, Edwin and Stella, her Durmstrang friends.

"Saw you leaving and thought 'Not again, not letting you out of my sight again!' so we quickly followed. It was rammed there. Are you okay? I know you hate crowds like that," Ollie runs to her and gives her a hug, which makes Sebastian growl audibly.

"Didn't know you hate crowds," Erin says with a surprise in her voice.

"I'm not surprised. Not something she talks about. But as her boyfriend, I'm sureyouknew," Ollie smirks at Sebastian, who clenches his fists, giving him a very dirty look.

"Is there anywhere quiet around here?" Stella asks as she looks around, the village seems to be at capacity.

"Let's go to the outskirts, we can find a nice place and chill there," Erin says and motions for everyone to follow her. Stella joins her immediately and Riley smiles. It's nice to see her two very different friends getting along.

"Imagine being rivals in the Triwizard Tournament. We would really go full circle there, just the other way around," Ollie says cheerfully and before he has a chance to get anywhere near Riley, Sebastian grabs her by her waist, with a bit more force than usual.

"The other way round? What are you talking about?" Riley asks as she's being dragged by Sebastian, but Ollie is right next to her.

"You know, usually it's rivals to lovers kind of trope," Ollie laughs and Riley sighs.

"You can't be seriously considering us even being anywhere near romantic," It is now Riley who laughs and she can feel Sebastian's grip tighten. It is almost starting to hurt.

"Maybe you just don't remember all the details," Ollie shrugs with a wink, but Riley sighs again.

"And maybe I just know how much you like to be annoying. If anyone is not remembering anything, it is you and a year 3 at Durmstrang," Riley winks back at him and winces right after, as Sebastian's fingers are about to leave a permanent mark on her side.

"Ah, yes. Your little jinx knocked me out for about a week. Anyway, you know I'm just kidding. Tell your boyfriend to cheer up, I'm here to win the Tournament, not you. I've got the message that the spark is gone," He smiles and walks a bit faster, catching up to Erin and Stella.

"I hate him so much," Sebastian says quietly, with a great annoyance in his voice. There is also something sinister and cold, something she hasn't heard since last year. And if last year taught her anything, it is that Sebastian's temper is short and poor decision-making is his speciality.

"He's as delusional as always," Edwin says quietly when he passes Riley and Sebastian and joins the others in front of them.

"See? Calm down. There's nothing to be jealous about," Riley nudges Sebastian who is still scowling at Ollie.

"I still hate him," He whispers and Riley sighs loudly. A whole year of this. Maybe she should retreat to the Room of Requirement and ask the Room to not let anyone in. Or just camp on the Ravenclaw's balcony.

Thankfully, the rest of the day is more quiet and calmer, and the discussion is mainly about the differences between the two schools. Even Sebastian joins in the conversation, agreeing that all magic should be taught like it is at Durmstrang. But when Ollie says they are finally on the same page and maybe can be friends, the look on Sebastian's face is telling something different. There is definitely hatred there.

Saying bye to everyone, Erin heads for the Ravenclaw Tower to get changed before dinner, while Riley and Sebastian decide to take a walk through the castle.

"What happened between the two of you back then?" He finally asks the question Riley knows he's been dying to ask for the past few hours.

"Nothing. We were friends. He was just winding you up. And you let him," Riley sounds as calm as possible. The last thing she needs is an unhinged Sebastian from the end of last year.

"Are you sure? You know your memory has been tampered with..." Sebastian starts but Riley stops him straight away.

"Are you sure you want to finish that sentence?" She utters with a threatening tone, but before the conversation can continue, there is a commotion happening nearby. They both look at each other and rush to the staircase, and the scene is unfolding in the hall underneath them. Seems like Ominis is already on girl number three. How is that even possible? Not even a few hours ago he was with girl number two. Predictably, the girls figured it out quite quickly.

"Calm down ladies, there is enough of Ominis for all of you," Riley can hear her cousin say in a casual, a bit co*cky voice.

"I guess my spot as the idiot of the group has been successfully taken," Sebastian smirks and Riley nods, watching the chaos unfold. Seems like the brewing argument between them has been forgotten. At least for now.

"We can make a schedule," She hears Ominis say and sighs. He is digging himself a hole no one can climb out of.

"Stop talking," Riley hisses, not like he can hear her.

"Now you're just overreacting," She can hear him say, knowing that's it. She will probably never ever see Ominis again. If he's lucky, she may pay him a visit at St. Mungo's where he'll have a permanent room.

Unsurprisingly, all three girls start casting the spells, their precision being almost immaculate for the chaos that is unfolding in front of them. None of them is hitting another girl, they all aim for Ominis and succeed. A lot of jinxes and yells later, there is a loud voice that belongs to Black and the three girls scatter, leaving Ominis lying on the floor, unconscious. From what Riley can recall, he's been hit with several spells similar to Confringo and is not in a good state.

"Time to go. Run!" Riley whispers to Sebastian and they both cast a Disillusionment charm and head in the opposite direction. Black is the last thing they need.

"I thought it would take at least a few more days for this to happen, guess I was an optimist," Sebastian chuckles as they are escaping what only can be described as a crime scene, unnoticed. She is relieved to hear cheerfulness in his voice instead of annoyance and hopes their argument goes away. Not that long ago they were both naked in the Undercroft, there is really no need for him to be jealous of anyone else.

Sitting by Ominis' bed in the Hospital wing, Riley is looking at her cousin's face. It is a pure miracle he escaped without any permanent scars, although she's got a feeling more than just magical skills must have been used by the matron.

"Am I dead?" Ominis' faint voice fills the air and Riley scowls at him. He may not see her face, but he can definitely feel her mood. And she is not happy with him.

"Not yet," Riley says in a strict voice and keeps scowling.

"Not yet?" Ominis repeats and Riley takes a deep breath, a very audible one.

"You're in the hospital wing. And the moment you're released and feeling well I will personally deal with you, and trust me, Crucio and childhood trauma will be a happy memory, you little git," Riley whispers menacingly and she can see her cousin's face going even paler, if possible.

"What a first week," Sebastian chuckles on the other side of Ominis' bed as Riley stands up and walks away.

"Do you think she's being serious?" He asks and there is that classic panic in his voice.

"Deadly serious," Sebastian answers with another chuckle.

"Har har, very funny," Ominis sighs.

"I have to go now. That Durmstrang idiot is trying something on Riley, I'm sure of it. Better not leave her alone," Sebastian says and stands up, ready to leave.

"Try not to overreact for once," Ominis sighs but Sebastian just shakes his head.

"I'll make sure he knows his place," Sebastian says loudly and starts to leave.

"And I'll save you a bed next to me," Ominis says with a sly grin.

"Like he can beat me in a duel. I will send him back to Durmstrang in pieces," Sebastian growls and now it's Ominis who chuckles.

"Good. Riley can unleash her rage on you, then," Ominis yells after him.

"No, she won't," Sebastian laughs.

"Oh yes, she will," Ominis whispers more to himself as Sebastian leaves the Hospital Wing. That seems like the safest plan now. Let her rage at Sebastian so he can escape unscathed. And why does she even want to hurt him? He did nothing to her. What is her problem?

As Sebastian leaves the Hospital Wing, he almost jumps as Riley is standing there, looking at him with arms crossed over her chest. Her jaw seems clenched as she watches him with a glare that can cut through magical shields. The cheerfulness is gone. Maybe the argument is needed.

"Who knows whose place?!" Riley asks in a cold voice, almost through her gritted teeth and Sebastian opens and closes his mouth a few times, without any sound.

"Leave him alone. We are friends. And that's it. I don't care about the past. Nothing ever happened. I'm with you now, so let it go. Especially after what happened in the Undercroft," Riley says in all seriousness but gives him a small smile with the last sentence.

"I leave him alone when he leaves you alone," Sebastian murmurs and Riley gives him a stern look again, but is interrupted by a lonely figure heading for the Hospital Wing and abruptly stopping, with eyes wide open.

"Erin? What are you doing here? Has the news spread already?" Sebastian asks and there is a massive grin spreading across Riley's face. She knows exactly why she's here.

"I just...Ominis...yes..." Erin starts to mumble but is saved by another voice.

"Ah, Miss Peverell, Mister Sallow, just the two students I need. Can you please follow me? I have some questions about the whole situation with Mister Gaunt," Professor Weasley says and gestures for them to follow. Riley gives Erin a grin and notices how red her face is.

"What a nice friend. Ominis will be glad to see a friendly face," Sebastian says quietly to Riley, obviously oblivious to the situation, as they follow Professor Weasley. Riley feels relieved again, but also a bit angry. It is almost starting to feel like the last year, with constant ups and downs and mood changes. She cannot afford it now. Not when she met someone from the Department of Mysteries. Not when they're keeping their eyes on her. She needs to be on the best behaviour, and as emotionally stable as possible. Maybe she should let those two sort it out themselves. Maybe she should really retreat to the Room of Requirement and isolate herself. Work on her magic. Focus on classes. Get private lessons from Sharp and finally learn the Patronus charm. Instead, she is here having a boy drama just because one is jealous and another loves to wind everyone up. And on top of that, Ominis is not helping the situation as well. Neither is Erin. But she cannot get involved. She needs to be on her best behaviour, as invisible as possible. Hopefully, the selection of Champions will happen soon, so everyone's attention will be redirected there and she can get some very needed peace and quiet.

Chapter 10: A Clash In The Making

Chapter Text

Chapter 10 - A Clash In The Making

It's Sunday evening and Riley is sitting in the Room of Requirement, on her own, surrounded by all her schoolbooks. As amazing as it was to go on an adventure with Sharp during the first week, meet her friends from Durmstrang, spend time with Sebastian, and see Ominis' instant karma, there is one thing she has neglected so far. Schoolwork. And for a Ravenclaw with quite a few classes striving for academic perfection, it's a nightmare. The first week was not very busy with schoolwork, but there is still a lot she needs to finish and catch up on.

As much as the Library should be peaceful and quiet, there is always someone causing trouble. Ravenclaw's Common Room is, once again, inhabitable thanks to Zenobia's gobstones and Everett's antics, so this is the best and safest place to be left alone to study.

Many students around were talking earlier about how Black wants the goblet to choose Champions at the end of September, so there is hope in Riley's heart that everyone, especially Sebastian and Ominis, will redirect their attention there. The only distraction she permits is Sharp taking her on another adventure, or some alone time with Sebastian. Nothing else. No jealousy, no drama, no quarrels. She needs this year to fully focus on her future. If she messes up, that is pretty much it for her.

Checking the beautiful Grandfather's clock in the corner of the room, it is almost ten in the evening. Curfew is about to start and prefects are about to make her life a living hell, so it's time to make a move and hope that the dormitories escaped the stench of whatever happened in the Common Room.

Making it right on time, Riley sits down in one of the chairs and starts to re-read her homework. It does not take long to be interrupted, and now she has Samantha sitting next to her.

"Lucan Brattleby sends you this," She hands Riley a note and Riley groans. Crossed Wands. She's completely forgotten about it. And as a reigning champion, she cannot just back out. Maybe a bit of duelling will be a refreshing break from school. When she gets to actually do school instead of adventures.

"Thanks," Riley skims through the parchment and it is, indeed, Crossed Wands super secret invitation.

"How is Gaunt doing? There are rumours he's got carrots for ears and is covered in Dugbog's saliva," Samantha laughs and Riley realizes this is probably the first proper time they are sitting down, sort of talking.

"His ears are okay, his skin as well, but I can confidently say his ego took a massive hit," Riley grins and stops reading. "Hopefully," She adds, quietly, which makes Samantha laugh even more.

"I wish I was there. Do you think he will avoid them from now on?" Samantha asks and Riley looks at her and stops for a few seconds. As much as she would like to say yes, there is a feeling inside her telling her it's not over.

"I'm sure he will find a way to charm some of them and get himself into trouble," Riley says truthfully and it seems Samantha has enough of the conversation, as she stands up.

"I mean, he is not the worst looking for a Gaunt. Shame he's a rude crybaby," She laughs and heads towards the door.

"More of a sassy smartass," Riley mumbles, but not quietly enough.

"Nah, I prefer a rude crybaby," She shrugs and disappears, leaving Riley alone.

Moving to bed, Riley realizes she's the only one there. Where is Erin? Did she go to visit Ominis again? Is he still in the Hospital Wing? She's spent her whole day studying and catching up on homework, so she's got no idea what has happened today. And as much as it may seem unlikely that incidents happen during one day, Riley has learned her lesson last year. Even yesterday was as chaotic as ever.

Rummaging in her bag, she suddenly notices a parchment with something written on it. It is an enchanted parchment Sebastian gave her so they can communicate together. She used to check it all the time.

Reading his message, her eyebrows furrow and as her nose wrinkles, her whole peaceful day is over. Re-reading it three times to make sure she is not imagining it, her knuckles are getting white as she's grabbing bedsheets with anger slowly bubbling inside her. Is he for real?!

Riley, I guess you're busy hiding somewhere with your darling Durmstrang 'friend' as you're nowhere to be seen. I would have thought, especially after last year, that me and Ominis mean more to you, but clearly not. Hope you had a great day.

"What in Merlin's name is this supposed to mean?!" Riley thunders as she throws the parchment back into the bag. There is so much she wants to write back, but she cannot let the anger get the best of her. Grateful for being in the room alone, she lets out another roar and buries her head in the pillow, muffling the scream.

"No. No...absolutely not. I am not dealing with this right now. No..." She keeps mumbling and grabs the vial with a dreamless sleep potion Sharp gave her and drinks it quickly followed by another potion to calm her nerves. She will sleep, then wake up, go to classes, study, do the homework and assignments, and that's it. It is hard to believe how much difference can one note make.

Waking up on Monday morning, Riley feels extraordinarily groggy. She was not supposed to mix those two potions unless absolutely necessary, but she did it anyway. And now she's suffering consequences.

Almost walking into several statues and narrowly avoiding falling off the stairs, she is now sitting in the Transfiguration classroom, opposite side where they usually sit with Sebastian and Ominis. When Professor Weasley enters the room, she cannot spot either of them. Where are they? But her question is answered straight away as they both walk in and sit at their usual place. Ominis completely ignores her, and Sebastian gives her a glance full of resentment. She's definitely imagined spending at least the first few days after they finally had a chance to have some fun and explore each other bodies differently. Maybe shy looks? Stealing kisses? Cheeky grins? But no. All she's getting is sulking Sebastian. And why? Because something that does not exist in real life exists in his head. And why is Ominis ignoring her?

The moment the class is over, Riley almost sprints out of the classroom, not giving anyone a chance to talk to her. She has a free period and then Defence Against the Dark Arts after lunch. Determined not to get involved with anything and anyone, she heads back to the Room of Requirement to work on a newly assigned homework from Professor Weasley.

Skipping lunch was not a good idea and she can feel and hear her stomach rumbling the moment she enters the classroom. Being the last one in, she marches towards the front of the class, not giving a look to Sebastian or Ominis. Three can play this game.

"You look like you've had a rough day so far," Professor Hecat smiles at her and Riley is relieved to hear friendliness in her voice.

"Another bad night. Had to use both potions," Riley says, fully aware her fellow students, including her boyfriend and cousin, are listening.

"The dawn breaks not to remind us of our struggles, but of our resilience," Is all Professor Hecat says to her, but she gently squeezes her shoulder as she walks past her, starting the lesson. Giving her a look full of gratefulness, Riley's gaze travels from Professor to Sebastian. His expression has changed. There is less resentment and more worry now.

'Good', Riley thinks to herself and ignores him for the rest of the class, which is very easy as she is paired to practise non-verbal Protego with Leander.

"Miss Peverell, may I have a second with you alone?" The professor looks at Riley when she dismisses the class and Riley happily follows her to her office, closing the door behind them.

Grateful for a little enchantment to her backpack, Riley is now heading towards the stairs from the DADA classroom, with two new massive books from Professor Hecat. According to her, those two books helped her the most to prepare for what the Department of Mysteries wants from its candidates. Excited to have a free evening to read, she can hear faint voices coming from the distance, and she recognizes them straight away. Stopping right in the middle of the staircase, she decides to take a different route, but her plan comes to a halt when she hears her name.

"Damn it. So close," Riley whispers and curses herself and her curiosity. Why can't she just leave them be? They clearly are ignoring her. But why are they mentioning her name? And why are they still here? Surely if they wanted to go to Undercroft, they would be there already. She spent a good 10 minutes with Professor Hecat, they should not still be here. When their voices disappear, she takes a deep breath and looks at her bag with new books with a sad look. Hopefully, this will not take long and she'll be reading them very soon.

Following them without their knowledge, Riley gives them a few seconds and enters Undercroft as well, being quieter than a Joberknoll.

"You are being ridiculous now. It's nothing new of you to be unreasonable and childish, but this is bordering on the realm of pure idiocy, Sebastian," Ominis sighs heavily and Riley keeps listening, unnoticed.

"I know what I see, Ominis," Sebastian says with his usual stubbornness.

"I'm the blind one and even I see more than you," Ominis retorts.

"You cannot see the way they look at each other and the tension between them," Sebastian's voice is getting louder.

"You're making a fool out of yourself," Ominis laughs, but Sebastian is not backing down.

"How could you know? You were busy snogging half of the Beauxbattons!" Sebastian is now almost yelling, and Riley rolls her eyes as she keeps listening from the shadow.

"Because I know my cousin, and that's not like her. She would not do that to you. Why are you not more worried about her bloodshot eyes, about not seeing her for the past couple of days, about why she has to use potions to sleep again? Your priorities are, once again, completely messed up," Ominis' voice turns more serious.

"Probably busy with her Durmstrang boyfriend," Sebastian scoffs which makes Ominis laugh again.

"Sebastian, please do engage that brain of yours for once and read between the lines. There is something more going on. Something bigger. And for some reason, she is not being completely honest with us. And it is definitely because something is stopping her. We should focus on that," Ominis says and Riley decides enough is enough and emerges from the shadows, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Yet you both focus on ignoring me instead. What is that about?" Riley walks towards them, piercing them with a cold glare. She is not angry at them because they are talking about her, she is angry because they are talking about her and now she is curious why and has to be here instead of reading her new books.

"You seem to be the busy one never around," Sebastian says with accusation and Riley takes a deep breath.

"Never around? Do you mean Sunday? When I was studying and catching up on homework? Is that never? I decided to study in peace for one day, as I am taking a lot of classes, and your conclusion is that I'm cheating on you?" Riley remains calm and composed, staring from Sebastian to Ominis. "And you, if you're that worried about me, why not ask?"

Both Sebastian and Ominis seem to be at a loss for words. If everything goes well, this discussion can be over sooner than expected.

"I'm just trying to stay alive," Ominis says and Riley rolls her eyes again, trying not to smile. She did threaten him. And she is within her rights to do so. But it was more to make him nervous than to actually hurt him. He's the only family she's got.

"By angering French girls at the very beginning of the year and talking crap about me? Very smart of you. Even you would see the disaster coming, you spineless squid. And you, stop smirking, you are nothing more than a jealous hypocrite," Riley turns back to Sebastian and it is getting harder and harder for her to remain calm.

Sebastian is standing there, arms crossed on his chest, head slightly tilted, and a provocative smirk on his face. Enough to keep Riley's blood boiling. When he raises his eyebrows, she is not sure if she wants to curse him, blast him into oblivion, or grab him and push him to the sofa and have her way with him. There is something about that stance that makes not only her blood boil.

"What makes me a hypocrite?" Sebastian asks and both, Riley and Ominis snort.

"Are you trying to make me angry on purpose or are you for real?" Riley mimics his stance.

"I believe it's a natural talent of his," Ominis says, making sure there is enough distance between him and the other two.

"Don't be sassy and smart with me, you're not off the hook yet," Riley says Ominis' ways and can see a smirk on both of their faces. "Now, if you kindly excuse me, I have a lot of work to do and new books to study. So if you need me, you can find me and my Durmstrang boyfriend in front of the singing portrait, trying to figure out how to have a threesome. Idiots. Both of you," Riley says and turns around, ready to leave.

"Why am I the idiot as well?" Ominis whispers and Riley keeps walking, not turning back.

"Keep talking and like you did drag me through last year I will drag you to catacombs and let you rot there," Riley yells back and leaves the Undercroft, utterly disappointed with herself. Instead of studying she chose this waste of time. Not anymore.

"I guess we are both in her bad books now," Sebastian says and looks at the triptych from last year, which puts a smile on his face. Those adventures with her are unforgettable.

"And as always, Sebastian, the fault for this unfortunate circ*mstance is yours to claim," Ominis says casually and heads towards the exit as well.

"Do enlighten me," Sebastian raises his voice and follows Ominis.

"She seems very agitated and tense around you despite getting intimate. Maybe you should go and get some tips from that portrait," Ominis continues with his casual voice, but there is a certain sneer undertone. "Watch that attitude, Sebastian," He adds as he quickly turns around and blocks the incoming spell.

Meanwhile, Riley is heading towards the Room of Requirement instead, ready to read the book Professor Hecat gave her. At least now she knows both, Sebastian and Ominis, are just being ridiculous instead of something serious happening.

Chapter 11: Back On Track

Chapter Text

Chapter 11 - Back On Track

It's a very early Wednesday morning, and Riley has already finished her breakfast. She's not making the same mistake of skipping a meal again, as yesterday she had to ask Deek, who was hanging out with her in the Room of Requirement, to fetch her some food from the kitchens.

Not really paying attention as she is heading for Potions a good 30 minutes earlier, Riley collides with someone and quickly tries to catch the person falling, but it's too late. She is still standing, using the wall to maintain her balance, but the other person is not that lucky.

"Riley, jeez, you really are in your own world, aren't you?" Anne laughs as Riley helps her to stand up.

"I am so sorry. A lot on my mind. Heading for Potions early to avoid Sebastian and Ominis during breakfast," Riley says with bitterness in her voice, and Anne laughs again.

"I cannot say I don't understand that. They can be a handful, especially my brother and his jealousy," Anne winks at Riley who just sighs loudly.

"It's so ridiculous," Riley says with exasperation and Anne nods, giving her a warm, understanding smile.

"Apparently Ominis angered him so they are not speaking at the moment, so he came to me to vent and rant. I told him to grow up. He was not pleased with me and I have a feeling he may not be speaking with me as well. On the other hand, this was our first conversation without mentioning Garreth's name, so all good," Anne shrugs and Riley is brought back to reality. She's almost forgotten about those two. But then again, it's barely been two weeks.

"How's that going?" Riley asks and tries to sound as sincere and interested as possible. This is one of the very few normal conversations in her life lately, so she needs to take full advantage of it. "And why were you in the Potions classroom?" Riley adds with a smile.

"Potion for the curse," Anne says simply and shows her the vial and Riley remembers again. Sharp is brewing something for Anne to help with the symptoms. "And all is good. Although, if I'm honest, with all the cute Durmstrang and Beauxbatton boys I may have acted a bit rashly," There is a mischievous smile on Anne's face.

"Well, if they are from my year feel free to inquire later," Riley winks back and feels absolutely no sympathy towards Garreth. She did notice he likes to look at the new students as much as everyone else. So why shouldn't Anne?

"Oh, I will definitely take you up on that offer. Now, I have to run as I don't want to miss breakfast. We can meet later in the Und...ah, never mind," Anne's face falls. She's been banished by Ominis. "Find each other after dinner for a catch-up?" Anne gives Riley a quick hug and continues on her way.

"Will do. See you later. And hurry up, I skipped a meal on Monday and did not have a good day," Riley yells after her and as they both laugh, they continue on their way.

When Riley enters the classroom, no one's there. That means Sharp is in his office. Heading for her usual spot, she starts to unpack. To her surprise, not even five minutes later, she is joined by another student. With a surprised face, she turns and sees Ominis next to her.

"Alright, I messed up. And I am sorry. Can we now let it go and be friends again?" Ominis says and there is pain in his voice. It is not regret over what he's said about Riley, it is the pain of admitting he did wrong and had to apologise. And to hear an apology from him, although not a very good one, can be considered a grand gesture.

"What was that? I didn't hear you properly. Can you repeat that?" Riley says and tries to sound bitter. The truth is, she is very angry at him, but she also misses him. And she understands why he acted like an idiot.

"Ugh, must I really repeat myself?" He says in a gruff tone which makes Riley smile.

"Yes," Riley says and continues unpacking the ingredients she thinks she may need today.

"What more can I say?" Ominis says irritably and starts to unpack as well.

"It's not what you're saying, it's the way you're saying it," Riley says and starts reading on basic potions.

"Alright, alright," There is a defeat in his voice. Does he really give up this early? That's very un-Ominis-like. "I'm sorry," He says sincerely and Riley nudges him with her elbow.

"See? Was it that hard?" She asks as he nudges her back.

"Yes," Ominis says under his breath and lets his wand guide him through the ingredients, making sure he knows what is where.

"Is he still sulking?" Riley asks casually and soon, the others start to enter the classroom as well.

"What do you think," Ominis says and it's like on the clue, Sebastian walks in. He gives a quick look to Riley and Ominis and hesitates for a while, but then, to Riley's surprise, joins their table. Seems like she's working with those two today instead of Garreth and Amit.

"I'm sorry," Sebastian says under his breath, the same way Ominis did not that while ago, and starts to unpack.

"Anne must have put some serious sense into you," Riley grins at Sebastian who finally looks at her and gives her a bashful grin as well.

"How do you know?" He follows up with a question.

"Met her earlier on when she was collecting her potion. And I'm also meeting her later for a catch-up," Riley shrugs and can feel the tension around the table when she mentions her name.

"Ah, everyone is here early. How annoying. But luckily for you all, you've just bought yourself more time. Wiggenweld potion. No books. You should know it by heart. You have half an hour, all by yourselves, no teamwork. Go," Sharp barks as he walks from his office to the front of the class.

"As cheery as ever," Riley can hear Sebastian whisper and she grins again.

Towards the end of the class, they all have three different potions brewed already, with the last one in the process. Riley is very proud of her work so far. Wiggenweld, Maxima and Edurus potions all look exactly as they should, and to her surprise, everyone in the class seems to be doing well. But then again, after first class Sharp has made sure the class size is as small as possible.

"Oh no, I haven't labelled them correctly," There is frustration, but also panic in Ominis' voice as he realizes two of the juices they need to use have labels off. They smell almost identical, so he cannot tell the difference. And as they look similar, without proper investigation Riley cannot help. If she does, she will mess up her last potion, as it needs constant attention and stirring in different ways. Before she needs to properly face the dilemma, something unexpected happens.

"To the left is a Bouncing Spider Juice," Riley hears Sharp's voice and gives Sebastian a surprised look. And she's not the only one. Everyone in class looks positively surprised that Sharp has helped Ominis instead of telling him off or giving him a lecture before offering help. Ominis even stutters.

"Th-thank you, Professor," Ominis says and Riley dares to look at Sharp, making sure she is still stirring.

"Maybe we should be early all the time if it makes you this pleasant, Professor," Riley grins and can hear a few giggles.

"Better know your antidotes for the next class, Miss Peverell, I have some poisons to test you on. Or on you," Sharp says bitterly which makes everyone giggle more. Ready to exchange another grin with Sebastian for making Sharp annoyed, Riley surprisingly finds her boyfriend stirring his potion with what she can only describe as anger. What is going on?

"You may need to add Sharp to the fantastical list of things that only live in Sebastian's head," Ominis whispers, making sure no one can hear him, especially not Sharp.

"You can't be serious," Riley whispers back and looks at Sebastian, and there is a definite tension in the way he looks at his cauldron while stirring. Surely Ominis cannot be right. First the portrait, then her friend, now Sharp? What is malfunctioning in Sebastian's head this time?

To her surprise, Sebastian does not ask anything about Sharp, but from the moment they leave the classroom that day, he is by her side at all times possible. And every time they walk past anyone, she can feel his hand on her waist, making sure to hold her close as they walk and give dirty looks to almost everyone who looks at her. What is happening? Is he really that insecure in their relationship? But then again, overprotective Sebastian seems to be more pleasant than jealous Sebastian.

When it hits the last week of September, the anticipation is now so contagious, that even Riley finds herself in talks about who is entering their names for the Tournament. Still happily uninterested in joining herself, she wonders if anyone she knows will be chosen. Ominis, Sebastian and Anne are ready. And so are Garreth, Leander, Everett, Imelda, Samantha, and even Natty. Seems like only she, Amit and Poppy will not be entering from her year. And from all the information she's gathered from Anne, her whole year is entering as well. Lucan seems to be even more excited than anyone, and it makes Riley wonder if they should not implement some sort of age restriction. Some of the students who want to put their names forward are way too young, in her opinion at least.

Crossed Wands has been postponed, as no one is able to focus as the day draws nearer. Very last Friday of the month, the Goblet has been placed in the Great Hall, and it seems everyone is there at all times, spying on who is entering their names.

"I don't understand the hype. Why is everyone so excited? Are they forgetting how during the last Tournament Beauxbatton champion got their arm ripped off by an angry hippogriff and had to be taken to Mungo's?" Riley says as she walks hand in hand with Sebastian and notices the number of people in the Great Hall surrounding the Goblet.

"Eternal fame, who wouldn't want that?" Sebastian says and gives Goblet a look himself.

"Me?" Riley asks and almost laughs.

"Easy to say. With your ancient magic, defeating Ranrok and Rookwood, and also being Peverell, you have that fame already. Now stop being so unsupportive and let us have a bit of fame too," Sebastian kisses her cheek as he says it and Riley laughs again.

"I don't have eternal fame," Riley protests. Surely, her adventures from last year are known to many, but she wouldn't call it eternal fame.

"Look who's delusional now," Sebastian squeezes her hand as they head outside to enjoy the last warm rays of sunshine for this year, as it usually gets very murky and rainy in October.

"Still you," Riley smirks and laughs as Sebastian starts to tickle her.

Walking through the grounds, they finally reach the point when they are alone, with no one around, and Riley quickly rummages in her bag and fishes out the Nabsack Deek gave her. Letting her Graphorn out for a run, she watches the majestic creature happily running around, trying to catch whatever flies nearby.

"I still can't believe you've got yourself a Graphorn," Sebastian says and watches the beast as well, but with a bit more apprehension than Riley.

"It's really not that difficult. You just have to be persistent," Riley laughs and Sebastian nods.

"Like I was last year in my efforts to get you to like me," Sebastian gives her another kiss, and Riley smiles through it.

"In all fairness, I did fancy you since the beginning. When I beat your ass in that duel," She says in between the kisses.

"I totally let you," Sebastian says and Riley gives him a nudge, making them both laugh. "It was all part of the plan," He adds and Riley pushes him away.

"You sound like Leander with those weak excuses, you know that? Just admit I bested you," Riley looks at him and winks.

"How dare you," Sebastian playfully grabs her waist and makes sure they collapse together on the grass. With their kisses getting more and more passionate, Riley cannot help but smile. This year is finally what she wanted it to be. She is on top of the homework, she has a private lesson scheduled with Sharp to work on memory charms, she has Ominis by her side with his snarky remarks making her laugh, and most of all, she has Sebastian. Flirty, a bit overprotective Sebastian. What more can she ask for?

Chapter 12: Legilimency

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Chapter 12 - Legilimency

The last day of classes before the weekend when Goblet will choose the champions is causing havoc all over the castle. No one can focus on anything. Everyone is discussing the possible champions for each school. Even some professors are slowly giving up. Great Hall is now overcrowded at all times with everyone staring at the Goblet, hoping for it to indicate the future. The library is no longer a quiet place to study, and Ravenclaw Common Room is in the worst state Riley has ever seen. And she is sure Zenobia and Everett are to blame. Undercroft is off limits as Sebastian is practising every single spell he can land his hands on, fully confident he is the Hogwarts Champion, causing Ominis mini panic attacks every time he tries a new spell and breaks something, or it backfires.

As Riley looks outside of the window of the empty classroom, she can see mainly Hogwarts students having a friendly competition with Professor Ronen, challenging him for his Master of Summoners Court position. From what she can see, they are failing miserably, as Ronen is beating them with ease. And if she's not mistaken Kogawa and Howin are joining as well. Everyone seems to be having a great time either there or in the Great Hall, yet Riley is stuck with the grumpiest of them all in the empty unused classroom, having her mind attacked over and over again.

"For someone of your calibre, this is pathetic," Sharp says and shakes his head disapprovingly.

"I would take Ranrok and Rookwood all over again over this," Riley says as she stops staring out of the window and winces. Her head feels like it's about to explode.

"It was your idea," Sharp shrugs as he watches her, wand at the ready.

"Why is it so difficult!" It's not a question, more of an exasperated sigh. With her mind being tampered with so many times during her childhood, this is proving to be an even more difficult task than finding a happy memory for Patronus.

"Because you are not concentrating enough. Your mind is wandering. You need to stay focused and close it. You need to try harder, or else," Sharp says, still with the wand pointing at Riley.

"Or else what?" Riley asks as she collapses on a chair and holds her head in her hands. It feels heavier than usual.

"I will have to access memories you don't want me to. And that should force you to close your mind," Sharp lowers his wand and Riley looks at him through her fingers.

"I'm doing my best here," Riley says, still in the same position. She needs to remain calm to control her emotions. She needs to stay focused so he cannot penetrate her mind again.

"You leave me no choice then," Sharp says and points his wand at her. The urge to cast a curse on him is very strong, but she cannot do that. He's trying to help her. She has requested this. She needs to learn to control her mind, and somehow, she trusts Sharp.

Before Riley knows it, her mind is attacked again, but this time it's more terrifying. Sharp is going for memories that not only terrify her but are still haunting her to this day. She can see Ranrok's transformation into a dragon, Professor Fig lying on the floor talking to his dead wife shortly before he died as well, and Rookwood using Crucio on her, but it gets worse.

They are trapped in the Scriptorium. Just Riley, Ominis and Sebastian. There is a journal bit and bones in front of them. Faces etched into the stone, their expressions full of pain. The word Crucio. Sebastian's raised wand. And that awful pain again. Not as painful as when Rookwood cast it, and it certainly didn't last as long. But why is she reliving it again? Those nightmares were replaced by different events, so why now?

Next, the worst one is unfolding in front of her. The memory that causes her the most nightmares, still makes her anxious and causes her unexpected panic attacks. As much as losing Fig broke her down, this is the one she wants to forget the most. He was not in his right mind. It was all because of that Relic.

She is in the catacombs with Ominis, who is hastily explaining it got too far and he needs to see Black for damage control. She can also see all the Inferi attacking them. And the worst of all, Sebastian standing there with the Relic, an insane expression on his face. She begs him to stop, but more Inferi attack. Then Solomon arrives as well. NO! He cannot see this. She needs to stop this. By all means necessary.

The next thing she knows is her mind going blank, and a loud bang. There is a very hot feeling spreading through her body, and then coldness. Nothingness.

After a while, there are some voices. She can barely hear what they're saying, but with every second they are becoming more and more clear.

"The ancient magic? But how?" Riley recognizes the voice of the matron.

"As we've discussed before, I do believe she has absorbed a bit of mutated ancient magic," She recognizes Sharp's voice, followed by no other than Professor Hecat.

"It is not a mutation. It is ancient magic filled with pain and emotions from Isisdora's victims," Professor Hecat says and Sharp scoffs.

"That's a mutation in my books. Anyway, you were not there. I was. I was the only one who witnessed it. I saw her defeating Ranrok and all of the red mutated magic everywhere. She tried her best to contain it, and she did. But those few strands seemed to hit her and not bounce back. The few outbursts that were not contained found a new host. Her. And as that magic is like nothing we've seen before, we only know two things. It is powerful and unstable. When I, Fig and Peverell were fighting that troll, she wielded it. Pure blue ancient magic. The blast she involuntarily sent towards me was infused with red. The mutated one," She can hear Sharp's voice, and there is a worry in it. A very rare occasion.

"I know you're not supposed to tell, but have you ever seen anything like this before?" Professor Weasley asks in a very low voice.

"No," Hecat answers and Riley tries her best to open her eyes, but it feels like they are glued. She tries to move her finger, but even that does not happen.

"What shall we do? This may be a danger to students," The matron says and Riley feels herself dozing off but fights to stay awake and listen to conversation. Are they scared of her?

"She is no danger. She can control it. And probably does not even know she's got some of that mutation in her," Sharp says with his typical annoyance.

"Then how did this happen?" Professor Weasley asks. The voices seem to be further and further away.

"I have pushed her too far, it's on me," The annoyed voice of Sharp can be heard again, but it is even further now.

"But why were you with her? What were you doing?" Professor Weasley asks again, but she does not sound confused. She sounds suspicious.

"I have appointed Aesop to help her with her combat skills after last year. And I may have underestimated the situation. Clearly, the scars from the past are not fully healed. Or in her case, have not started to heal. You've seen her yourself, Matilda. When she was in the repository. Even you admitted she is one of the best duellists you've ever met. But what all of you are failing to see is her defensive skills are below par. Hence why Aesop was appointed by me to help. As an ex-auror, he's the best trained to do so. And I was also worried I may not be firm enough. And by seeing those cuts and bruises on Aesop's face, I can confirm he did not hold back," There is a bit of lightness in Professor Hecat's voice. But what does she mean by bruises and cuts? Did she accidentally hurt Sharp? If so, she's not looking forward to the next potions. She will definitely get poisoned.

"Just like Eleazar last year, you two are also not telling me the full truth," Professor Weasley says and Riley can hear footsteps leaving, assuming it's her.

"Why is Peverell's ambition of following in your footsteps such a bad thing to mention?" Sharp asks and his voice is more friendly.

"Because I know how my time changed after that information got out about me," Hecat answers in a similar tone.

"I don't think you need to be worried about Peverell being outcasted. She is already an outcast as she's related to Gaunts. You've seen yourself how opinions about her shifted. One day a hero, next day a danger," Sharp says and if Riley could frown, she would. Somehow she's feeling less guilty about hurting him. How dare he call her an outcast.

"A rather scenic detour has been taken from the original question. Now when it's just the two of us, tell me, what were you doing?" Professor Hecat's voice is a bit firmer, it almost reminds her of last year's scoldings.

"She asked me to help with Occlumency. Her mind is fragile, so I was naturally very cautious about it. But after making zero progress I pushed a bit more. I have accessed the fear to make her block me," Sharp says and there is a small laugh.

"Well, technically speaking she did. Just not the way you wanted. Maybe you should give her clearer instructions next time," Professor Hecat says and there is another of Sharp's scoffs.

"I don't think the instructions were the problem," Sharp snaps back and there is another small laugh.

"Then you should reconsider your teaching methods, Aesop. Now, shall we go? I believe Sallow and Gaunt are anxiously waiting outside," Hecat says and Riley can hear footsteps.

"You go, I need to have a word with those two," Sharp's voice changes within a second.

"Do I want to know what you have witnessed in her memory?" Professor Hecat asks as her footsteps and voice are getting further away.

"I wish I didn't," Is Sharp's response and Riley can feel her pulse. Her heart is starting to beat faster and faster. But it makes her even more dizzy. He did access memories from Scriptorium and from Catacombs. If he puts all the pieces together, they are in more than just trouble. Trying hard to remember what he saw, Riley cannot stay focused and everything around her is now a distant hum as she loses her consciousness again.

When Riley regains consciousness, she feels much better. She can even open her eyes and move around. It is quite dark, but she recognizes two figures next to her.

"What in the Merlin's name were you doing?" Ominis asks her the moment he notices she's awake.

"What did he do to you?" Sebastian's voice joins in, and there is a mixture of worry and anger.

"Slow down, you two. What is going on?" Riley asks in a faint voice. She may be feeling better, but she's not well.

"That's what we would like to know. You were alone with Sharp and now you're in the hospital wing and he looks like he tried to hug a troll. What happened?" Ominis' voice is filled with worry, and worry only.

"Did he try something on you?" Sebastian asks and squeezes her hand. And it finally dawns on her. Is this what Weasley was insinuating as well?

"Don't be ridiculous," Riley says and winces as her head is pounding.

"Did he try and get the information from you by force?" Ominis asks and Riley is now getting more and more confused. What are those two talking about?

"What information?" Riley asks and tries to focus on Ominis, but he's very blurry.

"About the Scriptorium. He knows. I think he may be spying on us," Ominis whispers and Riley can feel another squeeze from Sebastian and tries to squeeze his hand back.

"He's helping me with Occlumency. That's all. And as I wasn't able to close my mind, he may have witnessed a few memories before I forced him out. But please, do not tell anyone, and let me deal with the consequences. I can handle Sharp better than the two of you," Riley decides the best option here is honesty.

"I don't want you anywhere near him," Sebastian says and Riley laughs again, the way Professor Hecat did earlier.

"I'm sure he feels the same about me," She says and can feel herself dozing off again.

"You did a good job on him so far," She can hear the amusem*nt in Ominis' voice and is glad there is no accusation. Scriptorium was something they promised to keep between themselves, and now Sharp knows. And he knows much more than that. Which may be troublesome. But then again, the conversation between him and Hecat did not indicate any willingness to share the information further. But will he ever talk to her again, or help her? Is he angry at her for hurting him? Is this the end of the mentorship?

Chapter 13: Champions

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Chapter 13 - Champions

As Riley is walking towards the Great Hall with Erin and Amit, she's grateful for zero attention. It is the evening of Champion Selection, so everyone is discussing Goblet and nothing else, which suits Riley. This will be the first time she sees Sharp after the little incident and she's wondering how it's gonna go. She can only see two options. He either ignores her for the rest of her life, which may not be the worst thing to happen, or he will confront her and make her life a living hell.

While she was in the Hospital Wing, she faintly remembers the conversation happening between Sharp, Hecat, and Weasley, but as her mind took another few hits during Occlumency yesterday, everything is, as usual, a blur. But maybe not all is lost. She is sure she heard Sharp taking responsibility for what did happen, but was he being honest, or was it just to get Professor Weasley not to worry?

"Miss Peverell, a word," Riley hears when they are near the Great Hall and she can see Professor Hecat smiling at them all and nodding for Riley to follow her.

Walking next to Professor Hecat Riley notices they are heading outside, and not a single person is paying any attention to them as they are rushing to the Hall, chattering about who the Champions will be.

"How are you feeling?" Professor Hecat asks as they are slowly walking around.

"Guilty. I should have controlled myself better. I did not want to hurt anyone. And now I think I got us into trouble, and I have no one to help me anymore" Riley says truthfully and looks at Professor, but her face is as unreadable as always.

"You did nothing wrong. Aesop's method can be sometimes considered rough, and it usually works. This time, it backfired. Hopefully, this will teach him a lesson. You have nothing to worry about. Professor Weasley is being suspicious, but I have handled it. There is only one thing we need to discuss. And it is your ancient magic. Has this ever happened before? Involuntarily?" Professor Hecat asks and Riley tries to think as hard as she can.

"Not really, no. Since Ranrok, it calmed down. There are no traces, I am not using it, and I definitely did not plan to accidentally release it," Riley looks at Professor again, still the same unreadable face.

"Let me start by assuring you no one holds anything against you. But I need to admit, your magic is a bit of a worry. In some witches and wizards, it may evoke fear, in others, mystery and curiosity. Please try and keep a low profile and work on your classes and homework as efficiently as possible. I am arranging a trip to my old department for us. It will be mutually beneficial. We can all learn a bit more about your magic, and you will also have a chance to meet important members of the Department. Now thinking about it, it works more in your favour than theirs. They will want to do some experiments to see the magic but don't worry. I will be there regulating it," Professor Hecat says and there is a mixture of excitement and anxiety spreading in every single cell of Riley's body.

"What kind of experiments?" Riley asks, apprehensively, and finally, Professor smiles.

"Nothing to worry about. They will just want you to cast it to study it, and probably try and push you to cast it involuntarily, the same way Aesop did. I will be there and nothing will be used against you," Professor assures her, which brings more anxiety than calmness.

"What do you mean by that, Professor?" Riley asks, wondering what is the point of this conversation. Surely she could have sent an owl to Riley asking her to go with her to the Ministry instead. There must be something more if she wanted to speak with her face to face, and privately.

"I think you know. But I don't mind pretending nothing happened. Aesop, on the other hand, feels the need to get his answers. I only need to know one thing. When Mister Sallow used the Cruciatus curse on you, were there malicious intentions?" Professor asks and faces Riley, her face stern. So Sharp did tell her about Scriptorium. Her memory, once again, was breached. By her own fault this time.

"No, Professor. There was no other way. Salazar Slytherin made sure of it. And it felt very different from when Rookwood cast it on me," Hopefully, this answer will be sufficient enough. And hopefully, neither Sebastian nor Ominis will get in trouble. It may have been Sebastian's idea, but it was Ominis who knew where to go. And ironically, it was Riley who managed to open the entrance. They are all in it together.

"That's all I need to know. Now, are you up for a trip to the Department of Mysteries in the next few days to help with research?" Professor asks and Riley nods.

"Yes, Professor. Should be an enlightening trip. And if they by any chance fix my mind, I would not be upset," Riley laughs and there is a small smile on her face as well.

"Thank you for your time. I will keep you updated. And keep this between us," Professor Hecat is heading back, and Riley follows.

"Will do. But may I ask why? It is driving me insane to lie to Ominis and Sebastian. And, as you may know from my memories that Professor Sharp obviously shared with you, we can trust each other. We have to," Riley shrugs and Professor Hecat gives her one last look.

"That is your decision to make. And so is the Department of Mysteries. Just remember that in the labyrinth of the mind, subconscious whispers guide our steps when we least expect it," Professor Hecat smiles and enters the castle again. Riley catches up and when they enter the Great Hall, no one seems to notice.

"Simple yes or no would do, Professor," Riley says under her breath, trying her luck. Professor Hecat seems fond of her, so why not be a bit cheeky? It always works for Sebastian and Ominis, so why not for her?

"Yes. Let's loop them in. They may prove helpful," Professor Hecat says quietly, but there is no need for it. The Great Hall is the most manic Riley's seen it yet.

As Professor Hecat joins the other professors, Riley joins her friends at the Ravenclaw table, who barely notice her. Quick glance at Slytherin's table proves to Riley literally everyone is obsessed with the Goblet, as neither Sebastian nor Ominis acknowledges her in any way.

Daring to look the professor's way, Riley notices Sharp is looking at her. His eyebrows are furrowed slightly and he shakes his head disapprovingly, but there is no malice in his gaze. If anything, it seems like the corners of his lips quickly quirks upwards in amusem*nt.

When Riley looks around, she notices some new faces next to Black. She recognizes the bubbly wizard chatting with Professors Ronen and Kogawa from the Daily Prophet. He is the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports. The lady in conversation with Professor Weasley is from the Department of International Cooperation, and Riley remembers meeting her when she made her final decision to stay at Hogwarts instead of going back to Durmstrang.

The Great Hall is not getting any quieter, so when Professor Black stands up, everyone ignores him except Riley. She can see he clears his throat multiple times in annoyance, and she also notices she is not the only one looking at him now. With an alarmed face, Professor Weasley jumps out of her seat and uses Sonorus to quiet everyone. Not paying much attention to what she's saying, as Riley is not interested in the tournament, she helps herself to more food that is still on the table. Even her favourite dessert is still there, as no one snatched it due to the chaos and anticipation. Maybe this tournament is the best thing happening this year. Everyone can be pre-occupied and pay no attention to her, so she can do whatever she wants and go wherever she wants to as well. In all fairness, she was able to do that last year, but she feels more free now.

All the noise suddenly disappears and Riley, in the middle of eating, looks around to see what is happening. The Goblet is ready and everyone stares silently. Slowly continuing to eat, Riley pays attention to all the desserts around her instead.

When Durmstrang students erupt next to her, with a few Ravenclaws as well, she finds herself in a hug and realizes her friend Ollie is the Durmstrang Champion. Maybe she should start paying attention.

"Congrats, Ollie! Proud of you!" That is all Riley can say with a mouthful of apple pie. As she watches him run to the professor's table with everyone cheering, she notices the glance Sebastian is giving him. She's never seen such a hatred. Not even when he used Imperio on that Goblin. This is some next-level hate. This is not good. But before she can notice anything else, the Goblet chooses another Champion.

"Yes, Genevieve! Go!" She can hear Beauxbattons and a few other students and Riley cannot help but smirk Ominis' way. The girl he'd managed to upset is now a Champion. What a fun turn of events.

With Ollie and Genevieve as Champions, Riley realizes this is going so much better than expected. They both have quite an ego and like to be centres of attention, so all she needs is for Hogwarts Champion to be someone self-centred enough to make everything about themselves. Someone with enough co*ckiness and charm to complement the other two. Someone extroverted who can easily divert all the attention to themselves. And most importantly, someone talented enough to win it for Hogwarts. As much as she loves Durmstrang, her memories of Hogwarts, especially her adventures with Sebastian and summer with Ominis, are stronger. She is rooting for them. She wants Hogwarts to win. She is part of Hogwarts now, not Durmstrang.

"Please be someone good," Riley can hear Erin mumble.

"I really hope it's not me," Amit says in a panicky voice and Riley laughs.

"You have not entered, have you?" She asks and Amit shakes his head.

"No, of course not. But you never know. What if Goblet still decides to pick me?"

"You have not entered," Riley repeats and laughs as Amit starts to panic.

"The Hogwarts Champion is..." the voice echoes through the Great Hall and Riley quickly looks around. The tension is indescribable.

"...Sebastian Sallow!" Her jaw drops and she looks at Sebastian, who seems to be positively alarmed and surprised, but very quickly after that, there is a smug smile across his face. He gives her a wink before he follows other Champions and Riley can feel butterflies in her stomach. That little wink reminds her of the first time they met when Professor Hecat made them duel. The look he gave her after she defeated him. The smugness when Professor Hecat stopped the dragon skeleton crushing Leander.

"Just when you think he can't get any more arrogant," Riley can hear someone say but she's not paying attention to them. All she knows is this year is turning out to be perfect. She can talk to Sebastian and Ominis about her adventures, Ominis can make sure to keep unwanted eyes and ears out of their way by just being Gaunt, and she is sure Sebastian would not mind grabbing all that attention to himself.

"I don't envy you, Riley. Whose side you're gonna take?" Erin asks her and Riley laughs.

"Will it be your ex-school or current school? Your ex-boyfriend or current boyfriend?" Samantha joins and Riley sighs.

"We never dated. He was never my boyfriend," Riley repeats herself.

"But if you stayed he would be, wouldn't he?" There is smugness in Samantha's voice now. She almost reminds her of Imelda.

"I have good taste, what can I say," Riley decides there is no point explaining she and Ollie were, and are, just friends.

"So, what will you do?" Erin asks again and Riley smiles at her.

"I will support Genevieve, of course. Girls need to stick together," Riley laughs again and others join her.

"Very smart, or very dumb move," Samantha says laughing and Riley shrugs again.

"Perfectly describes my life," Riley stands up and tries to locate Ominis, but she cannot see him anywhere.

"His fiery ex is now a Champion, no wonder Gaunt is already running away," Riley hears someone say and quickly directs her attention to the door and can see Ominis leaving.

"Oi, Ominis! Wait!" She yells and abandons everyone at the table, happy not to participate in that conversation any longer. She needs Ominis. She needs to talk to him. And to Sebastian. She can finally share some information. Let's just hope Sebastian can stay focused.

Chapter 14: Earfuls and Eavesdropping

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Chapter 14 - Earfuls and Eavesdropping

"Ominis! Wait!" Riley yells after her cousin as she is almost sprinting to catch up to him. How can someone be so fast, especially when he is only guided by his wand?

"Oh, it's you," Ominis says when she catches up to him, almost breathless.

"Why are you running?!" Riley bellows and grabs him to slow him down.

"I'm already done with this year," Ominis is in a very foul mood. Quite a change from a few days ago when he was strutting around like he owned the place.

"Sure, whatever. I need to talk to you. I can finally tell you what I've been up to. Got all clear from Hecat, come on!" Riley decides not to elaborate on his foul mood and heads for Undercroft instead, dragging Ominis with her.

"Why is it okay for everyone else to flirt with multiple people but when I do it I am the villain?" Ominis says when they reach the Undercroft.

"What are you talking about?" Riley changes her decision to not elaborate, as Ominis clearly needs to get something off his chest. And this may be easier than ignoring him. Annoyed Ominis is not the company she's hoping for.

"Have you not heard all of those comments after Genevieve became Beauxbatton champion?" He almost sneers and Riley rolls her eyes.

"No," She looks him dead in the eyes and stares at him. She has news to share. Something he wanted to know. He was so worried about her and now when she can finally speak, he is having one of his moments.

"If only Gaunt lasted a bit longer he would be dating a champion and finally be popular. And I wonder if Gaunt will crawl back to her now when she's famous. Or, even better, Let's see how relevant Gaunt is now." Ominis mimics different voices and Riley can hear annoyance and frustration in his voice, but she has no sympathy. And she can't be dealing with moaning Ominis again.

"Stop, stop, stop!" She says firmly and grabs Ominis by his shoulders, making him face her. "Look at me, and listen carefully. I will not repeat myself," Riley shakes him a bit and keeps staring at him.

"What difference does it make if I look your way or not, I'm just a poor blind boy," Ominis says and Riley takes a deep breath.

"Enough. Listen up! This may be the only time you hear me saying this. I love you more than anything. You are not just a cousin to me, you are a brother. And I will always be by your side. You can always count on me. But most importantly, since the beginning of the school year, you have been a top-tier moron, Ominis. You had this coming. And I will have no sympathy for you. There is a difference between being flirty and dating someone. Two very different things. But that's all in the past, so let it go. Stop moaning and being a wimpy, whiny, woeful, whinging baby that feeds on his own misery because no one understands him and everyone is against him!" Riley says while holding his shoulders with a firm grip.

"I hardly deserved that," Ominis says under his breath, and Riley stops holding him.

"You know what? When you stop with self-pity, let me know," There is no point talking to him right now. All of her excitement is gone as well. Hopefully, Sebastian is having a better time, possibly heading for the Common Room to celebrate. Maybe tomorrow she can talk to them both. Handling Ominis in this mood is usually a two-person job.

Not waiting for Ominis to say anything else, Riley leaves the Undercroft. For some reason, she is now in a bad mood too. It's like all of his frustration has been transferred to Riley. But she has a better reason for it. Maybe she can keep this between her and Professor Hecat only.

To Riley's surprise, the other two annoyed voices are heading her way before she reaches the staircase leading to the DADA classroom. And she recognizes them. It's Professors Hecat and Sharp. Holding her breath and casting Disillusionment, Riley tries to position herself better to hear them and see them. There seems to be no one else around.

"This is a very selfish decision from your side, Dinah," Sharp sounds more dangerous than usual. This is not his usual voice. This is the voice of someone who is properly angry.

"Educate me how," Professor Hecat says with an ease in her voice.

"She is not your guinea pig. You cannot just use her to fulfil your own ambitions. She's been through enough. Her mind is frail. Her memory is damaged. You should be trying to help her not to break her more. All of those talks about it being research to help you both understand it's not what it is and you know it. She's not a sacrificial lamb. She needs someone to guide her to understand instead of experimenting on her. There is so much darkness in her past you can't imagine. I saw bits and pieces of it. I got a glimpse of it. You know me, I beat goblins easily, but even I was terrified after seeing what she's been through. You may pretend you don't know, but you are fully aware Gaunts are after her. And I'm not sure if this will make her stronger. It really seems you're doing this just for your own ambition. You know more than me what kind of experiments they do in the Department of Mysteries and I know you will be there to oversee, but still, this does not feel right." Sharp says and the voices get muffled by the door closing. Without hesitation, Riley sprints towards the door to hear better. This is, after all, about her. She has the right to know.

"I know what I'm doing. She knows what she's up to. This is purely to learn more about ancient magic. And since when did you get so protective over her? It seems like she's not that little nuisance to you anymore," Professor Hecat says in a calm, conversational voice.

"Someone needs to care about her. Someone needs to have her best interest in their mind and it seems like it's not you anymore." Sharp says in the same voice as before.

"I understand your concerns, but they are not justified. May the reason be you are getting more fond of her, Aesop?" Professor Hecat asks.

"You can keep changing the topic, but I'm on to you, Dinah," Sharp scoffs.

"You are more than welcome to join us if it gives you peace of mind," Riley is listening to the conversation. "My intentions are clear."

"Are you implying mine are not?" Sharp scoffs again and Riley is listening so intently that she has not noticed Ominis is right behind her, listening as well, his face even paler than usual.

"I am just a bit worried your trip to her mind had something more to do with your mission to solve the mystery of Solomon's death rather than helping Riley," Professor Hecat says. "Let it go, Aesop. You know more than everyone else he was not the most caring and understanding uncle."

"You can't be seriously telling me that Solomon deserved to die, possibly by the hand of his own nephew," Sharp's voice is getting colder and colder.

"No. But I think there is more to the story than we all know. Now, how about we part ways for today, I have a Common Room full of excited students possibly sneaking out to either Slytherin's Common Room, Beauxbatton's little mansion on wheels, or Durmstrang's little cave enclosure. If you have time, I would recommend a visit there. Near the lake. That is some next-level enchantment their Headmistress used," Professors voices turn back to polite ones, and it is merely a conversation now instead of a heated argument.

"May have a look. Now, I will finally go and get some rest. I don't envy Ronen, he is not going to have a good night tonight. Slytherins are prone to breaking rules at all times but with Sallow as their Champion..." Sharp laughs and Professor Hecat joins him.

"Let's see if mine ones are smart enough not to get caught," Professor Hecat says and their footsteps are heading towards eavesdropping Riley and Ominis.

"Come on before we get caught!" Ominis whispers behind Riley which gives her a good scare and she jumps a little. Before she can regain her composure, Ominis finds her cloak and drags her back to the Undercroft.

"Ominis, how long have you been there?" Riley asks when they are safe and no longer under the Disillusionment Charm.

"All the time. I went after you right away. Why didn't you tell me what was going on? You let me blabber on about something so unimportant when you should've just told me! What experiments? Why the Department of Mysteries? What is going on with Hecat and Sharp and you?" Ominis is visibly upset and Riley gives him a very cold stare.

"That was the whole purpose of us going here. You were the one in the mood, feeling sorry for yourself. I've tried so hard but you just kept rambling on. Don't blame this on me," Riley sticks her finger in front of his face, which makes Ominis smirk as he stands back a bit. He can feel the danger.

"Seems like everything is my fault lately," Ominis' voice turns bitter and Riley takes another step closer, while he steps back.

"Ominis, for Merlin's sake! Either let me talk or go find Sebastian and I talk to both of you later!" Riley bellows and it feels like she can see and hear all the cogs in his head turning, trying to figure out the better option.

"Of course, I want to know. And I want to be there for you. And I'm sorry for earlier. Now please, stop the suspense and tell me what is happening," Ominis says in a calmer voice and takes Riley by surprise a bit. Did he really just apologise?

"Very well then. Let me start at the beginning. I have absolutely zero intentions to become a Curse-breaker or an Auror. I want to follow in Professor Hecat's footsteps and become Unspeakable. She said I have an aptitude, but as she is very busy, she has appointed Sharp to help me out a bit, as he used to work with a few Unspeakables before and knows what is required. He's been helping me with Memory Charms, thanks to you and your intrusion during that Anne and Garreth incident," Riley starts to talk and gives Ominis another cold stare before she completely loops him in and explains everything. As she continues, Ominis' face is unreadable. It is only after she's done that his brows furrow a bit.

"Why would you want to be an Unspeakable? They are like Gaunts of the Ministry," Ominis says carefully, making sure there is enough space between them. "No one knows what they do, and no one really likes them. They acknowledge their power and contribution but try and keep their distance from what I've heard."

"They are just researchers with occasionally questionable methods," Riley shrugs. She is not really bothered by what he said. If being an Unspeakable results in people leaving her alone and keeping their distance, it's only a win. Maybe she can finally study and do some reading instead of being dragged into goblins' rebellions and repositories and ex-professors in a hidden Chamber under the castle and Ashwinders and all the other stuff she's never signed up for.

"On second thought, I think you will be a perfect fit," Ominis smirks and Riley laughs.

"I will take that as a compliment. Now, let's get to the worst bit of the story," Riley says and Ominis' face falls a bit again.

Explaining everything she's been doing, especially unsuccessfully controlling her emotions and trying to stay under the radar, it seems Ominis finally understands the severity of the situation.

"So they started to evaluate you already. You can be out before you even apply?" Ominis asks, making sure he understands correctly.

"Yes. And that brings me to you, and especially Sebastian making sure all the attention is there, not on me," Riley smiles as there is a massive smirk on Ominis' face.

"I'm sure he will have no problem with that. But now, more pressing matter. What did that conversation between Sharp and Hecat mean?" Ominis asks and Riley knows exactly what he's talking about.

"I'm as confused as you are. I think we should wait for Sebastian, explain the situation to him, and then try and figure out what those two were talking about. As he once said, three heads are better than one," Riley says and tries to sound as serious as possible, but there is a smirk on both of their faces.

"Don't you start as well," Ominis shakes his head in pretended disappointment.

The Common Room seems less busy than usual, but when Riley enters the dorms, there is no one. No Erin, no Samantha, no one. Are they possibly with Ollie, celebrating? They seem to be getting close in those few days. If they are, Riley is taking full credit for it.

Lying down in bed, she searches her bag for the Parchment to see if Sebastian tried to contact her. To her pleasant surprise, there is something written on it.

Riley, Ominis told me a bit about what you've been through. As much as I would love to have you here, I understand it is not the best idea. I will talk to you tomorrow. Can't wait to see you and celebrate properly.

Reading the parchment, there is a redness spreading through her cheeks. Celebrate properly? She is definitely up to whatever that means. Now just to get rid of Ominis for the time being. Which is not an easy task, as she needs to discuss the situation with both of them. At the same time.

When the excitement from the message fades, Riley finds herself lying on the bed, trying to analyze the conversation she's overheard. Does Sharp really care about her? Why? And what did he mean by Hecat's intentions? It almost sounded like they both thought the other one was using her. Are they? Are any of them using her? Or do both of them just care about her? No one really cares about her. Maybe except for Sebastian and Ominis. Why would those two care? She is just a student and mentee to them. Why does she feel like all of it is getting more personal? It is a very new and foreign concept to her. Is Sharp really being protective of her? After that disastrous Occlumency and Legilimency lesson? How? Why? What is she missing? It feels like there is a puzzle piece that would bring it all together. But what, or who, could that be? And why would Gaunts be after her?

She really needs to sleep on it all, and possibly get her little Pensieve to go through it all again, making sure all the details are remembered correctly.

In The Shadow Of Chaos - Miya_dono - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.